About Equipping Godly Women

Equipping Godly Women is a non-denominational Christian lifestyle site that provides busy moms with the practical advice, resources, and encouragement they need to enjoy a strong faith and a close family — without all the guilt and overwhelm.

We aren’t here to preach at you, shame you, interpret the Bible for you, hold you up to an impossible standard, or insist you have to believe exactly like we do. (That’d be silly.)

Instead, think of us like your big sister in the faith. Your cheerleader. Your coach. Your mentor. Your overly enthusiastic friend who can’t wait to cheer you on (but will absolutely give you a kick in the pants when needed). Not your pastor or therapist.

Our mission? To inspire, challenge, encourage, and equip you to live out YOUR God-given calling with joy.

What do you need to grow in faith and family? We’re here to share the resources, information, tips, and advice we’ve found helpful – so you can make the right choices for you and your family in this season.

We’re a community of Jesus-loving Christian women committed to growing in faith and family, and we believe:

  • Christianity isn’t meant to be boring or stuffy. It’s an exciting adventure with the God of the Universe!
  • God LOVES us. He knows what He’s doing. And His way is always best… even when it doesn’t make sense.
  • There are countless ways to be a good Christian woman, wife, and mother. We aren’t all the same.
  • Rules do matter. But when we prioritize rules over an actual relationship, we completely miss the point. 
  • Yes, there is one objective Truth. But, as flawed humans, we’re all probably off a little somewhere.
  • God calls, equips, and inspires us differently – and that’s beautiful. Figure out what works for YOU!
  • We’re all on a lifelong journey. No one is perfect, and no one has it all figured out. We’re all still learning.
  • We each have a sacred duty to use our God-given gifts, talents, and abilities to love and serve others.

Meet Brittany Ann

Founder of Equipping Godly Women

Meet Brittany Ann, Founder of Equipping Godly Women. 

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of both Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host.

Brittany Ann founded Equipping Godly Women in August 2014 as a creative outlet, a way to help provide for her family, and a way to encourage Christian moms with practical, biblical tips and advice.

Since then, Equipping Godly Women has grown into a popular Christian Living website that reaches millions of women in nearly every country of the world with articles, podcasts, and conferences.

Brittany Ann’s work has also been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Ready to Get Started?

Whether you’re looking for specific answers, inspiration and encouragement, or a vibrant community of Jesus-loving women, you’ll find it all right here!

Official Statement of Belief

Regarding: The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. It was written to help us know God, understand His will for our lives, attain salvation, and love others well.

As faithful Christians, we have a responsibility to read, study, and understand God’s Word accurately so we can live according to its commands to the best of our ability.

Yet, while the Bible is inerrant, our human understanding is not. In addition to studying the Bible for ourselves, we also need to consult additional resources and learn in a diverse community of believers who will challenge, correct, and strengthen our beliefs.

Regarding: The Trinity

We believe in one God (the Christian God), who exists in three persons: God, the Father; Jesus, the Son; and the Holy Spirit. He always has been and always will be.

Because God created the Universe and everything in it, He knows how it works best, even when his rules don’t make sense to us. His plan is always for our good.

Jesus was truly born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died for our sins, and rose from the dead to free us from sin and death. Now, as believers, the Holy Spirit continually works in our hearts to instruct us, guide us, and empower us to love God and others.

Regarding: Salvation

We believe God offers everyone the free gift of salvation. However, as human beings with free will, we have the choice to accept or reject God’s perfect will for our lives.

We absolutely cannot earn our salvation (it’s a free gift from God), but we know that a true, living faith will naturally produce good works. If we aren’t growing in love for God and others or producing spiritual fruit, we may not be the Christians we think we are.

We seek to obey God’s will for our lives out of love and gratitude, not out of a sense of striving, trying to “measure up,” or trying to earn God’s love, approval, or favor.

Regarding: Marriage

We believe God intended marriage to be a lifelong, unbreakable covenant between one man and one woman, where both love, honor, respect, and submit to each other.

However, life is not a fairy tale, humans have free will, sin is real, and there are times when boundaries, separation, and even divorce are biblical, wise, and necessary.

We cannot control our husbands. (They have free will.) But we do have a responsibility to God, our husbands, our children, and ourselves to do everything within our power to seek God above all, love well, and live above reproach, no matter what others do.

Regarding: Parenting

We believe children are a gift from God, and as their parents, we have a responsibility to raise them well. This includes explicitly teaching them about God, modeling the Christian life for them, and making sure they have godly mentors and influences.

This does not mean we should put our children in a protective bubble. Kids should learn about the “real world” in appropriate ways under the guidance of their parents.

No parent or child is perfect, and God doesn’t expect us to be. Families provide the training ground kids need to grow in love, faith, compassion, and service to others.

Regarding: Work and Home

We believe God calls and equips us all uniquely, and no calling is more valuable than another. Whether you’re an accomplished career woman, a mom of multiples, loving the single life, or anything else, your mission field is right where God has placed you.

As Christians, we have a sacred responsibility to identify, nurture, and use our God-given gifts and talents in the service to others — not to shrink in fear and play it small.

There are few things in life more God-honoring than fully living out who God called and uniquely created you to be. And few things in life more devastating to miss out on.

Regarding: Community

We believe God created believers to live in community. This includes regular church attendance, meeting with other godly women, serving others, and making disciples.

We NEED others’ wisdom, advice, and perspective to help us make wise life choices. We need to be challenged, encouraged, and held accountable for living our faith well. And we need to share this same wisdom, advice, and perspective with others in need.

However, we are under no obligation to “light ourselves on fire to keep others warm.” There are times when setting limits and boundaries is necessary and appropriate.

What People Are Saying

What People Are Saying

“Thank you sooooo much for this!! You don’t even know the battle I’ve been fighting for 6 months now or constant worrying and fear of everything! I’ve been trying so hard to pray through it and this post helped me so much!! Thank you for sharing your heart!!!”

–Katie, EGW Reader

“Thank you so much for your email. You have been very encouraging and gave me a lot of things to think about/do. I really appreciate the time you took to do this. I have no doubt that God sees all that you do and have done and smiles. I know that I am not the only one but you truly have helped me, through your website and through your emails, and I very much appreciate it.”

–Julia, EGW Reader

“Just wanted to send you a quick thank you and keep up the good work. Again your messages are right on time. I have been battling many obstacles this season and feeling lonely but you have helped me to keep my focus on God even when I feel down.”

–Anissa, EGW Reader

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