Debunking Myths: 14 Things Christians Wish Everyone Knew About Their Faith

Get ready to explore Christianity in a straightforward way! We’re here to help you separate fact from fiction. Christians have come together to share 14 important things they think everyone should know about their faith.

By reading this, you’ll get a clearer view of what Christianity is really about, and you might find that it’s quite different from what you previously thought. It’s time to discover the truth about the Christian faith!

1. Christianity is Incredibly Diverse

woman praying in church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

One commenter said most non-believers’ understanding of Christianity is likely based on a narrow view. With around 2 billion Christians and a wide range of denominations and beliefs, such as Eastern Orthodox, Southern Baptists, Pentecostals, and more, each with unique doctrines and interpretations of Scripture, it’s important to recognize that Christianity is incredibly diverse. Lumping all Christians into one category oversimplifies this complexity.

2. The Importance of Knowing Jesus

Jesus teaching parables to a crowd people circling around Him
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Another commenter simply stated, “I wish everyone knew Jesus.” Many replies echoed this sentiment. One such response agreed with the original comment, saying, “Most people know of Jesus, but few people know Him.”

3. The Significance of The Cross

A cave looking out into an opening where there's a cross.
Photo Credit: Lightstock

One commenter mentioned that they wish more people would grasp the true meaning of the cross. They think that many non-Christians just think, “Isn’t that where Jesus died?” when that isn’t entirely correct.

However, if non-Christians understood this basic aspect of the cross, they might see it in a new light.

What’s important for both Christians and non-believers to remember is that the cross represents the profound encounter between God and humanity in its most raw and honest form.

4. Faith Doesn’t Always Align with Politics

Someone wearing a shirt with an "I voted" button.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Another commenter shared that they wish non-Christians would avoid associating them with the Republican party in the United States. This is because they believe that the Republican party’s values strongly clash with their Christian beliefs, leading them to switch their affiliation to the Democratic party despite recognizing that certain aspects of the Democratic party also contradict their Christian values.

5. Christians Aren’t Against Science

A gray microscope on a wooden table.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Someone else commented that they wish non-believers knew that the Christian faith is not based on blind belief; they have reasons for what they believe in. They want to emphasize that most Christians are not against science, as many prominent figures in the history of modern science were devout Christians.

6. Christian Beliefs Are Not Held Without Reason

A young woman, sitting on her bed in an all white room, reading her Bible, smiling.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Another commenter stated that they wish non-Christians would understand that their beliefs are firmly rooted in reason and understanding. Contrary to misconceptions, Christianity’s core essence revolves around love, forgiveness, and boundless compassion for all, regardless of the sometimes louder voices within their community who may convey different messages.

It’s important to recognize that at the heart of Christianity lies a desire to embrace and uplift all individuals, extending the hand of goodwill and understanding to each person they encounter.

7. Beliefs of Evolution and Genesis Can Coexist

A snack and an apple in a garden.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

One commenter said that they wish non-Christians understood that the majority of Christians recognize that the concept of an old Earth and the theory of evolution can be harmoniously reconciled with Genesis chapter 1, contrary to the notion that an old Earth would negate the existence of God, which most Christians know is a mistaken belief.

8. Christians Do Not Hate Non-Believers

Two women hugging.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Someone else in the thread commented that they want others to understand that they harbor no hatred towards individuals with different lifestyles or non-believers. Instead, their wish is for these individuals to recognize that they are compassionate individuals who hold no animosity toward anyone. They hope that those they pray for will also consider coming to know Jesus.

9. Sin Isn’t Random and It Does Have The Potential to Harm

A woman holding a red apple.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Another commenter wishes that non-believers would realize that sin isn’t random; it’s considered a sin because it has the potential to harm and disrupt life. God’s aversion to sin stems from His loving nature and desire for human flourishing. Living in a state of sin makes thriving difficult, and that’s why God discourages it.

10. Not All Christians Are Judgemental

A judge's gavel on top of an open bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Another commenter wants others to know that not all Christians are judgmental. Not all of them share the belief in Hell and the idea that everyone must come to Heaven with them. Following Jesus doesn’t make them foolish, gullible, or naive. They also emphasize that the vocal minority of conservative American Evangelicals do not represent the entirety of their faith.

11. Christians Aren’t Perfect and That’s Okay

A depiction of Jesus transfiguring on Mount Tabor in Israel.
Photo Credit: Lightstock

Someone else mentioned that they hope for a better understanding that all Christ’s followers will inevitably fall short of His example. Instead of evaluating Christianity based on its imperfect and hypocritical adherents, they wish people would assess it by considering the example set by Christ Himself.

