Hilarious Habits of Pastors: 12 Funny Things Pastors Do During and After Church

🌺  Written by Amanda Whittington

Clergy are well-loved, learned, and highly esteemed. They can also seem a bit eccentric, busy, and, at times, downright weird. You might even wonder about some of the activities your pastor or priest chooses to engage in.

Let’s take a look.


Show Up Early

A hand placed on an old fashioned alarm clock.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In a small church, the pastor might do it all, from unlocking the church to setting up the microphones. They’ll be at the church so early you might be tempted to think that they live there! They’re just getting ready for the worship service.


Show Up at the Last Minute

Man looking at his watch
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In a large church, the pastor might only be responsible for the Sunday sermon. They’ve spent all week planning and preparing and are determined to protect their mindset until the sermon begins.

They’ll show up at the last minute so they don’t get bogged down by non-urgent items like the electric bill or the cost of gluten-free wafers. Instead, they’ll review their notes at home and waltz into the church at the last minute, singularly focused on delivering the message that they believe God has asked them to bring.


Show Up with Random Stuff

Flowers in a vase
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Many pastors just love object lessons. They’ll bring an item to ‘show and tell’ during the message in the hopes of making it more interesting, especially if it’s their turn to lead the children’s message.

I’ve seen everything from books to flowers to toothpaste, puppets, and even farm animals being used as sermon props. Why would a pastor go to such great lengths to bring items to church? Because they absolutely care about you and want you to hear what God has to say.


Take Off their Watch

Pocketwatch sitting on top of a Bible
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

I used to watch my pastor dad take off his watch and set it on the pulpit at the beginning of every sermon. What does that mean? I asked him. His response was, “Absolutely nothing.” Like many other preachers, he would put his watch where he could easily keep track of the time without constantly looking at his wrist.

But truth be told, although he made a valiant effort to keep his sermons under control, he always talked longer than he intended.

If you see a pastor take off their watch, know they are trying their best to be sensitive to time but will probably go long anyway. They just always have so much to say.


Review Their Sermon Notes During the Prayer

man reading the Bible
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

You might wonder what’s going on when you see your pastor looking at their lap during the long prayer. They certainly might be praying with their eyes open, but chances are, they’re reviewing the Scripture passage and their sermon notes for the day.

They may shuffle papers, swipe their iPads, or simply sit and stare. They aren’t ignoring the person praying. They are just getting ready for the next part of the service.


Drink the Leftover Wine

communion bread and wine
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In some church traditions, the wine becomes the literal blood of Jesus in a supernatural event called transubstantiation. You may see this in Catholic churches or very traditional protestant ones.

As such, the wine and the bread become sacred. You can’t just throw them away, so the pastor or priest, and perhaps the elders as well, must consume the leftovers before they leave the church.

This could produce some funny – and undesirable side effects if attendance was surprisingly small and there is a lot of wine left over to drink!


Shake Hands at the Back of the Church

smiling man at church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Although times have changed since the great pandemic of 2020, you may notice pastors shaking hands at the back of the church.

In my tradition, the entire pastor’s family would line up in the narthex and shake hands with every parishioner as they were leaving the church. It’s a nice way for pastors to connect with their congregation and also an opportunity to get first-person feedback on the sermon!


Take Off Their Tie or Collar

Man loosening his tie
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

As soon as the last person has wandered away from the greeting line, you may notice your pastor making a beeline for their office. They can’t wait to take off that collar or necktie, unbutton that top button, and take a deep breath.

Don’t be too offended by the sweat stains under their robe; preaching and greeting is hard work, and there’s no doubt that your clergy put in a tremendous effort to deliver their message.


Go to the Hospital

Woman giving flowers to a patient in a hospital bed
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

Quite often, a small church pastor is also the local hospital chaplain. You might see them jump in their car and take off to the hospital to visit the sick, serve communion, and support the staff.


Collect Books

Stack of books
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

If you get to visit your pastor in their office, it’s likely lined with books. There’s something about pastors – or at least most of the pastors I have ever met – and they all seem to love books. They collect Bible commentaries, devotionals, and books of inspirational stories. They may have biographies, books about missionaries, and books on mission work. You’ll find some books on church work and, of course, books on writing sermons that people will love to hear. They often receive books as gifts from family, friends, and their congregation.

Chances are, they don’t actually have the time to read all of those books. But don’t worry – even if they don’t read them, they use them from research and, of course, enjoy collecting them.


Eat Out – A Lot

Group of people eating at a restaurant
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Your pastor probably eats out an awful lot. It’s not because they have a problem, but because they want to spend time with and help their people. And often, when someone wants to meet with the pastor, they ask to do it over breakfast or coffee.

You might be tempted to think your pastor just has a very busy social calendar, but more likely, it’s just an opportunity to visit and support the people in their congregation.


Take a Nap

Man napping on a couch with a book on his chest
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

One of the most popular post-church activities that pastors indulge in is a well-deserved nap! I wouldn’t be surprised if your pastor was up late, making last-minute changes to the sermon, listening to God, and praying. When they finally got to sleep, they probably had dreams of preaching in their underwear. Then, they got up early to review their notes and make a few more last-minute changes.

Then, your pastor is ‘on’ the entire time they are at church, listening to people, supporting people, and running the worship service. They give it their all during the sermon and use that last little bit of energy to greet people as they are leaving the church.

When they finally get back home for the day, they realize just how exhausted they are. They close their eyes and take a quick nap before prepping for the Sunday night service, where they do it all over again.


Skipped Church Today? Why Christians are Opting Out of Regular Sunday Services

sad man outside church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Did you make it to Sunday church this morning? If not, you’re not alone. 

A recent Lifeway Research study identified some common reasons why Christians are skipping church these days — and some of the reasons might be surprising.

Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Yet, for these Christians, there are several very good reasons why they might miss any given Sunday morning.

Skipped Church Today? Why Christians are Opting Out of Regular Sunday Services


Oops! These 13 Popular Bible Verses Don’t Mean What You Think

piggy bank with money
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Ever read a Bible verse and thought you knew exactly what it meant, only to find out you might have missed the mark? Well, you’re not alone. We’re about to unravel some common misconceptions and shed light on the true meaning behind these well-known passages.

Get ready for a down-to-earth exploration that might just challenge what you thought you knew about these 13 verses. Let’s dive in and discover the deeper layers of wisdom these scriptures have to offer!

These 13 Popular Bible Verses Don’t Mean What You Think

Amanda Whittington
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Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of EquippingGodlyWomen.com, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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