Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 16, 2024  |  0 Comments

About one in four Americans reported having changed religions or denominations over their lifetime, according to a recent study released by PRRI. For this report, PRRI examined the rate of religious churning, or the number of Americans who report that “they were previously a follower or practitioner of a different religious tradition or denomination than [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 15, 2024  |  0 Comments

Seventy two percent of Americans believe America is either the greatest or one of the greatest countries in the world, according to a recent Pew research study. After all, we have the freedom to elect our own leaders, enjoy free speech, access resources to help us thrive, and worship as we please — liberties we [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 15, 2024  |  0 Comments

Somewhere between the ages of 7 and 13, Catholic children typically go through a major rite of passion known as Confirmation. A major event within the Catholic church, confirmation is the official event where previously baptized children (many of whom were baptized as infants) make the personal commitment to be Catholic and are officially welcomed [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 14, 2024  |  0 Comments

You may have heard claims that Bible prophecies that came true were written after the fact. While that may or may not be the case, it’s hard to dismantle some predictions that came true almost to the letter. Humans can’t foretell the future, but they can make predictions, and if they’re lucky, these predictions may [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 14, 2024  |  0 Comments

Is your marriage going through a tough season right now? Maybe you feel like you’re barely holding on by a thread, and you’re not sure how much longer you can take it. Maybe you’re wondering if God will ever come through for you, or if you’ll have to live like this forever. It can be [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 13, 2024  |  0 Comments

If you could go back in time and change the past, would you? Are there any mistakes you would avoid or missed opportunities you would take advantage of, if only you could have a do-over? Or would you be too worried to change anything, for fear that the butterfly effect could irreparably damage your life [Continue Reading]