7 Reasons Attending Church is Still Relevant Today

🌺  Written by Helen Okobokekeimei

Many people still attend church despite some exiting the services for many reasons, from opting out of church involvement to no longer having a prolonged feeling that church matters in society. However, some still appreciate and value the importance of attending church, whether it is Sunday services, mid-week services, specialized services catered to different demographics, or having church online.

Here are seven reasons why attending church is still relevant today.


1. Seeking Connection: The Importance of Worship and Praise in Christian Life

woman raising hands in worship
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For Christians, coming to God is an opportunity to express their gratitude for everything He has done in their lives.

Thanksgiving is an essential part of their faith and a way to acknowledge God’s goodness and faithfulness. It is also a time to worship and praise God for who he is and what he has done.

Through worship, Christians seek to deepen their relationship with God, believing that it is through praising Him that they can draw closer to Him.

Spending time in His presence allows Christians to seek guidance, comfort, and peace. It is a moment to reflect on their lives, seek forgiveness, and ask for strength to face any challenges that may come their way.


2. Nurturing Belonging: The Power of Fellowship and Community

people hugging in church lobby
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For many people, attending church is a way to connect with others within their local community. It allows them to serve alongside others, engage in conversations about topics that interest them (even the most mundane ones), and have someone to listen to them.

These things matter deeply to people as they seek to build meaningful connections and reach out to others.

Being a part of a church community allows individuals to form deep bonds with others who share their values and beliefs and to feel a sense of belonging and purpose in their lives.

Whether volunteering, attending social events, or simply chatting with others after a service, the connections made at church can profoundly impact people’s lives.


3. Life Guidance: Biblical Wisdom for Navigating Life Challenges

teens reading Bibles in a circle
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

People who attend church come to learn essential lessons from the Bible, which have practical applications in their daily lives.

These lessons cover many topics, such as patience, forgiveness, the meaning of work, how to establish healthy relationships and boundaries, grace, and making wise daily decisions.

Individuals seek guidance and direction from these teachings to help them overcome life’s challenges. Ultimately, these lessons aim to help individuals lead a fulfilling and purposeful life.


4. The Heart of Community: Connecting with Pastors and Church Staff

smiling man at church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Many churchgoers still visit their pastor during or at the beginning of the week to inquire about their well-being and the activities taking place at the church.

Some individuals may even schedule an appointment with the pastor at their convenience to discuss matters that concern them.

Others may want to greet the pastor and converse with other church members, especially after the service. Church staff members also play a significant role in running the church smoothly.


5. Empowering Service: Utilizing Talents to Make a Difference in the Community

volunteers accepting donations
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Many attend church during the week to utilize their resources, such as their unique gifts, strengths, talents, purpose, and time to serve others in need.

This can involve a wide range of activities, such as reaching out to the older adults at a retirement center who might be feeling lonely due to lack of visitation from loved ones, volunteering to help the sick and those who are in need, or contributing to a local school to support children with their education.

By doing so, individuals can actively participate in the church and community they reside in, intending to impact people’s lives positively.

Serving others goes a long way in fostering a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and positive change in the world.


6. Spiritual Rejuvenation: The Transformative Power of Embracing Rest

A man reading a book while laying in a hammock.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The act of coming to church to honor the Sabbath day – that seventh day of rest – is still a significant reason for many people. It is a day to find solace with God, to feel His presence, and to seek His guidance.

Observing the Sabbath day is not limited to Sundays or Saturdays; it can be celebrated any day.

Resting and spending time with the creator is crucial for many individuals. The simple moment of quiet time is essential for people to recharge their spiritual batteries and find peace. It is a time to reflect on the week’s events, to give thanks, and to ask for blessings.

The act of observing the Sabbath day is a reminder of the importance of spiritual nourishment and the necessity of taking time to connect with God in our busy lives.


7. Cultivating Inner Peace: The Role of Spiritual Nourishment in Sustaining Peace and Tranquility

Woman at peace
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

As a church attendee, it is of the utmost importance that you continue to immerse yourself in the refreshing word of God. This is essential for spiritual growth and your overall well-being, as it penetrates and reaches every aspect of your being—body, soul, and spirit.

It is an electrifying experience to witness the transformation that can occur when God’s word takes root in your heart and mind. The power of His word can equip you to face any challenge and enable you to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

As you allow God to work in you and through you, you will be amazed at what He can accomplish in your life. That is through just being at church and spending time in his word. You are simply getting peace, relief, and hope. It is a continuous refreshment and nourishment that is needed frequently.


Church is Still a Valuable Resource to Many

man praying in empty church
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Attending church has been a part of many people’s lives for centuries and is a valuable experience for many today. Despite the numerous changes in society, there are still seven reasons why people attend church and why it is essential in their lives. These reasons range from social connections to spiritual fulfillment and provide insight into why this tradition has endured.


13 Biggest Mysteries of the Bible No One Can Fully Explain

dark clouds parted in sky
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

As limited human beings, we can never hope to know God fully.

Yes, we can (and should!) learn as much as we can about Him through prayer, studying the Scriptures, and experience, but some things will always be a mystery too big for us to comprehend.

This lack of understanding doesn’t mean that God isn’t real. It simply means that we’re mere mortals.

The same is true when it comes to the Bible. While there’s a great deal we can learn, there are several biblical mysteries we may never fully understand — and that’s okay! It’s still fun to speculate and learn what we can.

13 Biggest Mysteries of the Bible No One Can Fully Explain


Things Christians Wish Non-Christians Knew About Their Faith

A pastor in front of a cross holding a bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Christianity, a globally practiced faith, holds profound significance for its followers. It can also be misunderstood by those who do not practice Christianity, which can harbor some frustrations for practicing Christians.

Recently, on a popular social media page, we found some things Christians wish non-Christians knew about their faith.

Things Christians Wish Non-Christians Knew About Their Faith

Helen Okobokekeimei
+ posts
Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of EquippingGodlyWomen.com, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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