Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 21, 2024  |  0 Comments

Do you believe that if you pray hard enough, have enough faith, and give enough money to your church, God will be obligated to bless you with all the health, wealth, and happiness you’re entitled to? Known as the Prosperity Gospel, this not-uncommon but highly-concerning Christian belief has a strong hold in some American churches. [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 21, 2024  |  0 Comments

Do you ever wish you could meet God face-to-face and ask Him all your burning questions?  While many Christians do enjoy regular communication with God through prayer, hearing God’s voice is a skill that often needs to be developed over time. And furthermore, just because you can hear God’s voice on some things doesn’t mean [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 20, 2024  |  0 Comments

Want to read your Bible more often but struggling to make it a consistent habit? You’re not alone! According to the State of the Bible 2020 report conducted by American Bible Society and Barna Group, 59% of Americans wish they used their Bibles more often, but only 31% read their Bibles on their own (outside [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 20, 2024  |  0 Comments

Do you consider yourself to be a stricter parent or a more permissive parent? While we can all agree that we want to raise kind, smart, productive members of society, the way we go about raising these kids can vary wildly. Because every parent is unique and every child is unique, rules and expectations that [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 19, 2024  |  0 Comments

Whether you’re a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic, or Nothing in Particular, how did you decide your religion was right for you? Did you simply keep the religion you were raised with, or did you do research into your options and choose a completely new path based on the information you’d learned or the experiences [Continue Reading]

Post by Brittany Ann  |  last updated April 19, 2024  |  0 Comments

The good news: The Bible is the #1 bestselling, most-read book of all time.  The bad news: Biblical literacy rates are way down, so the general public (and even many Christians themselves!) are far less familiar with the Bible, its stories, and its overarching message than ever before. It’s understandable. The Bible is a huge [Continue Reading]