Refusing to Walk Away: 19 Believers Share Why They’re Still Christian

🌺  Written by Brittany Ann

Whether you’re a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic, or Nothing in Particular, how did you decide your religion was right for you?

Did you simply keep the religion you were raised with, or did you do research into your options and choose a completely new path based on the information you’d learned or the experiences you’d had?

Was your choice default or intentional?

Recently, on a popular social media platform, someone asked, “Why are you a Christian?” And perhaps the most interesting part of people’s answers were how unique and varied they were!

From logical thought progressions to unforgettable emotional reactions, here are the reasons 19 believers shared for why they aren’t walking away from the faith anytime soon.


1. Because Jesus Offers Hope

woman praying with eyes closed
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While some non-Christians may criticize believers for their faith in a higher power, for those who believe, there is just something indescribable about knowing that there is a God and He is good.

Life is so much easier when you know that the Lord of the entire Universe sees you, loves you, and is working everything out for your good, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time.

This hope is enough to keep many people going when life might feel too hard otherwise.

One person responded, “I’ve been a Christian for about 14 years now and the #1 reason why I have faith in God is because of the hope that only He is able to give.”

Another person said, “Being a Christian gives me a reason to keep going on with my life…it gives me hope.”


2. Because of God’s Faithfulness

An image of Jesus with his arms outstretched.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

If you have been on the receiving end of God’s goodness, you may feel an indescribable gratitude for everything He has done for you, even when you don’t deserve it.

God is good and faithful. Sometimes, we just miss it because we aren’t paying attention or wrongly attribute the minor miracles in our lives to coincidence.

One person shared, “Jesus has been faithful to me for decades. Why should I leave Him and where would I go?”

Someone else said, “What I admire about God the most is he NEVER leaves me.”


3. Because of Their Identity in Christ

man praying with cross
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

It is such a gift to live in a time when we are able to ask ourselves “Who am I?” and craft a life that lives up to our convictions.

For many Christians, being a Christ follower is an essential part of their identity and something they would never want to lose.

Someone said, “When I ask myself ‘who am I’ the world cannot provide me with a sufficient answer.”


4. Because of Their Faith

A wooden cross against a blue sky.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While it would be amazing to experience miracles on a daily basis, unfortunately, Christianity rarely works like that.

Instead, Jesus calls us to have faith, even when things look bleak and uncertain.

Knowing that life won’t always make sense gives many people the reassurance they need to continue to live by faith even when life isn’t easy.

One person commented, “The thing with religion is you have to have FAITH.”


5. Because of the Holy Spirit’s Leading

red painting of dove depicting the holy spirit
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For those who have experienced the Holy Spirit working in their lives, it can be difficult to imagine living their life any other way.

There is something so reassuring about having a constant source of guidance and protection no matter what situation you face.

Someone shared, “For me, it’s simple. The day Jesus died on that cross, to save our sins, he sent us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is something I can FEEL inside of me. It’s kind of like that warm fuzzy feeling, or a hug.


6. Because of God’s Love

Two hands forming a heart.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Everyone wants to be loved. It is a natural human desire.

Thankfully, God offers each of us a lifetime of abundant love in Him. This unending love is far greater than anything the world can offer.

One person said, “I just want to continue getting closer and closer to Him, and I just want to hug Jesus one day. I also had a dream once of Him coming to me in flesh (He didn’t look like Jesus though) and it was this vibe around Him of endless love, kindness, goodness and so much more.”

Another person stated, “Day to day and in even my darkest moments, I hear the love of God speaking.”


7. Because of the Promise of Heaven

An image resembling heaven.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While being a Christian offers a great deal of Hope, guidance, and reassurance today, there is no denying that we get some of the best benefits after our lives on this Earth are through.

As Christians, we get the promise of eternal life with our Lord and Savior in Heaven. What could be better than that?

One person commented, “I imagine being eternally in Heaven with God would be similar in that our time on Earth, no matter how difficult now, will feel like a small blip of inconsequential events in comparison. I try to look at the bigger picture instead of quitting my faith just because things feel difficult in this life. Compared to eternity and the presence of God, this life is practically non-existent. I’m not trying to say it doesn’t matter what we choose to do, since our choices do matter, but it helps give me strength to keep things in perspective.”