12. Hell is Not What You Think it is

Representing the flames of hell.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Another person commented that many individuals perceive Hell as merely a punishment, a fiery realm teeming with demons. While it is indeed a place of punishment, their view often misses a crucial point.

The most agonizing aspect of Hell is the absolute separation from God. Those condemned to it can never be in God’s presence again, and the thought of this alone sends shivers down their spine.

13. Following Christ is Not a Religion

An image of Jesus walking.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Another commenter mentioned that being a Christian means following the teachings of Jesus Christ, which sets it apart from traditional religion. Unlike some religious practices that involve strenuous efforts with little progress, Christianity emphasizes finding peace through trust and rest in Christ’s message.

This concept highlights the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Without this trust and rest in Him, His sacrifice’s true meaning and purpose may be missed or misunderstood. Essentially, Christianity is about finding solace and purpose in following Christ, not endless striving.

14. Just Claiming to Be Christian Does Not Make It True

A man holding a wooden cross.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

One other person on the thread mentioned that some individuals they encountered wondered if all the Christians they had met truly followed their faith. They suspected that some might simply claim to be Christians without adhering closely to the teachings of the Bible.

They personally had encountered many such individuals. They believed that if these people had the chance to meet the families at their church, they would witness a more authentic example of how Christians should live, behave, and communicate.

Denominational Differences Matter

The outside of a church.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

With thousands of different Christian denominations to choose from, it’s pretty clear that “being a Christian” doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone who would take that label. Some Christians believe in the real presence of the Body and Blood in the Eucharist, while others believe communion is just a symbol.

Find out why talking about denominational differences is important.

Some Sins Aren’t Even in The Bible

A pastor at a church, yelling into a megaphone.
Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

If you grew up in a conservative Christian household (like I did!), you may have learned that some actions weren’t appropriate for Christians.

For example, I was definitely taught that “you don’t smoke, drink, cuss, gamble, or spend time with those who do.”

Imagine my surprise, then, when — as an adult — I learned that not all Christians find all of these actions (or others) wrong in the slightest!

No matter your personal preference (and I still prefer not to do most of these things myself), here are 7 things the Bible never actually prohibits as sin.

7 “Sins” the Bible Never Actually Prohibits

Christians Put God First

African American woman smiling with her hands folded
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Sometimes our plates become so full of things that we accidentally put God on the back burner. We don’t mean to, but the distraction of life tears us away from putting God first in our lives as He wants us to do.

If you’re feeling like God is distant because of your hectic schedule, keep reading to learn more about putting God first, even when your plate is full.

How to Put God First in Your Life (Including Powerful Bible Verses)

Christians Don’t Always Judge, But Should They?

Woman Wrinkling Her Nose
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Tired of judgemental Christians? Me too.

But, unfortunately, simply scolding someone online isn’t enough to make all the judgmental haters quit with their biting comments.

Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, the Bible actually says Christians should judge.

Here’s what the Bible says on the matter, why Christians should judge others (at times), and why you probably should too.

Yes, Christians Should Judge. Here’s Why.

The Bible Isn’t Always Very Exciting, But it Can Be!

Girl with blue eyes reading her Bible looking at camera
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Reading the Bible doesn’t have to be dull, dry, or boring; You truly can look forward to and enjoy reading the Bible. Check out these 6 practical and effective tips to help!

Read Do You Truly Enjoy Reading the Bible? You Can! 

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  1. I think those "Christians" who are negatively and condescendingly judgmental are not doing so in the spirit of the text. We should be discerning as the holy spirit reveals its truth to us. Some Christians disguise their disdain for their fellowmen as "constructive criticism", but it is destructive and off-putting, especially for new and young believers. We shouldn't be hypocritical. If we have a speck of sin or wrongdoing in our lives, like the priests who went into the Holy of Holies to atone for the people's sins, we should make sure we live out the word as intended in the text before addressing the flaws (or perceived flaws).

  2. Then the ones this applies to need to become more vocal and seen because the current crop of representatives they have in the public eye make the whole religion look like a bunch of bigots, misogynists, and xenophobes. It seems Christians are all about freedom (especially religious freedom) only so far as it applies to their faith and their personal beliefs. What if Person X's religion taught that bodily autonomy is ok, and that abortion is fine because (until first breath) that potential human in Person X isn't a life? The vocal Christians don't want to have laws protecting THAT person's beliefs and practices. My intent here is sincerity. I sincerely want y'all to think about these things. What's to keep the NEXT group of zealots from saying that they want to ban paper Bibles or the KJV Bible (which some denominations say is the only correct English translation)? What if they want y'all to ban all folks with bod-mods or to forbid blended fabrics?

    Please don't flood my email with mail because I already get too much mail. I just wanted to plant the thoughts here after reading your article.

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