Are Women Second Class Citizens? Here’s What the Church Really Teaches.

🌺  Written by Brittany Ann

Does the Catholic Church treat women as second-class citizens? 

This argument pops up from time to time — generally in response to the Catholic Church’s strict policies against birth control, IVF, and letting women be priests, among others.

Plus, some Catholic churches teach the common Christian belief that women should be submissive to their husbands — a beautiful belief (when followed correctly!) that, unfortunately, many have taken out of context and used to justify terrible behavior and power imbalances between a husband and a wife.


One Young Girl Feels Like a Second-Class Citizen in the Church

girl sitting looking down to the side
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Recently, one young girl turned to a popular social platform to share her feelings and ask if anyone else felt the same way.

She wrote,

“I am an 17-year-old girl and I have a strong Catholic faith but I think it is largely my faith that makes me feel this way.

I feel second-class as a woman, like I am not as important to the faith and God’s mission because I am a woman.

Eve was made from Adam’s rib; you can’t be a priest as a woman (a job that I agree, is not a woman’s job but I admire a lot); a woman is not whole alone but a man is.

I don’t feel like a man, nor do I want to become a man but sometimes I wish I was born a man. They are so important and capable of so much and I’m just here as a supporting act.”


1. Women and Men Were Created to be Equal in Value

Adam and Eve
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Thankfully, several commenters were quick to jump in and share their own thoughts and perspectives on the matter, especially the part about Eve coming from Adam’s rib.

The fact that Eve came from Adam doesn’t mean she’s “less than” — it make her equal!

One person shared,

“The Church fathers say that the reason Eve was made from his rib is so that she is his equal and close to his heart. They say that if she was made from his head she would rule man and if she was made from his foot then man would rule her, but God made her from the rib so that she can be an equal to Adam and close to his heart.”

Another person said,

“‘Eve was created using Adams rib’ is commonly used to suggest women are somehow not even worth a fraction of a man. But the Bible says she was created from Adam’s side, and is the only thing that was created from the flesh of Adam. Adam and Eve are two parts of the greater whole, and both are perfect partners.”


2. Women Are Not Just a Supporting Act

couple cleaning
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Others shared how women are much more valuable and important than simply playing a supporting role.

In fact, the Bible is full of stories of amazing godly women who make a real difference for their families and their country.

One person shared,

“No man can bring forth life like a woman. If it were not for woman’s stalwartness (Esther) the Israelites would have been destroyed. If it were not for a woman’s ‘Yes’ God wouldn’t have been born in time. If it were not for many Saintly women reformers (Hildegard Von Bingen, Therese of Avila) the Church would have fell into absolute moral degradation. Yes, men are the movers and shakers of the Church, but women are God’s agents who could bring forth stability in an ever-changing world.”


3. Women Are Crucial to Running the Church

Sunday School teacher in front of 3 students
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Other commenters pointed out how the Church wouldn’t be able to run at all if it weren’t for the selfless sacrifice and immense talent of the many women who play a vital role behind the scenes.

One person said,

“Ask anyone who has dedicated their lives to service of the Church and they’ll tell you just how crucial women are to the running of the Church.”

Another person said,

“There are several areas that are not part of the priest’s (exclusive) role where laity (including women) have long been involved in the Church, to name some examples: the choir / schola, materials (stained glass, artwork, icons, maintenance of vestments, altar cloths, statues…), the various responsibilities associated with community life, catechesis / education of neophytes and children, prayer and outreach ministries, etc.”


4. A Woman Had a Part in Bringing in the New Covenant

A pregnant woman who looks like Mary, the mother of Jesus, holding her belly.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

And women aren’t only useful and necessary to the Church today, either.

From the Old Testament to the New, the Bible is full of stories of women like Miriam, Rahab, Abigail, Esther, and Mary who played an instrumental role in bringing God’s message to His people.

In fact, the women at the tomb were the first ones to ever share the Gospel!

One person responded,

“The most important person in bringing in the new covenant was a woman. We wouldn’t have the New Testament if Mary hadn’t said yes.”

Someone else said,

“Eve might’ve been made from Adam’s rib but Jesus was made in Mary’s womb, kind of a huge deal.”


