Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 26, 2024  |  0 Comments

Being a parent can be a thankless, tiring job.  Not only do you have the stresses of pregnancy, the hospital bills, and sleepless nights, and the never-ending chores, but you’re also responsible for making sure your brand new baby grows up to be a wonderful, productive member of society. Thankfully, the benefits far outweigh the [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 26, 2024  |  0 Comments

For years, the latest statistics have told a sad story: People are leaving the church in droves. Nearly 19% of Americans reported giving up their childhood religious identity to become religiously unaffiliated (Atheist, Agnostic, or Nothing in Particular) as adults. By comparison, only 3% of Americans who grew up religiously unaffiliated later joined a religion. [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 23, 2024  |  0 Comments

Despite the fact that there are approximately one billion Protestant Christians located all across the world, the rest of the world doesn’t always fully understand them. It’s easy to see why… Protestants are a very diverse group with some strange and even contradictory beliefs between the different denominations. Recently, on a popular social platform, someone [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 23, 2024  |  0 Comments

It’s wonderful and highly commendable when Christians take their faith seriously. As believers, we should make our faith our number one priority, putting Christ above all else. However… sometimes it’s possible to take things just a little too far, completely missing the point of the Gospel in our endless quest to make sure we follow [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 22, 2024  |  0 Comments

Despite the fact that nearly all Americans have attended school themselves, send their children to school, or know at least one teacher, the vast majority of the general public doesn’t really understand what’s it like to be a public school teacher today.  What challenges are public school teachers facing? What resources do they have to [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 22, 2024  |  0 Comments

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, even if those beliefs are unpopular or uncommon.  However, some beliefs are far more controversial than others. While you likely won’t receive much hate for saying you prefer chocolate over vanilla, admitting to certain religious beliefs can easily cost you your relationships, social status, or job opportunities. Christianity [Continue Reading]