Want to Raise Amazing, Godly Kids You Enjoy?

Learn proven, practical tips you can use today -- no matter how busy you are!

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or maxed out?

You're trying so hard to juggle working, scheduling appointments, helping with homework, signing permission slips, kissing ouches, and folding laundry... sometimes it's just too much. 

You know you should do more to encourage your children's faith, but who has the time or energy? And where would you even start? 

Friend, there's more to life than counting the minutes til bedtime. You don't have to settle for merely "surviving" the toddler or teenage years. And you don't have to feel guilty all the time.

You can be a peaceful, intentional mom who raises amazing, godly kids you enjoy. And you can make your faith an integral part of your daily life -- no matter how busy you are.

Your kids do have free will. There are no guarantees. But let's do our best to train them up.

That's why, in "Raise Amazing, Godly Kids You Enjoy," you'll learn simple, proven, practical tips you can use to raise great kids who love the Lord.

Tell Me If This Sounds Familiar...

When it comes to raising Godly kids, you might think:

❌ My kids are still little! I have plenty of time to worry about that later.

❌ I’d love to have family devotions every night, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day. 

❌ I've tried teaching my kids the Bible, but it's always a fight. They refuse to sit still.

❌ I would love to teach my kids, but I have no idea where to start. This is all new to me!

❌ My kids are facing so much pressure from school and friends, I don't know how to help them. 

❌ I feel like such a failure and a hypocrite. I can't teach my kids until I get my act together first.

Momma, NONE of these are true!

You CAN raise amazing, godly kids you truly enjoy. You just need a practical, doable system that works for YOU!

And that's exactly what you'll get in this course. (Read on to learn more.)

mom and daughter sitting together holding hands on porch

Introducing: The Brand New Course...

Raise Amazing, Godly Kids You Enjoy

Raising Amazing Godly Kids You Enjoy

Practical, effective, and perfect for busy moms, this comprehensive course has everything you need to raise and nurture amazing, godly kids - without sacrificing your sanity.

Here's What You Get:

Raise Godly Amazing Kids Lessons

19 Actionable Video Lessons

Hey, we get it! Your time is valuable and precious. That's why this course contains 19 short (but highly practical!) video lessons you can watch at your own pace, whenever you have a few minutes to spare. 

Raising Amazing Godly Kids Workbook

38-Page Printable Workbook

Get the most out of this jam-packed course with 38 pages of worksheets and printables. Perfect for keeping all your ideas and plans together so you can put your spiritual mentoring into action. 

Raising Amazing Godly Kids Video Trainings

5 Bonus Video Interviews

When you sign up for "Raise Amazing, Godly Kids You Enjoy" you ALSO get access to five bonus video interviews from six parenting experts you're sure to love!

Here's just a snapshot of what you'll learn... 

❤️ The #1 most important thing you can do to raise kids who love the Lord (Hint: It has nothing to do with them!)

❤️ How to determine your unique family values (and why you need to) 

❤️ Fun and easy ways to incorporate more prayer and Bible into your days (even if you're crazy busy) 

❤️ How to help your kids develop a genuine faith that lasts (through the teen years and beyond)

❤️ How to help your kids make wise life choices (and what to do when they don't)

❤️ And much, much more... 

Get everything you need to start raising amazing, godly kids -- all for only 34.99!

When It Comes To Parenting, There Are No Guarantees...

While you can't force your kids to make positive life choices, you can:

🌺   Teach your kids how to truly know God's Word and make their faith their own.  

🌺   Show them how to follow Jesus, walk obediently in His will, and demonstrate a life of spiritual growth.

🌺   Guide them to make wise and godly decisions about the media, friendships, and peer pressure. 

🌺   Demonstrate through your own faith (and failures) how to love Jesus and live in His grace.

The truth is: God has chosen YOU to raise your kids! 

Whether they are in diapers or finishing up high school, they can enjoy a strong relationship with God right now

And it all starts with you. 

Are you ready?

Brittany Ann, Equipping Godly Women

Hi, I'm Brittany!

And I know exactly what you're going through...

As a busy working mom of 3 elementary school aged children (and one puppy who needs constant attention), I KNOW how difficult it can be to find the time, energy, and motivation to be the amazing mom God created you to be.

I'm not perfect. My kids aren't perfect. You and your kids aren't perfect. And that's okay!

That's why I'm not here to shame you, hold you to an impossible standard, or ask you to overhaul your life. My goal is simply to provide you with quick, easy wins you'll enjoy. 

Whether you want to introduce your little ones to Jesus, you want to pray as a family, or you want to help your older kids stand strong in the faith, you'll find tons of practical tips here.

Let's figure out that works for your family. Why not start today?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What ages is this course best suited for?

This course is best suited for parents of children ages 0-15. While much of the advice included is still highly relevant to older kids, this course does not talk specifically about the unique challenges kids face as they prepare to enter college or the workforce. 

2. Does this course provide activities and resources?

In addition to the wealth of tips included throughout each of the four modules, I also share links to many of my favorite books, Bible studies, YouTube channels, seasonal activities, and more all throughout the course for your convenience. 

3. Do your videos include closed captions?

Yes! All of our videos include closed captions for those who prefer to read (or watch with the sound off) for whatever reason.

4. Do you have a money-back guarantee?

We always want you to be happy with any purchases you make. If this course wasn't what you'd hoped, simply email us within 7 days of purchase and we'll gladly refund your payment with no hassle and no drama.

Other Questions?

We're happy to help! Send us an email and we'll get you taken care of right away.

It's Time to Raise Your Amazing Kids God's Way

Let me show you how... 

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