Ready to be the Amazing Christian Woman God Created You to Be?

Do you ever wish you were a better Christian woman, wife, or mother, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to measure up?

You know you need to make a change, but you’re too busy, too tired, or too overwhelmed. You don’t know where to start or how to follow through. And now you feel stuck, guilty, or like a failure…

Thankfully, there’s a better way!


The Equipping Godly Women Membership Community

Get the mentorship, coaching, community, and accountability you need to be the amazing Christian woman God is calling you to be — all in one place!

Jen headshot

My faith has grown by leaps and bounds through this community.

The coaching from Brittany is genuine, heartfelt, and based on true, Biblical knowledge. And the support from the community members is refreshing, kind, and a Godsend in today’s online world!

–Jen, Equipping Godly Women Community Member

Watch the Video Above to Learn More About our Fun and helpful community

Cassie LeBrun

Since I have joined this community, I have grown closer to God and learned how to make being in God’s Word an absolute part of my day (even during busy seasons of life).

I started intentionally living better in the fruit of the Spirit, and even made great friends within this community!! The members and staff are absolutely amazing, caring, and compassionate women. True Warriors of God and for God!!!

–Cassie, Equipping Godly Women Community Member

Here’s What You Get

Create a Quiet Time You Love Course Page on Computer

1 Growing Course Library

As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive immediate access to our course library full of fun, practical, and inspiring courses on all sorts of real-life issues Christian women just like you deal with every day. See below for a full list of everything included!

Create a Consistent Quiet Time You Love Workbook worksheets

2 Printables and Action Sheets

This group isn’t just here to teach you information. I want you to put it into action to experience REAL life change! That’s why each course comes with printables and/or action sheets to help you implement everything you’re learning.

Giveaway Box

3 Monthly Challenges w/ Prizes

Ready to grow like never before? Each month we’ll be doing community-wide challenges (with prizes!) where we can challenge, encourage and equip each other to make small but radical changes to our day-to-day lives. The support is incredible!

Woman reading Bible

4 Daily Bible Reading Threads

Struggling to get in God’s Word consistently? Not anymore! Join our daily Bible reading threads to help hold yourself accountable, win awesome prizes, and dive deeper into Scripture than ever before.

Mom with girl and boy reading

5 Weekly Goal Setting Threads

Don’t just hope you grow in faith and family this year. Use the weekly goal setting threads to help you take consistent, focused baby steps toward your goals each week. We can’t wait to cheer you on!

group of Christian women

6 Active, Supportive Community

Ready to connect with a community of like-minded, AMAZING Christian women who are excited to challenge, encourage and support you as you reach for your goals? That’s exactly what you’ll find here!

Check out our Growing Course Library

With 18 courses and classes already available and more on the way, you’re sure to find just the right course for you.

  • Create a Consistent Quiet Time You Love (full-length course)
  • In-Depth Bible Study for Every Christian (full-length course)
  • Create Your Intentional Life Masterclass (full-length course)
  • Spiritual Warfare for Every Christian (full-length course)
  • How to Create Positive Habits that Stick
  • How to Take Every Thought Captive to Christ
  • Easy Ways to Deepen Your Relationships
  • Setting Biblical Boundaries
  • How to Manage Time Well While Stuck at Home
  • How to Fall in Love with God’s Word
  • How to Find More Peace and Joy in Your Day-to-Day
  • Systems and Routines for a More Organized, Calmer Start to the New Year
  • Your Quick Start Guide to Enjoying the Spiritual Discipline of Silence
  • How to Create Christian Friendships that Challenge and Inspire You
  • Strategies to Stay Motivated and End the Year Strong
  • How to Determine God’s Plan for Your Life
  • Pursuing Spiritual Disciplines God’s Way
  • Praying Prayers that Make a Difference

All courses are immediately available as soon as you sign up.
Work at your own pace, whenever it’s convenient for you!

Hi, I’m Brittany!

And I know exactly what you’re going through.

As a busy working mom of 4 (ages newborn through teenager!) and one puppy who needs constant attention, I KNOW how difficult it can be to find the time, energy, and motivation to make your faith the priority you know you should.

I know what it feels like to have 100 different things competing for your time and attention at any given minute. And how frustrating it is to feel like you can never measure up and never get ahead.

That’s why I created the Equipping Godly Women Membership community. To give you the community support, knowledge, advice, practical baby steps you need to be the AMAZING Christian woman God created you to be — without all the guilt and overwhelm.

To date, I’ve helped thousands of women all over the globe create a faith and family they LOVE. (It’s what I do and I love it!) Now, I want to help you as well!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Equipping Godly Women community is a monthly subscription so we can offer you ongoing, personalized support and attention. At the end of your 10-day trial period, you will automatically be charged 24.99 every 30 days until you cancel.

The courses are built and housed on Xperiencify. You will receive log-in information upon sign up. If you don’t see the email, you can also visit and click “forgot password” to reset your log-in information

You can access all of the courses without a Facebook account. However, you do need Facebook to participate in the daily Bible reading threads, weekly goal setting threads, community discussion, and monthly challenges and giveaways.

All of our classes are either hosted on YouTube (with YouTube built-in closed captioning) OR they come with full, printable transcripts so you can read, listen, or watch each lesson – whatever works best for you!

You can easily cancel your membership at any time for any reason using the link at the bottom of the confirmation email you receive upon signing up OR by simply emailing us to let us know you’d like to cancel.

Absolutely. If this membership wasn’t what you’d hoped, simply email us within 7 days of purchase and we’ll gladly refund your payment with no hassle and no drama. This applies to future payments as well. Simply email us within 7 days of any payment and let us know you’d like to refund your most recent payment.

Other questions?

Send us an email and we’ll get you taken care of right away.

We’re committed to making a BIG difference.

That’s why 10% of all profits go to charities we love!

Mercy House Global Logo
Compassion International Logo
Cure Logo

Ready to Get Started?

Get an entire library full of practical tips, helpful video trainings, and a supportive Christian community — all for one low monthly cost.

*Note: At the end of the trial period, you will automatically be charged $24.99 every 30 days until you cancel your subscription.
Our no-hassle guarantee: Easy, no-hassle cancellation at any time for any reason. We’re happy to provide refunds within 7 days of any purchase.
*Limit: One free trial per customer. Returning customers, we’re so happy to have you back! Please use this link to continue your membership.