Do You Truly Enjoy Reading the Bible? You Can!

Love these tips for enjoying reading the Bible more!I only remember two things about a couple who used to babysit my brothers and me when we were younger:

1. The approximate location of their house

2. That the man’s favorite book was the Bible

I thought it was so weird when he told us that!

Sure, I was a Christian who loved Jesus and went to church regularly. I knew the Bible was important, that it told the story of God’s love for us and the rules He wants us to follow, and that we were supposed to read it…

But to actually enjoy reading the Bible? To love reading the Bible and look forward to reading it every day?

That seemed too weird… overly spiritual. Like people who wear WWJD bracelets, carry a Bible with them everywhere they go, and randomly start evangelizing homeless people in the streets.

I didn’t know how he read the Bible daily, and I didn’t necessarily WANT to know how to read the Bible daily either.

But he was completely serious.

Well, twenty some years later, I can honestly say that the Bible is my favorite book now too, and that I truly do enjoy reading the Bible regularly.

Sure, there are days when I get distracted during prayer and Bible study, or when I get busy with day-to-day activities and don’t get around to sitting down to study the Bible for myself. There are definitely some books of the Bible I enjoy more than others. And I don’t often sit down to “binge-read” the Bible the way I do with other good books I can’t put down…

But I truly do enjoy reading the Bible and look forward to reading it again and again.

Can you say the same?

Ready to Fall in Love with God’s Word?

Fall in Love with God's Word Book and WorkbookBy the way, if you’re truly interested in learning how to enjoy your time in God’s Word, I’d love to invite you to check out my brand new book: Fall in Love with God’s Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women! 

Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Fall in Love with God’s Word has everything you need to learn how to:

  • Overcome 7 common obstacles preventing you from spending time in Scripture
  • Discover the personalized Bible-reading routine that works for YOU
  • Learn 15 easy ways to make Bible reading more meaningful and enjoyable
  • Use Scripture to conquer sin, false beliefs, and negative thought patterns
  • Experience fresh spiritual growth and passion for God’s Word.

Please visit or your local bookstore to learn more and grab your copy of Fall in Love with God’s Word (and its companion workbook) today!

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How to Enjoy Reading the Bible

So a few weeks ago, I received a really great question from a reader, and I’m sure it’s one a LOT of people deal with. She writes:

Not sure if you get a lot of questions but I could sure use some advice. I want to read the Bible. There are certain books I love. A lot of the Bible I haven’t read. Not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t get into it. I’ve always had a hard time getting into the Word.

I know I need the Word. I want to be able to pick up the Bible and read without hesitation. How do I do that?  A lot of times it feels like a chore or like I am always reading the same thing. I want to go deeper, but again, have always struggled to do so.

Great question! After all, it’s one thing to plan the perfect quiet time for you or to figure out why you’re struggling to read the Bible consistently. But if you want to read the Bible consistently, it will really help if you actually enjoy what you’re reading! 

Reading the Bible doesn’t have to be dull, dry or boring; You truly can look forward to and enjoy reading the Bible. And these tips will help!

1. Start with the Right Motivation

While, yes, we “should” read the Bible, if you’re ONLY reading the Bible because you “should,” chances are that’s probably not going to work out for you so well.

If you want to actually enjoy reading the Bible, try one of these reasons instead:

  • To learn more about God and His people throughout the ages
  • To strengthen your faith and trust in God
  • To be encouraged in difficult seasons
  • To gain Godly wisdom and direction to help you make good decisions
  • To assess your current spiritual condition and learn how to live a life that’s pleasing to God
  • To “fact-check” that everything you believe is actually Biblical
  • To find information about specific circumstances or issues you’re facing currently
  • To better defend your faith against the worldly, unbiblical ideas that surround us every day
  • To better share your faith with others
  • To deepen your relationship with God

Sure, there may always be some element of “should” there. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. You take out the kitchen trash, make your kids lunch and change your underpants daily because you “should.” Just don’t rely on “should” as your only motivation!

* Related: How to Make Daily Bible Reading a Habit

2. Choose an Easier Bible Translation and Book

Warning: Not all Bible translations are created equal, and some books of the Bible are MUCH easier to read than others!