Another person said, “Jesus is the way and the life. He’s the King. I want to be the one to meet him when I die.”


8. Because of God’s Strength and Comfort

woman offering comfort with box of tissues on couch
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Through the good times and the bad, having a strong relationship with Jesus can provide a constant reassurance and sense of peace the world simply cannot offer.

Many Christians love experiencing God’s strength and comfort as they go through both major and minor trials in their lives.

Someone shared, “As a Christian, my faith in Jesus is the foundation of my life. Even when things seem chaotic or difficult, I find strength and comfort in the belief that God is with me, guiding me through every challenge.”


9. Because the Bible is True

luke in the Bible
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While many commenters shared how much they appreciated the emotional side of their faith, some shared how the logical aspect of Christianity keeps them coming back for more.

When you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christianity is true, your temporary feeling suddenly becomes far less important.

One person stated, “Every time I’ve ever challenged a scripture or found it “barbaric and prehistoric,” wisdom and truth arrived shortly thereafter. I’ve never been able to prove it wrong.”


10. Because of Their Personal Testimony

Pastor speaking to congregation
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Others have had powerful Life experiences they cannot refute. When you have lived through something life changing, it changes the way you understand God, the world, and yourself.

Many Christians cling to memories of ways God has worked in their pasts in order to help them stay strong spiritually going into the future.

One person said, “I will always believe in God and be a Christian from the personal experiences I’ve encountered and my testimony. This includes all the way from when I was first saved, to God showing me things here and there and correcting me when I’m wrong.”


11. Because of the Community

group Bible study
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Church isn’t the only place to find a strong community, but it is often one of the easiest, best, most accessible ways to find other like-minded individuals.

Life is so much better when lived in community, and many churches offer plenty in the way of small groups, volunteer opportunities, potlucks, and other ways to get involved and make lifelong friends.

A person said, “More than 10 years after that first church service, I still go there and belong to a weekly Bible study in addition to serving on Sunday mornings. THAT is where I found my community. I asked God for friends, and He brought me so many wonderful people (that my old self probably wouldn’t have chosen for myself).”


12. Because of the Promise of Salvation

A man depicting Jesus on the cross.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Of course, it is no surprise that many Christians appreciate how Christianity offers them eternal salvation.

The Bible teaches that salvation is through Jesus Christ alone, and we all need saving from something — whether that is immediate sends and struggles or eternal damnation.

One person shared, “Because I’m a sinner and Jesus died on the Cross for my sins.”


13. Because of Their Answered Prayers

A mom holding her daughter while praying.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Have you ever had a miraculous answer to prayer? If so, you understand why these answered prayers can be so motivating, encouraging, and inspiring for those who have experienced them.

While some may chalk answered prayers up to coincidence, when you meet someone with a powerful testimony, there is no denying that God works in mysterious ways.

A person responded, “I started seriously praying to God every day, and started seeing and documenting answered prayers in my prayer journal.”


14. Because Jesus Offers Peace

Woman at peace
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Almost everyone wants more peace in life, and few (if any) things compared to the piece that Christianity offers in Christ Jesus.

When you are walking in God’s will for your life, you can rest assured that God will work everything out for your good according to his wonderful plan, and that is a great feeling.

Someone said, “My belief in God and divine providence is why I don’t worry about the collapsing economy.”

Another person said, “He also gives peace in the middle of chaos or anxiety and has saved me from going down many paths that would have been destructive.”


Things Christians Wish Non-Christians Knew About Their Faith

A pastor in front of a cross holding a bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Christianity, a globally practiced faith, holds profound significance for its followers. It can also be misunderstood by those who do not practice Christianity, which can harbor some frustrations for practicing Christians.

Recently, on a popular social media page, we found some things Christians wish non-Christians knew about their faith.

Things Christians Wish Non-Christians Knew About Their Faith


10 Common “Christian” Practices that Aren’t Actually Biblical

mom and daughter overwhelmed
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

If your search history is anything like mine, you can’t spend more than 15 minutes online without inevitably stumbling onto an article or comment section declaring exactly what Christians should or should not do.

Unfortunately, many of the so-called “Christian” behaviors we see online aren’t actually biblical at all.

Here are 10 all-too-common behaviors that give Christianity a bad name.

10 Common “Christian” Practices that Aren’t Actually Biblical

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Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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