The Equipping Godly Women Podcast
The Equipping Godly Women Podcast, hosted by 8x Christian author Brittany Ann, is designed to help busy Christian moms create a strong faith and a close family they love — without all the guilt and overwhelm.
In this podcast, we dive deep into what it really means to be a committed follower of Christ, practical strategies for living our faith as Christian women today, and so much more.
After all — Jesus didn’t call us to be lukewarm, half-hearted followers of him. He didn’t call us to follow him only when it’s easy, convenient, or drama-free. He calls us to be ALL IN! And that’s what this podcast is all about.
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Past Equipping Godly Women Episodes

How to Be a Godly Woman (3 Characteristics to Have)
Want to be a Godly Woman? Here’s what that looks like… (Hint: it’s not what popular culture tells us it looks like…) You need these 3 things…

How to Read the Bible (For Beginners)
Do you ever wish that you could read your Bible more but you feel a little intimidated, worried, or you don’t know where to start? Let’s get started!

Making Time for God (No Matter How Busy You Are)
Is making time for God a struggle for you? You can find time to make God the #1 priority in your life. This video will show you exactly how to do that!

How to Get More Rest with Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith
Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith shares what real rest does/does not look like, the 7 types of rest all Christian women need, and how we can all make time for it!

Fighting Porn Addiction with Jen Ferguson
Jen Ferguson shares her story of battling her husband’s porn addiction, along with tons of practical help and encouragement for wives.

Brave Moms, Brave Kids with Lee Nienhuis
Lee Nienhuis shares how raising brave, kingdom warrior kids starts with being brave moms ourselves–and how to do just that.

Fight Fear and Negative Thought Patterns
Do you ever struggle with fear, hopeless thoughts, or feeling like you’re not good enough? Learn what it means to be “battle ready”!

Losing a Child, Finding God with Kim Erickson
Kim Erickson shares how clinging to God’s promises got her through her darkest times, and how we can do the same. So emotional and inspiring!

Ask Me Anything! (Special Podcast Edition)
You asked, I answered! Here’s my advice for dealing with worry, finding friends, bringing others to Jesus, and responding to others as a Christian!

Are You Too Controlling? (Here’s How to Fix It)
Are you too controlling? Unfortunately, many Christian wives and mothers are. Learn why this is true, and get some tips for how to fix it.

How to Give Your Kids a Faith That Lasts
An incredible 60-75% of children walk away from their Christian faith after graduation. Here are some great tips for giving your kids a faith that lasts!

Should You Confront Friends or Family Making Poor Choices?
When we have friends and family making choices we don’t agree with, it can be hard to know what to do. Here are some tips for how to respond.

How to Share the Gospel (Without Being Weird)
Do you want to be more bold in sharing the Gospel with others, but don’t want to come off as weird or pushy? Here’s what you need to know.

How to Overcome Past Hurts and Hang-Ups
We’ve all been hurt in the past, and most of the time, it isn’t a huge deal. But what happens when the hurt is so bad we can’t just move on?

When Everything’s Not Fine: We Need Community
Do you ever feel like you have to put on a “happy face” as a Christian and pretend everything is fine when it’s not? It’s time to stop pretending.

Parenting Teens With Confidence and Joy
Many parents dread the teen years. What if you could really enjoy the teen years as you raise your kids to be as amazing as God intended them to be?

How to Find Hope from Past Pain and Trauma
Many women are stuck dealing with past hurts and traumas. These are great tools and techniques to help them find hope and healing!

Caring for Others Without Neglecting Yourself
As Christian women, we’re really good at taking care of the people around us. What happens when we fail to take care of ourselves in the process?

How to Thrive as a Christian … Without Support
It can be really difficult to fully live out your faith when your friends and family aren’t believers as well. Today, I’m going to show you how to thrive.

Take Back Your Time With a Customized Routine
Do you feel like you have SO many things competing for your time on a daily basis? Learn how to take back your time with energy and enthusiasm!

Are You a Christian Perfectionist?
A lot of us don’t just want to be a GOOD wife, mom, or Christian. We want to be AMAZING at everything! Can you relate?

