Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 12, 2024  |  0 Comments

Do you have any small, even irrational, things that make you angry? It seems like everyone has something. Recently, on a popular social media platform, one user asked, “What makes you the most angry?” While many of the answers were along the lines of what you would expect, several people also shared things you might [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 11, 2024  |  0 Comments

While the Christian church says that it wants to be known as a place that is open and welcoming to all, unfortunately, there are times when (rightly or wrongly) people are no longer welcome. Typically, this isn’t an issue for someone who simply wants to attend quietly. Take a strong controversial stance as a leader, [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 11, 2024  |  0 Comments

Ask 100 different Christians for a comprehensive list of things “good Christians” should and shouldn’t do, and you’re likely to get 100 different answers. This is because, while the Bible is crystal clear on some thoughts and behaviors, more often than not, it leaves a lot of room for interpretation. As a result, it’s incredibly [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 10, 2024  |  0 Comments

Do you secretly judge other people for their annoying behaviors?  We all do it sometimes, whether we’re willing to admit it or not. Sometimes, people can be annoying, self-centered, and rude, and we all have our own personal opinions and preferences on what types of behaviors are or are not acceptable, whether in public or [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 10, 2024  |  0 Comments

April is National Couple Appreciation Month!  While this might seem like a silly made-up holiday or a chance for greeting card companies to make more money, the fact is that it’s also a terrific opportunity to be a little extra intentional in your relationship. Now is the perfect time to take stock of how things [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 9, 2024  |  0 Comments

Nobody’s perfect. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to be the best parents we possibly can. If we’re being honest, all of us — even really great parents — have room for improvement somewhere. The best way to be a better parent? Figure out where you’re falling short and come up with a plan [Continue Reading]