Terms and Conditions

Here at Equipping Godly Women®, we make it our mission to challenge, encourage and equip Christian women to grow in faith and family. It’s a big task, but we’re excited for the opportunity! On this page, you can learn more about some of the behind-the-scenes processes we use to keep this website up and running, and what they mean for you.

By using this website, you are agreeing that you have read, understand, and will abide by all of the rules, terms, and conditions as set forth below. If you have any questions, please email us directly before proceeding.

Ownership Information

Equipping Godly Women Ministries, LLC (dba Equipping Godly Women®) is owned and operated by Brittany Ann under Indiana state law (with operating help from a small team of independent contractors).

Equipping Godly Women is not affiliated with or a member of any specific religious denomination, and it does not have an outside board, shareholders, or investors it reports to. There are no known conflicts of interest.

Mission Statement

The purpose of Equipping Godly Women is to provide biblically-accurate information and encouragement to help busy Christian moms find simple, practical ways to live out their faith so that they can enjoy a strong faith and a close family — without all the guilt and overwhelm. You can learn more about Equipping Godly Women here.

Terms of Use

All information on this site should be used for general informational purposes only. It is subject to change at any time without notice as we regularly add, update, and remove content to provide a better user experience.

While we try to keep the information on this website up-to-date, content on the site may be or become outdated, inaccurate, or no longer relevant. Any product claim, statistic, price, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

Furthermore, while we take great care to provide information that is as Biblically accurate, helpful, and trustworthy as possible, we are not trained pastors, priests, theologians, medical professionals, or trained counselors, and we don’t know your unique situation. You are encouraged to seek additional sources such as pastors, priests, trained counselors and trusted Godly friends for additional advice, opinions, and insights.

*Please see the Copyright Policy below for additional information on Equipping Godly Women and it’s content, design, and materials may or may not be used, reproduced, or distributed legally. Unauthorized use of this website and its materials may result in legal action.

Use of Equipping Godly Women outside of Indiana does not constitute a business partnership.

We are not responsible for any information included on sites we share or link to, as this information can change at any time without notice and without our control.

We reserve the right to block individuals from Equipping Godly Women or its associated accounts at any time for any reason.

Disclosure Policy

Because running a website this size is surprisingly expensive and time-consuming, we do receive income from sources including but not limited to paid advertising, sponsorships, affiliate commissions, and sales of products and services.

This income helps cover the many costs of running this site, including but not limited to website hosting, email marketing, product creation and delivery, advertising expenses, and income for Brittany Ann and her team.

We seek to disclose all paid advertising, sponsorships, and affiliate commissions clearly and conspicuously. If you have any questions about potential conflicts of interest or payments, please email us for clarification.

Equipping Godly Women donates 10% of all profits to non-profits we love, including Compassion International, Cure.org, Mercy House Global, Hope International, and more.


This site is affiliated with CMI Marketing, Inc., d/b/a Raptive (“Raptive”) for the purposes of placing advertising on the Site, and Raptive will collect and use certain data for advertising purposes. To learn more about Raptive’s data usage, click here: https://raptive.com/creator-advertising-privacy-statement.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

While the compensation we receive from promoting various products, services and websites may influence the direction and content of this site, the views and opinions on this site are our own and always will be, regardless of payment or sponsorship. Our readers’ trust is very important to us, and we will only personally recommend products and services that we would recommend to a dear friend.

Affiliate Links

This site contains affiliate links, a special type of link that allows us to earn a commission on the products or services we recommend at no additional cost to you. When you click on an affiliate link, it places a cookie on your computer. This cookie lets the company we are referring you to know we referred you. If you make a purchase after clicking an affiliate link on our site, we may receive a portion of the sale.

This simple and extremely common practice helps cover the many costs of running this site while keeping the majority of the content free for you. For more information on how our site uses tracking cookies, please see our privacy policy below.

Privacy Policy

Here at Equipping Godly Women, your privacy and trust are very important to us. While we do track some basic information about you and your browsing behavior while on this site, you can rest assured that we collect this information only to analyze site performance, provide you with a better user experience, serve ads that are relevant to your needs, and help us make better content decisions going forward.

We only work with third-party providers we trust to keep all our data safe, and we never, ever sell any of your personal information.

How we collect information and the types of information we collect: 

  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a popular web analytics service we use to track general trends in traffic and website performance. It provides us with lots of great analytics information we use to create a site you’ll love, such as which posts are receiving the most traffic and where our traffic is coming from. While this does put a cookie on your computer, it does not store ANY personally identifying information about you. Just overall trends that can’t be tied to a certain user. If you are not comfortable with Google collecting demographic information about you, Google does provide the option to opt-out of Google tracking here.
  • Facebook Pixel: Equipping Godly Women also uses the Facebook pixel so we can show you Facebook and/or Instagram ads about new products, services, or freebies we think you’ll be interested in. This also places a cookie on your computer, but it doesn’t give us any personally identifying information about you. We may also upload your name and email to Facebook to reach you with ads. You can learn more about Facebook tracking, adjust your preferences or opt-out altogether in your Facebook ad preferences.
  • Email Sign-Ups: If you choose to sign up by email, we will have access to your IP address along with other information you provide, such as your name, email, and what forms you opted into. We also “tag” users based on the links you click in order to provide emails that are customized to your preference. For example, you have the option to opt out of parenting emails and certain promotions. Unsubscribing does not delete your info from our system, but we would be happy to delete your info from our email service provider upon request.
  • Comment Boxes, Giveaways and Surveys: If you choose to leave a comment on this site, enter a giveaway or answer a survey, we only collect basic information such as your IP address and/or browser information, plus any information you provide. We use this information to serve you better (by answering your questions in comment boxes or writing content around the most common survey answers, for example).
  • Product Purchases:  We store only basic information as needed to complete your transaction, including but not limited to your name, email address, physical address (if provided), IP address and purchase details.
  • Ads. Some of the ads we run may collect non-personal information, such as IP address and websites viewed. You can block all third-party cookies in your browser settings. However, this is likely to negatively impact your user experience across the web as a whole.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, you’d like a complete list of the data we have for you, you’d like to opt out, or if you would like us to erase all of your data in our systems, please email us and let us know how we can help.