5. Women Are Complementary to Men (and Vice Versa)

couple praying together
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Other commenters shared how men and women were created for equal – but different – roles.

Neither role is more important than the other. They’re just different.

Someone replied,

“You’re meant for an entirely different and complementary role in the world.”

Another person said,

“Women weren’t created to do what men do, they were created to do all the things men can’t do. And that’s a pretty long list.”


6. Women and Men Are One in Christ

Jesus in a white robe holding out his hand.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

It isn’t just personal opinion or preference that says that men and women are equal either.

The Bible even states that gender doesn’t matter as much in God’s eyes as it can sometimes matter to us here.

One commenter invited the young girl to “Please, please, please read Galatians 3:28-29.”

These verse say:

“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise.”


7. Women Are Needed to be Raise Up Future Christians

A mom reading the bible to her kids.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

If you ever doubt the importance of women in the church, just consider the women who raise, give birth to, and train up the next generation — mothers.

While motherhood isn’t the only (or even the most important) role that women can be called to, it is still undeniably important!

A person said,

“Remember that without women, the priesthood would cease to exist in a generation. We need holy, Catholic mothers just as much as we need holy, Catholic fathers.”


8. Women Were Treated with Respect by Jesus

Jesus Speaking with a Woman
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Whether or not all men treat all women with respect on Earth here and now, there is one man (Jesus) who always treated women with the utmost respect. And his opinion and example matter way more than what anyone else has to say on the matter now.

One person said,

“When you read the Gospels, notice how Jesus treats women. He has respect for them and treats them kindly. It was also a woman who was able to see Christ risen first.”


9. Women Have Shaped the Catholic Church

Catholic Church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Other commenters pointed out how influential women have been in shaping the Catholic Church into what it is today.

While we can’t deny that there will always be room for improvement (this is true in any church!), it’s difficult to argue that the Catholic Church isn’t beautiful and rich in tradition and meaning.

One person shared,

After Christ, Mary is arguably the second most important person in the Church. She put God’s salvation plan into action by consenting to God’s will. The first person to preach the Gospel (that Christ has risen) was a woman. Women have shaped and influenced every aspect of the Catholic Church. There are plenty of women who have been canonized and 4 women have even been declared Doctors of the Church.”


10. Women Are Loved by God

Bible with a red heart
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

At the end of the day, however, all that matters is that God loves women dearly — just as much as he loves the men.

Women are not second-class citizens. They are wholly and completely loved by the God who made them.

One person said,

“Jesus said, ‘Even the hairs of your head are all numbered.’ You are infinitely important to God’s plan. Consider Pharaoh’s daughter, who saved Moses, or Miriam, the prophetess who led Israel out of Egypt with Moses. Or Deborah, the judge of Israel, and Rahab, Judith, and Esther, who saved God’s people.”

Someone else responded,

“Know that you are God’s priceless treasure, and that isn’t changing.”


Update: Men and Women are Both Equally Valued By God

girls taking a picture friendship
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

After reading through the various responses, the young girl updated her original post with the following:

“Thank you everyone for the thoughtful replies, the thought has been bugging me for months. I feel as if men and women are both losing their roles in our times and I knew the answer was in God but I couldn’t see it. Thank you!


15 Great Women of the Bible You Should Study

Woman reading the Bible on her bed
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Did you know the Bible is full of amazing women who played a powerful role in bringing about God’s plan of salvation to the entire Earth?

This article shares 15 amazing women of the Bible every Christian should know as well as the valuable lessons we can learn from each of them.

15 Great Women of the Bible You Should Study


10 Encouraging Bible Verses to Remind You Who You Are In Christ

A woman standing outside smiling.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Who are you really?

Are you a father, mother, brother, sister, neighbor, or friend? Are you an accountant, mechanic, banker, or retired schoolteacher? Are you joyful, grouchy, passionate, or fun?

While there are countless words we could use to label and define ourselves, none compare to the words God has already spoken over us in the Bible.

The next time you feel like you’re no one special, here are 10 encouraging Bible verses to remind you who you are in Christ. Why not try writing them down or speaking them over yourself today?

10 Encouraging Bible Verses to Remind You Who You Are In Christ

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Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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