That’s why, if you’re just getting into regular Bible reading, it’s really important that you set yourself up for success by choosing the right translation AND by starting in a place that’s relatively easy to read. Choosing the right version and book can make Bible reading MUCH easier and, as a result, MUCH more enjoyable. 

My post How to Read the Bible (for Beginners) goes into this subject more in-depth, so I’d definitely encourage you to read it if you think this may be your issue.

Short version: Two easy translations you might consider are the New Living Translation (NLT) Bible, and the Message. And start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), then the bulk of the New Testament before diving into the difficult, prophetic books in the old.

Or you can also use additional resources like Bible studies, reading plans, and “Know Your Bible by Paul Kent, which gives a great basic overview of all of the books of the Bible, what they’re about, and what’s noteworthy about them. Resources like these are great for better understanding what you’re reading so you enjoy reading the Bible more.

Related: 7 Best Bible Study Apps for Christian Women — All Free!

3. Journal and Take Notes on What You’re Learning

It’s one thing to simply read the words on the page. But if you want to truly enjoy reading the Bible, you’ll want to actually interact with the words, reflect on what you’re reading and learning, and find ways to apply the lessons you’re learning to real life.

And one great way to do this is through Bible journaling.

Don’t worry — you don’t have to be creative or have great artistic skills to start Bible journaling. While doodling in the margins of your Bible is one great way to interact with the Word, that’s actually not what I’m talking about here.

Personally, I’d create a Bible Study basket to keep nearby. I also recommend making a Bible Journaling notebook (outside your Bible), where you can:

  • Make a note of verses you want to remember
  • Keep a prayer list
  • Jot down things you learn during sermons or while reading blog articles
  • Keep track of things you sense God is teaching you
  • Take notes on difficult passages
  • Write out your prayers to God
  • Record any spiritual progress or milestones (or even your struggles)
  • Wrestle through tough concepts on paper
  • Color or doodle to your heart’s content, if you’d like

Yes, the end result can look kind and random and unorganized (so it’s more of a creative project, than an organized set of reference notes), but keeping a Bible Journaling notebook is a fantastic way to really dive in to the Word, soak it in personally, and learn how to apply it to your own life. 

AND they are REALLY awesome to look back on after you’ve done it a while, because then you can see how far you have (or haven’t) come in your faith.

*Related: Must-Read Christian Blogs for Women

4. Put Yourself in the Story

Knowing that the Bible is thousands of years old now, it’s really easy to read it with a bit of distance. As in, “That was then; this is now. Good for them, but that’s not really what my life looks like right now.”

One way to combat this (and enjoy reading the Bible more) is to put yourself in the story.

(This is one of my favorite tips from my book, Fall in Love with God’s Word, because it works so well!) 

Now, of course, the Bible isn’t about you, so you wouldn’t want to do this every time you read. But this trick, when used on occasion, really is a great way to make the Bible come to life.

Ask yourself questions like: 

  • Who am I most like in this story? How so?
  • What is the main lesson Jesus wants us to learn from this story? What would that look like for me today?
  • How would I have reacted if I were in this exact same situation?
  • Which of these negative traits, attitudes or behaviors are present in my life?
  • Where do I fall short of these positive traits, attitudes or behaviors in my life?

Take 1 Corinthians 13 for example. (The famous Love chapter used at a lot of weddings.)

Written as is, it’s pretty easy to just quickly skim over the words:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud…”

Now, try putting your first name in the verse instead of the word “Love.” Go through them one by one. Are these all traits that accurately describe you?

“_____ is patient, _____ is kind. _____ does not envy, _____ does not boast, _____ is not proud…”

Okay, now reverse the traits — still with your name in it. Does anything jump out this time?

“_____ is always rushing, _____ is rude or short-tempered. _____ is jealous of what other people have, _____ often talks about herself and her accomplishments, _____ insists on having her way instead of submitting to others…”

That’s a really rough reverse translation, but you get the idea…

*Related: 10 Best Christian Podcasts for Women

5. Read with a Friend Who Does Enjoy Reading the Bible

Want to really bring the Bible to life? Read with a friend — especially if you have a friend who LOVES the Bible herself. Not only will this help keep you accountable, but chances are you’ll learn a TON and her enthusiasm will be contagious.

