Stuck in a Waiting Room? 10 Ways to Make the Time Spiritually Profitable

🌺  Written by Jennifer Graham Kizer

Have you ever had to sit in a waiting room for so long that it felt like an endless purgatory? Maybe you’re in a doctor’s office, at your local DMV, or in an airport lounge.

The time ticks by, and you wonder when, oh when, will you be summoned?

Of course, thinking about it just makes the wait feel longer. How might you redeem this time and maybe even make it spiritually profitable?

Here are 10 options.

1. Focus On the Waiting

people waiting
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

As you sit and wait for your name to be called, consider other things you are waiting on God for. Have you been praying for a change in your career or in a relationship? Have you been asking for God’s intervention in, say, a grown child’s life?

If it’s something that continues to worry you, intentionally hand it back to God right now. Ask for help trusting Him as you continue to wait. Spend a few minutes trying to recall ways that God has kept His promises in the past. (You might think of biblical examples.)

Finally, silently and steadily repeat this verse from Psalm 31:15: “My times are in Your hand.”

Meditate on this idea as you do so.

2. Memorize a Passage of Scripture

phone with scripture passage
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

There are many good reasons to memorize Scripture, starting with the fact that God tells us to. Colossians 3:16 says to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” But our busy lives might inhibit us from doing it.

If you’re sitting in a waiting room with nothing to do, you’ve been given the gift of time. Why not use it to build up your mind’s store of God’s word? Call up a Bible app on your phone and begin to memorize a new passage.

You might start with the prologue of John, or portions of the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 5-7.

3. Meditate On the Attributes of God

Girl holding sign
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Challenge yourself to think of an attribute of God (the traits or qualities that describe Him) for each letter of the alphabet, starting with the letter A, then B, etc.

He is Almighty. He is Benevolent. He is Compassionate…

For each attribute you name, take a moment to meditate on how that trait affects you personally. For example, how have you seen Him demonstrate His mighty power in your life or that of someone you know?

4. Prepare to Name Your Favorite Scripture Passage

Two women discussing scripture
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Imagine if someone approached you right now and asked, “What is your favorite passage of Scripture?” What would you say?

For example, it might be Proverbs 3:5-6.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Think about how you would explain this choice. How has this verse helped you? How might this verse help someone you know right now? Chances are, someone in your life will face a hardship or a difficult decision in the future. Being ready to explain your favorite verse might enable you to help when such a moment arises.

5. Pray for an Enemy

praying person
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

God calls us to pray for our enemies, but how often do we really do this? During our daily prayer time, we’re usually busy lifting up the people we want to pray for.

Use this time stuck in a waiting room to bring to mind someone in your life who is hard to love. Ask God to help you to see that person as He does. Take some time to pray for God’s blessing upon them — and that He might transform your own heart attitude towards them.

6. Do Some Anxiety-Fighting Exercises

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Waiting is stressful! Check your stress level, and you may find that you are feeling anxious about seeing the doctor. Maybe you are concerned about getting through this appointment in time to make it to your next engagement.

Bring your concerns to God. As the writers often did in the Psalms, let God know about your frustration and discomfort. Then follow the Psalmists’ typical pattern of ending with an acknowledgement that God is in control, and He has even this situation in hand. Ask Him to help you rest in that knowledge—and to really believe that He is working in all things for your good.

7. Practice Seeing People as God Does

waiting room people
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Look around you at the other people in this waiting room. Imagine you are Jesus. How would He take in these surroundings? How would He feel about the people He sees?

Are there children there? What did Jesus say about children? Are there elderly people there? Sick people? What did Jesus say about them?

Remember that He died for each person in this room. How valuable they are to Him! Use this as a meditation exercise.

8. Pray for Others Who Are Waiting

boy waiting in airport
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Scan the room with your eyes, silently praying for the other people who are waiting. If you are the only one, pray for the receptionist.

If you’re in a doctor’s office, it’s probable that someone here is sick. Pray for healing. If you’re in an airport, the people in your vicinity will be traveling. Pray for protection along the way.

9. Send an Encouraging Text

woman texting
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Consider the people in your life. Is there anyone who could use an encouraging text right now? Send a message to this person or people, telling them you are thinking of them.

Perhaps you could ask them if they need specific prayer. If/when they reply, now you have some praying to do during your time in this waiting room!

10. Use a Bible Devotional App

Bible app on phone
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

There are several free devotional apps you can download to your phone. They offer daily scripture, commentary, reading plans and prayer guidance that you can call up anywhere at any time.

Are you feeling impatient as you sit in this waiting room? With the YouVersion Bible app, you can search for key topics like “patience” or “waiting.” The app will offer you Bible verses, reading plans and videos on that topic. Then just sit back and see what God has to tell you in this moment.

Before you know it, your wait will be over!


10 Bible Verses About Trusting God in Difficult Times

woman with Bible looking away thinking about trusting God
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

When you’re going through trials and suffering, Scripture verses about trusting God in difficult times can be such a comfort. The Bible’s whole narrative is about humanity’s journey in trusting their Creator.

Meditate on and pray through these verses about trusting God in difficult times when you need a reminder about the big picture: God’s story, what He’s doing in the world, His boundless grace and mercy, and how much you matter to Him.

10 Bible Verses About Trusting God in Difficult Times


How to Hear God’s Voice Clearly

woman smiling with Bible
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Wish you could hear God speaking to you? You can!

Here are six step-by-step tips you can use today to help you hear the Holy Spirit speaking to you loudly and clearly.

How to Hear God’s Voice Clearly

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Jennifer Graham Kizer has written features and essays for over a dozen magazines, including Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Health, Parents, Parenting, Redbook and TV Guide.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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