12 Must-Read Christian Blogs for Women (Don’t Miss These!)
Looking for additional resources to help you grow in Christian faith and family? Well, you’re in luck! Today I’m sharing 12 of my favorite Christian blogs for women!
Here at Equipping Godly Women, we make it our mission to challenge, encourage and equip you to be ALL IN in faith and family.
We want to be like that awesome big sis — your biggest cheerleader and the one you can always turn to for real, honest, Biblical advice for whatever you’re going through right now (along with the occasional kick in the pants when needed!)
It’s what we do, I LOVE it, and I have to say, I think we do it pretty well!
BUT of course we’re not the only Christian women’s blog out there, and we don’t cover every single issue that you could ever need help with…
That’s why, today, I wanted to share with you 12 Must-Read Christian Blogs for Women.
Now, I have to warn you… this list is totally biased. I didn’t come up with these websites using some complicated algorithm or by researching every single Christian women’s blog in existence.
Rather, these are the top 12 Christian blogs for women that I personally love and read myself on a regular basis.
All of these Christian women blogs are written by reputable, well-known Christian female bloggers who have been around for a while, so their advice is solid and trustworthy. But, I didn’t include any HUGELY famous Christian celebrity bloggers who have grown to the point where they aren’t accessible anymore.
(In fact, I’ve personally connected with all of these bloggers at least once, and several of them are good friends I stay in contact with on a more regular basis.)
So, whether you’re looking for help or encouragement on a specific issue or you simply want to read more Christian blogs for women on a regular basis, I hope you find this list helpful!
**See Also: 10 Awesome Websites for Christian Women (You’ll Love These!) and Christian Youtubers You’ll Wish You Were Following
*This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps cover the many costs of running this site and allows me to help provide for my growing family. Thank you!
12 Must-Read Christian Blogs for Women
1. Equipping Godly Women by Brittany Ann
Well, of course I have to add my name to the list first, right? (I told you this list of Christian blogs for women was biased ? )
Seriously, though. If you are a Christian woman looking to grow in faith and family, this site has TONS of really practical and encouraging blog posts to help you be the amazing Godly Christian, wife and mother God created you to be, no matter what you’re dealing with right now.
Whether your husband watches porn and you’re not sure how to respond, you need help dealing with toxic family members Biblically, you want to be the perfect proverbs 31 woman, you want to learn how to be a Godly woman, or you simply want to learn how to read the Bible more consistently, Equipping Godly Women can help!
Plus, we regularly feature other female Christian bloggers (have you seen the new Equipping Godly Women podcast??), so you don’t just get my perspective and opinion, but real, helpful advice no matter what stage you’re at on your Christian journey.
My best advice? You absolutely want to join the email community.
When you do, not only will you get FREE GIFTS, but you’ll get twice weekly emails chock full of encouragement and super practical tips and advice to help you be the amazing Godly woman God created you to be (and so much more). You can get all the details here or simply Join below!
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** Don’t Miss: Free Printables for Christian Women
2. Arabah Joy Blog
ArabahJoy.com is a great Christian blog devoted to helping Christian women go deeper in their faith so they live lives of purpose, joy, and passion, and leave a legacy of faith and strength for others to follow. (In fact, it’s one of my very favorite Christian blogs for women!)
Articles on this site are very useful and encouraging in nature, and often center around living out your faith, diving deeper into the Word of God, and parenting your children well.
Personally, I’m a big fan of Arabah Joy’s Bible Study Methods course, a 7-day course designed to help you discover the JOY of self-Bible study by teaching you 7 different ways you can dive in and study the Bible for yourself. (You can learn more about Bible Study Methods here.) Or visit her site via the button below.
3. To Love Honor and Vacuum by Sheila Wray Gregoire
Written by Christian sex and marriage expert Sheila Wray Gregoire, ToLoveHonorandVacuum.com is one of my favorite Christian blogs for women devoted to helping Christian women develop rock-solid marriages.
Articles on this site are very straightforward but funny, and Sheila is definitely not afraid to “go there,” making this one of many great Christian women blogs. While the site does include some parenting content, Sheila mostly writes about marriage and sex within marriage, giving all the advice Christian wives need to know but are afraid to ask.
Personally, I’m a big fan of her Boost Your Libido Course, a 10-module video course that will show you how you can move your marriage from BLAH to Blazing, just by understanding how your brain, body, and relationship all work together to impact your libido! (You can learn more about the Boost Your Libido Course here)
4. A Mother Far From Home by Rachel Norman
After having 4 babies in 3 years, you’d expect Rachel Norman to know a thing or two about parenting littles, and you wouldn’t be wrong. Her site, A Mother Far From Home, offers a WEALTH of incredibly useful tips, tricks and suggestions to help Christian moms raise great kids without losing their sanity in the process — all from someone who has been there who totally gets it.
Typical topics you’ll find on A Mother Far From Home include: raising great kids, being a present/engaged mom, sleep habits and routines, and top tips for keeping care of the house. You can have a peaceful, loving home without the chaos, and this site will show you how.
5. Unveiled Wife by Jennifer Smith
Unveiled Wife is a personal blog dedicated to encouraging Christian women to build thriving marriages by teaching them how to be intentional in their role as a wife. With typical topics including faith, marriage, and motherhood, Unveiled Wife offers an atmosphere of authenticity and trust where women feel safe to share their marriage experiences, find encouragement and affirm each other. This is a “must check out” for Christian women blogs!
6. Becky Thompson
Here on Equipping Godly Women, I generally write articles that are very “How to” focused. Like “How to Make Time for God (Even When You Barely Have Time to Pee)“ or “How to Get Your Husband to Help More With the Kids.” These are great… if you’re looking for help learning how to do something.
