From Pews to Pixels: 10 Modern Trends Taking Over the Christian Church

🌺  Written by Jessica Landes

Christians from around the world participate in traditions like weekly worship, feet washing, communion, and sharing meals together. Many of these traditions are born from centuries long customs, and the Bible has plenty of examples of how and why they are a part of the faith.

Our modern world has rendered some of these traditions like feet washing, as less necessary. With cars, buses, bikes, and most importantly shoes, washing someone’s feet is typically done in the comfort of their own home or in a special church service setting.

As traditions shift to fit the modern culture, there are several trends emerging that Christians can stay up-to-date on. What is trending now might eventually be present or already be present up in their own community.


1. Virtual Communion

Woman watching a church service on tv
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many events that used to be in person have moved to a virtual setting for a variety of reasons, including accommodating people who are out of town or generally unable to meet in person.

Virtual communion is a great way to get a large group of people involved, and it can also be a fun way to introduce neighbors and friends to your church community in a low stakes setting.


2. Baptism Celebrations

A man getting baptized in a body of water.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Baptismals are exciting events with declarations of faith, and in the modern era, many churches host their baptisms in a giant pool on a stage or in a public setting, like a lake or a park.

Baptisms have always been a Christian tradition, and in the 21st century, many are happening in non traditional ways, either during a church service or in smaller home churches.


3. Child Dedications

baby boy held up by his dad
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

When children are born in the church, many parents have opted to be a part of a child dedication ceremony rather than a baby baptism.

A child dedication ceremony involves the entire congregation, and members are encouraged to support the child, parents, and family as a whole as the child grows up in the church.


4. Prayer Walks

woman praying outside
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Walking through your city and praying for your neighbors and those who you don’t know is not only a wonderful way to get to know your city better, but can also help strengthen your relationships to those outside of the church.

Prayer walks are a simple yet effective way to get members of the congregation involved in a ministry outside of weekly services.


5. Christian Meditation

Woman sitting in a field in a yoga pose
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

As mindfulness becomes a part of the culture at large, Christians are learning more about how they can participate.

Christian meditation can be extremely helpful to those going through a stressful time or for those looking to deepen their faith.


6. Eco-Friendly Churches

A couple walking through a church together.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Hosting green and eco-friendly events is becoming a tradition within modern day churches as more and more people are concerned about their carbon footprint and want to make a change.

Churches are starting with simple moves, like removing single use coffee cups and offering guests coffee mugs during Sunday services, or encouraging church goers to carpool during events.


7. Christian Raves

concert rave
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

Dances are for everyone, and Christians are beginning to embrace the fun that can come with hosting a rave!

Christian raves take inspiration from EDM events and incorporate Christian EDM.


8. Online Prayer Networks

woman typing on phone
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

Much like a virtual communion event, online prayer networks are quickly becoming a mainstay in modern day Christianity. Sites like 24/7 Prayer have been around for 25 years, connecting Christians around the world through social media.

Using the Internet to connect with others in the faith can be transformative, and getting to know others outside of your community helps expand your world.


9. Christian Graffiti

graffiti painting art showing Jesus
Photo Credit: Lightstock

Graffiti can be a beautiful art form, and when granted the proper permissions, Christians can create some spectacular pieces.

Christian graffiti can be created for special events, at church services, or even local community festivals!


10. Christian Comedy

male speaker on stage
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Clean comedy routines are great for everyone of all ages, and Christian comedy is great for letting loose with friends and family.

As Christian comedy grows, many more comedians will continue creating content in this genre and tour across the country.


10 “Must-See” Biblical Films to Binge Watch This Weekend

couple watching movie with popcorn
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

When you first look at it, Hollywood and the Church seem like oil and water. After all, the media coming out of Hollywood often includes excessive violence, mature themes, and values that don’t align with Christianity.

But every once in a while, a Christian-themed movie does really well in theaters. From Bible stories to unexplainable miracles, these faith-based movies are worth adding to your watch list.

10 “Must-See” Biblical Films to Binge Watch This Weekend


7 Best Bible Apps for Christian Women — All Free!

Phone with Bible app and ear pods
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Ever wish you could read the Bible more regularly or study the Bible more in-depth? Well… There’s an app for that!

Whether you’re looking for an interesting Bible reading plan, an audio version to read the Bible to you, or in-depth Bible studies led by trained pastors, these ten popular Bible study apps allow you to take Scripture with you wherever you go. Plus, they’re free!

7 Best Bible Study Apps for Christians

Jessica Landes
+ posts
Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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