9 Universal “Unspoken Rules” All Decent Men and Women Are Expected to Know

🌺  Written by Brittany Ann

In life, there are some lessons you have to learn the hard way. 

No matter how many times someone warns you, you never really know what it’s like to be a parent, to receive a scary health diagnosis, or to thrive after massive failure until you’ve done it yourself.

However, there are other life lessons that people are somehow just expected to know — and most people do! 

Recently, on a popular social platform, someone asked: “What is an unspoken rule amongst men [or] women?”

If you don’t already know all of these rules, buckle up! It’s high time you learned them.


Women: If Another Woman Pretends You’re Friends, Go With It

Two women hugging.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Yes, of course women realize that “not all men” are dangerous.

However, most of us women have been in enough scary, awkward, or downright dangerous situations that we know: If a girl pretends she knows you, you go along with it (either for her safety or hers). 

In fact, this rule is so common that many (though not all!) men know about it as well.

One commenter shared his heroic story in the thread:

“This happened to me in a mensroom. Woman came in, very obviously avoiding some prick, and I’m at the urinal mid-pee. She’s suddenly become my GF/wife… and decides to perch herself on my left leg.

Guy comes in and sees this woman sort of leaning on me… [He] stabbed me in the [bottom] with something…

Girl loses it, a few of the more astute gentlemen in the washroom leap on the guy (thank you btw) and homeboy hits the jerk upside the head with his hard hat. Guy is done. He’s out cold. I have a scar on my butt.

No idea what happened to the woman, but the guy who clipped the attacker with his own helmet like a boss… now we’re close friends.”


Men: If Someone’s Fly is Down, Tell Them

man covering face in judgement
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Knowing when to comment on someone else’s body or physical appearance can be tricky. You don’t want to be accused of having the wrong intentions or looking where you shouldn’t be looking.

That being said, most men agree: If someone’s fly is down, just tell them! 

One commenter shared his story:

“I was backpacking in Morocco years ago…

I saw a big bearded guy trying to catch my eye, and was instantly a bit on my guard. When he saw I was looking he quickly did the ‘up/down’ gesture at waist level.

I turned around and quickly did up my fly, gave him a nod, and went on safe in the knowledge the bro code crossed cultures and continents.”


Women: If Someone Has a Clothing Mishap, Let Her Know

smiling woman
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

Similarly, most women also agree: If someone has an embarrassing makeup or clothing mishap, you should let them know right away.

One person shared,

“If she has lipstick on her teeth, let her know. If there’s any clothing mishaps tell her or help her fix it. Finally if you notice a red spot on her dress or pants quickly and quietly let her know about it.”

Another chimed in,

“The panties tucked into the dress mishap especially. Linda wherever you are, thank you for telling me. I had been walking around like that and never even noticed a breeze bc of my tights.”


Men: The Nod

man listening to phone
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Did you know that most men have a specific nod they give to other men, and the direction of the nod matters?

No one teaches guys the “Nod” rule, and yet most men (and several women!) know it’s a real occurence men use all the time to acknowledge people they don’t know. 

One commenter explained,

“Nod up for guys you’re familiar and friendly with. Nod down for acquaintances, or someone you respect or someone in a higher position.”

Someone else added,

“Left for ‘We need to talk.’ Right for ‘Check this out.'”


Women: The “Get Me Out of Here” Look

woman looking to side
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

It’s amazing how much women can communicate to other women (or even men) using nothing more than a slight move of their eyes or the surrounding facial muscles.

This skill comes in especially handy when you need to communicate “Help me!” to another female, without alerting a man’s suspicion, often for safety reasons. 

One commenter shared,

“As far as I’ve ever seen, every girl knows ‘the look.’ ‘The look’ is a look a girl gets on her face when she is in a situation that she doesn’t want to be in, it’s a ‘help me’ and ‘get me out of here.”

When you see this look, you step in. Doesn’t matter if you know the girl or not.”


Men: Always Leave Space in the Men’s Room

man washing hands in sink
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

For men, there are several unspoken rules surrounding where to stand and where to look while using the men’s room.

After all, it’s a vulnerable position to be in, and you don’t want to risk seeming as though you have questionable intent.

The rules? Leave plenty of space in between you, whenever possible, and whatever you do — don’t look!

One person shared,

“You stare straight ahead, or straight down. Those are the only two acceptable directions to look at.”


Women: Offer Extra Period Products if Someone is Caught Off Guard

womans jeans pad calendar
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

While women typically get a little more privacy when using the ladies’ room, most women will agree: It’s still important to be there for your fellow ladies if they need anything.

Whether someone runs out of toilet paper or is caught off guard during that time of the month, if you have extra to spare, please share. 

Some women even carry extra products with them just in case they encounter someone who needs them.


Men: Don’t Date Your Friends’ Exes

couple smiling at each other
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

This rule is true for both genders, but it’s especially true for men: Your friends’ exes are off-limits. 

While you may get a pass if you have permission and the girl is perfect for you, you better be planning a trip down the aisle if you’re planning on risking it.

Most men agree: Don’t do it.


Women: Never Upstage the Bride or Birthday Girl

bride and groom at wedding
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

Few days are more important to a woman than her wedding day, her birthday, or her graduation.

These days should be all about celebrating the woman and her accomplishments, and anyone who puts the focus elsewhere is, quite frankly, a big jerk.

This means: No wearing a white or revealing dress to someone else’s wedding and no behaving in wild and outlandish ways.

All girls know: We celebrate the girl we’re there to celebrate, and we don’t allow anyone else to interfere.


23 Parents Confess: I Let My Kids Do “Bad” Things (And I’m Not Sorry)

Girl reading a book in her bed
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Do you consider yourself to be a stricter parent or a more permissive parent?

While we can all agree that we want to raise kind, smart, productive members of society, the way we go about raising these kids can vary wildly.Because every parent is unique and every child is unique, rules and expectations that make sense for one family don’t always make sense for another. As a result, it’s up to each individual family to decide which rules, guidelines, and expectations make the most sense for them — even if they aren’t the norm.Recently, on a popular social platform, one person asked,

“What ‘bad’ thing do you let your kids do?

For example, I let my kids draw on the bedroom walls. It makes them happy to express themselves and it makes me happy to see their art. They know they can’t draw on other walls so it feels good to let them have this little win.

I’m curious if other parents do similar things.”

23 Parents Confess: I Let My Kids Do “Bad” Things (And I’m Not Sorry)


Who Was the Most Sinful Person in the Bible?

Jesus walking with his apostles.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The Bible is full of great stories and interesting people who can teach us important life lessons today.

However, just because someone is in the Bible doesn’t mean that they are a positive role model. In fact, many of the Bible’s most notable characters teach us what not to do if we ever find ourselves in a similar situation.

If you’re looking for humorous stories, juicy drama, and poor life choices that will leave you shaking your head, you’ll find them all right here.

Who Was the Most Sinful Person in the Bible?

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Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of EquippingGodlyWomen.com, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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