Creating a Mission-Minded Family
As Christian women, we have a serious responsibility to share the love of God with those in need. Here’s how you can create a mission-minded family!

Can Too Much Christian Positivity Hurt You?
Christian images and messages can be encouraging, but could they actually be holding you back, spiritually? Let’s stop putting a band-aid on the real issues.

Kids Misbehaving? Do These 8 Things!
Has your children’s behavior ever totally embarrassed you or made you wonder where you went wrong as a mother? Here are 8 things you can do!

Battling Body Image with Heather Creekmore
Heather Creekmore talks about why Christian women struggle with discontentment with their physical appearances – and how to find victory.

Loving Well in a Broken World
As Christians, we know that one of the greatest calls on our lives (other than loving God Himself), is to love others. But how do we do that? See here!

Overcoming Past Abuse to Find True Healing
Whether you have experienced sexual abuse or trauma in the past, know someone who has, or you simply want to be more informed, don’t miss this!

Does God See Me?
Do you ever feel so consumed by all your responsibilities of being a wife, mom, and taking care of a home that you feel like you’ve lost yourself?

Easing Racial Tensions through Open Conversation
Today we’re talking with Sharon Risher, all about the events of that horrible night as well as the racial inequalities that still happen every day in America.

Clinging to God’s Promises During Trials
We all go through trials and tough seasons sometimes. How will they impact your faith? Will you stand strong on God’s promises amidst uncertainty?

Creating a Grumble-Free Home
Does your children’s grumbling drive you CRAZY? If so, you aren’t alone. Tricia challenged her family to quit grumbling, and you can too!

Using Words that Encourage Our Families
Sharon Jaynes shares tons of practical tips and encouragement to help you use words that help build your children up, rather than tear them down.

Cultivating Genuine Intimacy in Marriage
Do you struggle with intimacy in your marriage? Shannon Ethridge shares some great tips on how to grow closer and more romantic with your spouse.

Chasing Wisdom with Daniel Grothe
In this interview, Daniel shares a TON of practical tips for how you can live a life of wisdom and how you can teach your children to live a life of wisdom as well.

Counter-Cultural Parenting with Lee Nienhuis
In today’s interview, we are talking about how to teach your kids good character, how to follow Jesus, and how we raise our kids to love Jesus.

Making A Difference Right Where You Are
In today’s interview, we are talking about how you can use the influence and impact that you have RIGHT where you are, where God has placed you.

The Powerful Purpose of Introverts with Holley Gerth
In today’s interview, Holley Gerth gives us all the practical tips and tricks about being an introvert… or loving the introverts in your life!

Standing Strong with Alli Worthington
Do you worry you’re not enough? Maybe you have doubts, fears, or worries. Whatever may be holding you back, you are stronger than you think!

No More Perfect Marriages with Jill Savage
Jill Savage takes us through her personal journey of her own marriage struggles. You will definitely want to take notes!

The Burden of Better with Heather Creekmore
Heather and I talk about the dangers of comparing ourselves to others and to an idealized version of ourselves. You’ll want to take notes!

Mom Fog with guest speaker Hanna Keeley
Hannah gets to the root of what it is to be “mom tired” and offers a step-by-step process to help moms be in-control, rested, and productive women.

Find Joy in 2020 with Shaunti Feldhahn
Shaunti Feldhahn focuses on eight key elements of finding joy truths that shine out from both science and scripture to help us find joy.

The Great Sex Rescue with Sheila Wray Gregoire
Sheila pulls back the curtain to expose the problematic teachings that wreck sex for so many couples — and the good teachings that fix it.

Talking with Your Kids about Jesus with Natasha Crain
Natasha shows us how to talk to our kids so they now how to defend themselves and their faith in this increasingly secular world.

Don’t Miss Out with Jeannie Cunnion
Join us today as Jeannie and I invite you to discover who the Holy Spirit is, what exactly He does, and why it matters SO much.

Reach Out, Gather In, and Make Their Day
In today’s interview, Karen shares some great tips on simple hospitality that teaches us how to connect with other women and love them well — (fancy house not necessary)!
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