But where do you turn for Christian women blogs on those days when you just feel overwhelmed by motherhood and you just need some straight up encouragement from another mom in the trenches just like you?
Well, if that’s the case, I’d definitely encourage you to check out BeckyThompson.com. Her marriage and parenting articles are so sweet, encouraging and heartfelt — I know you’ll love them!
7. We Are THAT Family by Kristen Welch
Another very inspiring Christian women blog I absolutely adore is We Are THAT Family by Kristen Welch. After beginning her site as a Christian parenting blog meant mostly to keep her extended family up to date, Kristen’s life was changed forever after a Compassion International trip, where she encountered Kenya’s extreme poverty firsthand.
Shaken to the core, her worldview changed forever, Kristen went on to found Mercy House, a nonprofit ministry dedicated to rescuing pregnant girls living in Kenya’s extreme poverty, as well as Fair Trade Friday, a monthly jewelry subscription that helps fund Mercy’s House’s two maternity homes.
If you ever find yourself so caught up in your own day-to-day life or your own selfish desires for more, more, more, We Are THAT Family offers a serious change in perspective and a much needed call to make a real difference.
8. Natasha Crain
You want your children to be Christians, and you do everything you can to teach them that Jesus loves them and the Bible is important, but will their faith stick once they’re grown and gone? According to statistics, unfortunately, it’s not super likely. Thankfully, there is hope.
Natasha Crain is one of my very favorite Christian blogs for women devoted to helping Christian parents know and pass on the real evidence for Christianity so both they and their children can answer all of the arguments to Christianity they are likely to encounter as their children grow up.
The information on Natasha’s blog honestly is a MUST for every Christian out there. This is one of the Christian women blogs you’ll definitely want to check out!
9. Club31Women by Lisa Jacobson
A true Proverbs 31 woman, Lisa Jacobson seeks to help other women be the same through her Christian women’s blog, Club31Women. Helpful and encouraging, the articles on Club31Women most commonly cover topics including Faith, Marriage, Parenting and Home.
Honestly, Lisa’s website is pretty similar in style to Equipping Godly Women, but her kids are older than mine so she has a lot more experience than I do! lol. If you love my site, but your kids aren’t little anymore, then Club31Women may be a great fit for you too!
(Don’t leave here obviously! But you should check her site out too ? )
10. The Humbled Homemaker by Erin Odom
I used to write about homemaking on Equipping Godly Women… then I kind of stopped. Not because it isn’t super important (it is), I just wanted to go in a different direction, and because I already know of two other very talented female Christian bloggers who are covering the topic so well!
One of them is Erin Odom of The Humbled Homemaker. Practical and encouraging, The Humbled Homemaker most commonly covers topics including motherhood, frugal living, homemaking, recipes, natural healthy living and more — all from a Christian perspective. If you want to take better care of yourself, your family and your home, this is one of the Christian women blogs that will help you do just that.
11. Young Wife’s Guide by Jami Balmet
So you remember how I said I know of TWO very talented female Christian bloggers who are covering the topic of homemaking so well? One is Erin (mentioned above). The other is Jami Balmet of Young Wife’s Guide.
With strong focuses on marriage and parenting, intentional planning, and taking care of the home, the Young Wife’s Guide blog provides a ton of great resources to encouraging Christian women to craft Gospel-centered, joy-filled homes. If you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed, unorganized and like you just can’t keep up, Young Wife’s Guide can help (and you don’t have to be a young wife to benefit!)
12. Compared To Who? by Heather Creekmore
Are you a Christian woman who struggles with body image or comparison issues? (Don’t we all!) If so, Compared to Who may be just what you need. After two decades of battling body image and turning to Christian sources only to find hollow platitudes, Heather Creekmore decided it was time to tackle the issue once and for all–with the Bible’s help. Visit Compared to Who? to find real hope for true contentment in the Lord — no matter what your body looks like.
Thanks for all the suggestions! I’ve been looking for new Christian blogs to add to my list and appreciate how much effort this took!
Thank you so much! I truly did put a lot of effort into research for this list. I’m so glad you are enjoying it! <3
I’m afraid I’m all blogged out. I am familiar with some of the blogs you mention and they provide some extremely valuable advice and instruction for women. BUT (and this is entirely my own doing) I have become somewhat overwhelmed by their influence of late, so much so that I have lost sight of myself and my own identity as a Christian. There is nothing wrong with these blogs, it’s how I have let them overwhelm me. I’m sure there are others who have experienced this too. I’m thankful for some of the things I’ve learned from them, but now, I must focus on my bible and let God speak to me.
Mine is family Christian Blog, I do blog about a bit of everything too. Mine may seem more to men, but women read Courageous Christian Father too. Feel free to check it out!
Thank you for this information. It is good to have the the truth of God’s word out there. We are so flooded with the worlds view everyday that it drowns out the life of the Lord in us.
These are truly awesome Christian Books for women. My wife will love these as she's really into filling up her library with all these Christian Good stuff!
Hello, Don! I am pleased to hear that your wife will love these. Enjoy your book!
very wonderful blog thanks for posting.
Hello, MahaviraMahakaya! I am so glad that you found the blogs helpful.
Our heart is the Temple of God. So talk to Jesus in the secret place of our heart. No need for unworthy pastors, prophets or any spiritual leaders!!! It's free challenge Him, talk to Him!!! Now!!! If you are sincere!!! The Bible is the light on our path!!!
Your page is awesome. I recommend for everyone to read this book too.
Daughter of The King: Understanding Your Identity and Living Out Your Purpose as a Single Christian Woman
Thank you for sharing your recommendation!