Now, there are a lot of ways you can do this. You could:

  • Actually physically sit down in person to read and discuss
  • Read the Bible individually, then call, email or text each other about what you read
  • Join a group Bible study at your church, work, school or in your neighborhood
  • Download the First 5 app and go through the Bible reading plans with the ladies on there.

*Related: Top 10 Christian YouTubers that Challenge, Encourage, and Inspire!

6. Read Fall in Love with God’s Word!

Fall in Love with God's Word Book and WorkbookThis may be a bit self-promotional, but if you truly want to enjoy your time in God’s Word, I would highly recommend my book, Fall in Love with God’s Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women.

Not only will it walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a consistent Bible reading routine you’ll truly enjoy and look forward to, but it’s so practical and encouraging — I just know it will get you fired up about reading God’s Word.

Yes, this book is perfect for anyone who has never really read the Bible before.

BUT it’s also perfect for anyone who is familiar with reading the Bible, but whose time in Scripture has become kind of boring, mundane, or routine.

If you want to not only read God’s Word, but truly enjoy it, Fall in Love with God’s Word will help you:

  • Overcome 7 common obstacles preventing you from spending time in Scripture
  • Discover the personalized Bible-reading routine that works for YOU
  • Learn 15 easy ways to make Bible reading more meaningful and enjoyable
  • Use Scripture to conquer sin, false beliefs, and negative thought patterns
  • Experience fresh spiritual growth and passion for God’s Word.

Please visit or your local bookstore to learn more and grab your copy of Fall in Love with God’s Word (and its companion workbook) today!

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Do you genuinely enjoy reading your Bible? What helps you love reading your Bible more? Alternately, what gets in your way?

Additional Resources for Learning How to Read the Bible Daily

Here at Equipping Godly Women, I have a TON of resources to help you learn how to read the Bible consistently AND truly enjoy it!

Here are a few additional posts you may enjoy:

How to Read the Bible (Easy Instructions for Beginners!)

How to Read the Bible Daily (And Make it a Habit)

Do You Truly Enjoy Reading the Bible? You Can!

How to Study the Bible for Yourself

How to Stop Getting So Distracted During Prayer and Bible Study

Struggling to Read the Bible Consistently? Here are 7 Reasons Why

Five Bible Myths to Avoid

Create Your Own Bible Study Basket

10 Best Bible Studies for Women to Help You Grow in Faith

What to Look for In a Women’s Bible Study

7 Best Bible Study Apps for Christian Women — All Free!

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  1. I love this list – really great advice.
    I especially like your advice about reading small portions of Scripture at a time. For many years I tried to do those plans where you read the Bible in a year or even two years, and I failed every time! But since I’ve started reading no more than a chapter a day, sometimes even just one or 2 verses a day, I find I’m getting into the Word on a much deeper, richer level, and I’m better able to spend time thinking about how the passage applies to me and praying about it.

  2. Hi Brittany,

    I enjoy your writing. I wanted to suggest putting Pray as number one in this article. I find when you start with pray and asking God to open your eyes and heart to His message you get so much more from your studying.

  3. Those are some greats tips! I am actually reading through the Bible this year. I found a plan that takes me to a different book each day which really helps to make it much more interesting. I find that as I become more passionate for a relationship with God, that I just love to read the Word. That hasn’t always been the case. For a time, I just read even though I didn’t really want to. That’s where being faithful really comes in, in my honest opinion.

    1. Hmm… I’ve never tried a skipping around type plan (though I do skip around some anyways without a plan!). Do you ever feel like you’re issing out on the continuity of it?

  4. Great points Brit..
    I figured I really don’t have to be excited before I read the Bible, or to enjoy what I’m reading before wanting to come back to it.

    My relationship with God is more important to me than anything else. And so it becomes of me to intentionally seek ways to grow, and develop intaimacy with God. One of such ways is through the Scriptures.

    I see Bible reading or studying as something I shouldn’t only do because I enjoy it. But something I have to do ‘intentionally’ because it is important.

    There are somethings we have to do because there are impotant not merely because we enjoy doing them.

    I use Professor Grants Bible reading system, even though I had to tweak it a little bit. It helps me read different books of the Bible each day and helps me read through some books a number of times before the year ends. I also have a different plan I use for studying.

  5. Thank you so much, Brittany.

    I feel a lot of relief from the realization that understanding the word is more important than the speed with which i cover the Bible. I am excited already.
    Thank you indeed.

