The Significance of Passover for Christians: Exploring Themes of Deliverance, Faith, and Eternal Life

🌺  Written by Helen Okobokekeimei

The Passover season began this week and is a significant time for individuals who follow the Jewish faith.

This observed season is rooted in the book of Exodus, which narrates how God led the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt and brought them to the promised land.

As a Christian, you might wonder if Passover holds any relevance.


5 Reasons Passover is Relevant to Christians

unleavened bread for passover
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The truth is, Passover is relevant and essential for Christians, too, and here are five points that demonstrate its importance:

  • Passover highlights God’s saving power – The story of Passover reminds us that God is a God of deliverance who saves His people from bondage and slavery.
  • Passover foreshadows Christ’s sacrifice—The Passover lamb, sacrificed during the festival, foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
  • Passover emphasizes the need for redemption – The Israelites were saved from the angel of death by painting the lamb’s blood on their doorposts. Similarly, as Christians, we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
  • Passover celebrates freedom—the freedom that God gave to the Israelites, and as Christians, we celebrate the freedom we have in Christ.
  • Passover unites Jews and Christians – By celebrating Passover, Christians can connect with their Jewish roots and build bridges of understanding and unity with our Jewish brothers and sisters.


1. Protective Blessings: Insights from Ancient Practices

A flock of sheep.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

According to the biblical account of Exodus, Moses gave the Jewish people specific instructions to paint the blood of a lamb on their doorposts using hyssop branches.

This act was necessary to receive protection from the tenth plague, which involved the firstborn son of every household in Egypt.

The mark of protection that the lamb’s blood provided ensured that the Jewish people would be spared from the devastating effects of this plague and that they would not suffer any harm.

This obedience demonstrated their faith in God’s promise of protection and deliverance from their oppressors.

Today, this story serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to his people and the power of faith and obedience to overcome adversity.


2. Guided Journeys: Lessons from the Promised Land

Moses holding up the ten commandments.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The Jewish people, led by God’s servant Moses, were given clear direction to the Promised Land, which flows with milk and honey.

This was the land where God had promised to provide for all their needs and protect them from harm. However, this did not mean that their lives would be trouble-free.

They faced challenges and difficulties, but God was faithful and always provided for them.

As Christians, we can take comfort in knowing God’s promises are still true today. We, too, face challenges and difficulties in our daily lives, but we can trust that God is with us and will provide for all our needs. He promises to protect us and guide us through the storms of life.

With God on our side, we can face any challenge that comes our way with strength and courage, knowing that He is always there to help us.


2. Celebrating Faithfulness: The Enduring Power of Gratitude and Remembrance

Disciples praying
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

During the Passover season, the Jewish people traditionally gather together for a meal to honor and remember the Lord’s goodness and protection in their lives.

This meal has been a long-standing tradition that dates back to when the Lord saved them from the Egyptians and led them on a journey to the Promised Land. The Jewish communities celebrate through this meal and thank God for His faithfulness and guidance.

Jesus also celebrated the Passover through the Last Supper, an essential event in Christian history. This event reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us, providing us with salvation and eternal life.

As Christians, we should thank and honor God every day, not just during the Passover season. We can do this through various practices like communion in our homes and churches, saying grace before meals, daily bread, and setting aside time to devote to God.

It is important to remember and celebrate God’s goodness and protection in our lives, not just during the Passover season but every day.

These practices help us to stay connected to God and strengthen our faith, giving us the courage to face life’s challenges with hope and optimism.


4. Triumphant Freedom: Finding Deliverance and Hope in Faith

Jesus teaching his disciples.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The story of the Jewish people’s deliverance from slavery is one of the most remarkable events in world history.

God, in his infinite mercy and compassion, led the Israelites through the Red Sea, protecting them from their oppressors and securing their freedom and liberty. The bondage that had held them captive for years was finally broken, and they could breathe the fresh air of freedom and justice.

As Christians, we have experienced this same deliverance and liberation. By forgiving our sins, we have been free from guilt and shame. We have been restored to wholeness and peace through redemption, healing, and reconciliation. And through the justice from God alone, we have been vindicated and made right.

God is still at work in our lives today, just as he was with the Israelites. He still delivers us from the chains that bind us, leading us through life’s storms, protecting us from harm, and setting us free.

All we need to do is come to him, trust him, and allow him to work in our lives.


5. Enduring Faith: The Power Of Trusting God’s Guidance Through Life’s Journey

Jesus disciples following him.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The Jewish people faced numerous challenges and obstacles throughout the biblical account of Exodus through Numbers.

They had to learn that they could not rely on their strength and abilities; instead, they must put their faith and trust in God and focus on Him.

This lesson was a challenging one to learn, but it was crucial for their survival and success. After spending 40 years in the wilderness, the Israelites finally reached their promised land, a testament to their perseverance and faith in God.

This lesson is not limited to the Jewish people alone but applies to all of us, regardless of our religion or beliefs. Similar events throughout history have shown us that we must rely on a higher power and seek guidance from God to overcome challenges and succeed.

Christians are called to walk with the Lord and maintain a daily relationship with Him. This means seeking His guidance and wisdom in every aspect of our lives and trusting He will lead us to where we need to be. By doing so, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way and find true fulfillment in our lives.


Passover Isn’t Just a Jewish Celebration

Man standing in a field with a Bible
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Passover is a Jewish festival that celebrates the liberation of the Israelites from ancient Egyptian slavery. However, it is also significant for Christians as it reminds them of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice during the Passover feast.

The unleavened bread and wine used in the Passover meal are central to the Christian Eucharist, commemorating Jesus’s Last Supper with his disciples. Passover represents freedom and liberation, themes important in both Jewish and Christian traditions.

Many Christians believe celebrating Passover daily is necessary to connect with the spiritual heritage of both religions.


10 Basic Bible Trivia Facts Most People Don’t Know

man holding Bible smiling
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Think you know the world’s most popular, best selling book of all time?

Most people are at least somewhat familiar with this staple of the Christian faith. Yet, studies have shown that Bible literacy is at an all-time low as fewer people are regularly reading their Bibles than ever before.

While knowing facts about the Bible and actually living according to its main message are two very different things, it can still be helpful to know a few basic (and interesting!) facts about this very important book.

Here are 10 basic Bible trivia facts most people don’t know.

10 Basic Bible Trivia Facts Most People Don’t Know


10 Bible Verses About Trusting God in Difficult Times

woman with Bible looking away thinking about trusting God
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

When you’re going through trials and suffering, Scripture verses about trusting God in difficult times can be such a comfort. The Bible’s whole narrative is about humanity’s journey in trusting their Creator.

Meditate on and pray through these verses about trusting God in difficult times when you need a reminder about the big picture: God’s story, what He’s doing in the world, His boundless grace and mercy, and how much you matter to Him.

10 Bible Verses About Trusting God in Difficult Times


Helen Okobokekeimei
+ posts
Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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