Ready to Enjoy Consistent Time in God's Word?

Take the 21-Day Bible Reading Challenge!

Brittany holding her opened Bible

Tell me if this sounds like you: You wish you could read your Bible more, but it doesn't happen as often as you'd like. Between working, taking care of the kids, and keeping up with the laundry, you're simply too busy, too tired, or too distracted... (Sound familiar?)

Friend, you deserve to enjoy time in God's Word! You deserve a quiet moment to yourself, where you can reconnect with God and be reminded of how much He loves you.

And honestly, your family NEEDS you to have this time too... So you can be the amazing Christian wife and mother God created you to be -- not the grouchy, overwhelmed momma who yells more often than she'd like to admit. 

The good news is: You CAN truly enjoy consistent time in God's Word -- no matter how busy you are. Join the 21-Day Bible Reading Challenge today, and let me show you how. 

Here's How it Works

21 Day Bible Reading Challenge Bundle

Don't worry--I know you're BUSY. So we're keeping things simple, easy, and fun. 

🌺 As soon as you sign up, you'll receive your FREE Quiet Time Planning Guide. With 3 helpful worksheets, 5 pretty printables, and loads of encouragement, this short and sweet guide will help you discover the PERFECT Quiet Time for you.

🌺 You'll receive short Bible study prompts each day for the next 21 days. Each daily email contains the Scripture verses for you to read, a short daily prompt, and a fun surprise to reward you for completing each day. ?

*Daily emails too much? While most people find them a helpful reminder, you can easily switch to weekly recaps at any time. 

🌺 You'll ALSO have the opportunity to join a group of amazing Christian women who can encourage you and hold you accountable as you complete this challenge. This group is completely optional, but definitely helpful!

So, are you up for the challenge? I'd love to help you enjoy your time in God's Word. Simply enter your name and email below!