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Your Life is Crazy Busy.

You genuinely want to spend time in God’s Word, in prayer, and in community with others, but who has the time? Between work, taking care of the kids, and keeping up with housework, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all! And even when you do have the time, you’re so tired you end up scrolling your phone instead.

busy family with toys

3 Quick Tips for You

You CAN enjoy time with God even in a busy season. These 3 quick tips will help:

  • Lower your expectations. Some seasons of life are busier than others, and that’s okay! Rather than feeling guilty that you can’t “do it all,” what is a goal you KNOW you can accomplish no matter how busy your day is — 5 minutes? 3 verses? 1 devotional? Start small and you can always add more later.
  • Choose a time. Rather than hoping you “get around to” time in God’s Word, choose a specific time that (usually) works for you. For example, while you’re brushing your teeth, eating lunch, or commuting home… Consistency builds habits (but have a back-up time too, just in case)!
  • Find a routine you’ll look forward to. Can’t sit and read the Bible with noisy kids in the background? Get creative! Listen to an audio Bible, read the Bible aloud while they color, or plop them in front of the TV for 10 minutes. Find a routine you truly enjoy, and you’ll be more likely to follow through.

3 Resources Hand-Picked Just for You

You don’t have to let a busy, chaotic life rob you from time in God’s Word. Here are a few resources that will help!

Create a Bible Routine You Love

Stop feeling guilty about not reading your Bible enough.

Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Fall in Love with God’s Word will help you identify and overcome spiritual resistance, create a Bible reading routine you love, and truly enjoy God’s life-changing Word.

Plus, the companion workbook is full of worksheets and printables to help you put everything you’re learning into practice in a way that works for YOU!

Create a Quiet Time You Love Course

Create a Quiet Time You Love Course

Tired of saying you want to read your Bible more often, and then not actually following through?

You are not alone. 59 percent of all Americans want to read their Bibles more often. And yet, only 31 percent of Americans read their Bibles on at least a weekly basis or more.

This course will help you create a Bible-reading routine you LOVE so you can enjoy consistent time in God’s Word — no matter how busy you are.

Spend time in God’s Word the way you’ve always wanted. Click the button below to find out how.

Fall in Love with God's Word Conference on a Computer

Fall in Love with God’s Word Conference

Do you ever wish you could spend more time in God’s Word — if only you weren’t so busy, tired, or distracted? And when you do read your Bible, does it ever feel a bit boring, dry, or routine?

Designed around the theme “Fall in Love with God’s Word,” this year’s conference includes 20 incredible sessions, all designed to help you not only read your Bible more consistently, but truly delight in God’s life-changing Word.

Whether you’re a brand new Christian or you’ve been reading your Bible for decades, you’re sure to be challenged, encouraged, and equipped.

We’re committed to making a BIG difference.

That’s why 10% of all profits go to charities we love!

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