  6. Thanks so much for the article. It’s good to know that I can take my time and read smaller sections. Do you suggest reading the whole book to get overview before taking smaller sections to study?

    1. I think that’s a great idea 🙂 There’s SO much packed in it that it’s good to examine it piece by piece, but then you don’t want to run the risk of taking it out of context either.

  7. I had a youth minister who taught me to place my name in the scriptures as if that scripture was meant for me. As a teenager, that alone helped develop a love for the scriptures as I personalized the messages shared. Another way I found helpful is by studying by topic. I found if there is a doctrine or principle I want to learn more about and focus on that during my reading, I was able to spiritually learn more because of the application in my life.

    Thank you for your tips as well. 😀

  8. I have a complicated, unusual method, but first I’ll give my complicated background so it makes more sense. I was brought up nominally Presbyterian but actually agnostic. I was taken to church, but as far as I could tell, it was where you went to sing pretty songs, listen to a meaningless lecture, then sing more pretty songs. That’s all. Had no knowledge about even the possibility of the existence of God. Even was sent to Catholic school for a few yrs when very young. It was about the same, e.g. had godless existential crises at only age 8. So when I tried reading the Bible, it was completely out of context. My only experience then with people I could tell were true-believing Christians was seeing preachers on TV, & they were extremely irritating, total turn-off.

    It wasn’t until after I was grown up & married that I tried reading the Bible again. Before that, my husband, fallen-away (at the time) Byzantine Catholic, decided he wanted to go back to church. But for some reason he took everyone to a Lutheran church. The pastor there explained to me the prophecies & their fulfillment. I decided that either there had been one conspiracy over many thousands of yrs, with billions of people all colluding, or that the prophecies were true, & I went with Ockham’s Razor! So we kept going to Lutheran churches, but questions the pastors couldn’t answer piled higher & higher. Like, ‘The 95 Theses are about pretty much just the sale of indulgences. So why isn’t the Lutheran church the same as the 16th c. Catholic Church except with no sale of indulgences?’ & ‘Sola Scriptura? Which translation? You can’t say any one is absolutely correct? So how can you say you rely on Scripture alone?’ Then with the Lutheran Bible-study methods, the reading was a chore. I had some context finally, but it was vague & sparse.

    My husband & I realized there was a lot missing at Lutheran church, but we had moved away from his old church & there wasn’t another around. He took us to the Eastern Orthodox church, maybe because the liturgy was the same. When we went, everything started clicking into place, except the rule on divorce. The one thing that didn’t make sense: they allowed it, but Christ had forbidden it. Eventually we found the Byzantine Catholic mission though. Divorce rule was correct, & I realized it made logical sense that, since the Church in heaven is a monarchy, & we pray for the same on earth in the Lord’s Prayer, the Church on earth has to be a monarchy too, & a monarchy not ruled directly by its king must have a regent. Can’t say that about Orthodox churches. The Orthodox tend to be only CIVIL monarchists. So I got made a Byzantine Catholic. Funny thing: the 1st people in my family who converted to Presbyterianism (because they were desperately poor, & had been helped by Presbyterian missionaries) came from Belarus, from the area of the Union of Brest, which was Byzantine Catholic. My family even still had an icon. I was meant to be this anyway! (^◡^ )

    My Catholic/Orthodox Bible-study method I’ve come up with: I have the Septuagint & the New Testament (Orthodox translations) & the Douay-Rheims. Also Charlesworth’s Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. (Hoping to get more, similar vols.) And Fr Tadros Malaty’s English commentaries. And to fill in gaps, some vols. of Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, & Schaff’s Fathers. I read books in chronological order in parallel with the Malaty commentary, referring to the Church Fathers as needed, & stopping to read any Prophecies or pseudepigrapha taking place at the same time, e.g. Life of Adam & Eve in between Gen. 4 & 5. Trying to have immersion in the culture (breadth) with the pseudepigrapha, & the most understanding of every detail & foreshadowing (depth) with the commentaries, with everything playing like a giant, epic movie. Slow going, obviously! I don’t read often, sorry! Every once in a while, I get in a certain mood & start doing this, & do a lot. Method fits my personality type, INTP, extremely well. Guess it could be useful to other people like me.

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