You have the right to reject and/or opt out of all cookies on this website at any time.

Editorial Policy

Equipping Godly Women is committed to upholding high standards of journalism and professionalism.

Editorial Process: All Equipping Godly Women content is planned, written, edited, and fact checked by talented writers under the guidance and direction of Brittany Ann. All of our writers have personal experience with Christianity, understand the nuances well, and agree to adhere to strict editorial guidelines.

Accuracy: All of our articles are fact-checked against multiple sources, using the Bible as the primary source when applicable.

We take great care to make sure information is up-to-date, factual, well-supported, and free of bias throughout the writing and editing process. Our goal is not to tell you what to believe, but to present accurate, comprehensive information so you can make an informed decision.

For issues where Christians commonly disagree, we are careful to make a distinction between straightforward biblical truth and the unique beliefs of individuals or groups.

Originality: While our research typically includes reading multiple sources, plagiarism and/or spinning content are strictly prohibited. If we share helpful information from another site, we will give conspicuous credit with a link back to the original source.

Ethics: Diversity and inclusion are important to us. While Equipping Godly Women is primarily written for Christians, ALL are welcome here. We do not tolerate or engage in discrimination, hate speech, or producing content designed to be misleading, inflammatory, or clickbait.

Outside Influence: We rarely produce sponsored content, but if and when we do, all sponsored content is clearly disclosed. Otherwise, all content is based on what we believe will be most helpful to our readers based on our own knowledge and insights, questions we receive, relevant current events, and data showing which topics are most popular.

AI Policy

All content on Equipping Godly Women is and has always been written, edited, fact checked, published, and maintained by real humans who take pride in providing helpful, encouraging, and accurate information.

We may use AI for:

  • Brainstorming new content ideas, headlines, or angles
  • Checking spelling, grammar, or reading level (ex: Grammarly)

We do not use AI for: 

  • Researching information
  • Writing articles
  • Verifying facts
  • Producing or sourcing images or artwork

Furthermore, we never share any client or reader information with ChatGPT, Bard, or any other AI chatbots.

Copyright Information

All content (both written and visual) on the Equipping Godly Women website is the sole property of Equipping Godly Women Ministries, LLC and may not be duplicated, copied, modified, or adapted in any way in part or in whole without written permission from Brittany Ann or a team member acting on Brittany Ann’s behalf. The only exceptions are Bible verses, which we typically obtain from BibleGateway, and other quotes, whose sources will be identified in the post.

You may quote a short passage of text provided you include a conspicuous link back to the original web page, and the quotation is not presented in a way that changes the context or meaning. You are also welcome to link to articles from your own website, and sharing on social media is encouraged and appreciated, provided you include a conspicuous link back to the original web page.

If you’d like to include more than one paragraph of text on your website, church bulletin, on a print-out or in any format, please email us for permission first.

Printable worksheets, PDFs, ebooks, and all other downloadable files are for personal use only. You are welcome to save and print as many copies as you’d like for your own personal use, but you may not share or distribute with others without our written permission.

All images on this blog were either taken by me, purchased from stock photo sites, or downloaded from online images databases with permission.

You may use images from the Equipping Godly Women website ONLY to share our posts or promote our products via social media, and you must always include a conspicuous link back to the original source. You may not copy, save, edit, distribute, print, or attempt to sell any images, pictures or printables from this site for any reason without first receiving written permission from me. We are generally happy to have any EGW posts included in round-ups, but please obtain permission if you will be using any images.

*We at Equipping Godly Women are not responsible for the republishing of content found on this site on other websites or media without our permission, and others’ use of Equipping Godly Women content with or without permission does not grant or imply permission for you to use the content of this website without permission as well. 

If you believe we have published content (written or visual) that belong to you, please email us directly with proof of ownership, and we will remove the material within 24 business hours.

Comment Policy

All opinions are welcome here, as long as they are respectful and/or edifying. Friendly debates are welcomed, but comments that are mean, hateful, malicious or spammy will be deleted as soon as we see them and without notice.

If you leave a comment on this site, you may receive an email letting you know when your comment has a reply.

All comments left on this site, any Equipping Godly Women social media account or emailed to the site become property of the site and may be reprinted in part or in whole.

Comments on the site or on our social media platforms are created by independent third parties and may or may not reflect the views of the site or its owner.

Contact Us

Have questions, comments, or concerns? Found inaccurate or out-of-date information you’d like to bring to our attention?

Please email our team at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

We reply to all legitimate emails within normal business hours. (Spam emails will not receive a response.)

*This disclosure policy has been adapted with permission from Disclosurepolicy.org. All of the above information is subject to change at any time and without notice. 

last updated: May 2024