How to Always Make Time for Your Priorities

Mom making time for priorities reading to two children.Do you ever feel like you have more things to do in a day than you have time to do them?

Between work… taking care of the kids… cleaning the house… folding laundry… cooking dinner… the list is never ending.

Sure, you’d like to find the time to read your Bible more, eat healthier, exercise, be a better mom to your kids, and everything else on your list.

But you already feel like you’re drowning as it is. How can you possibly find time to do more?

Trust me, I get it.

As a busy, work-at-home mom of three little ones, I know exactly how difficult it can be to find the time for the things YOU want to do when you’re so busy running around taking care of everyone else.

But the good news is: You really CAN find time for ALL of your top priorities, and in this post I’m going to show you how.

Here’s the secret: When I say “You CAN make time for ALL your top priorities,” I don’t mean, “You can do everything all at once.”

Instead, I mean, you can figure out which 3-5 people, activities, or hobbies are MOST important to you, and then find ways to fit them into your every day.

This is a practice I’ve done for a few years now, and let me tell you —  It has helped me tremendously. 

Not only is it quick and easy, but it really helps me prioritize my time better, so I ALWAYS have time for the things that matter most, and so I don’t have to feel guilty about not spending so much time on the things that don’t.

This is an exercise I share in the “Fall in Love with God’s Word” companion workbook, but it’s so helpful, I want to make sure I share it with you as well!

Scroll down for video instructions, written instructions, and a free printable you can download and print out so you can do this exercise too.

*This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps cover the many costs of running this site and allows me to help provide for my growing family. Thank you!

Schedule Your Priorities Worksheet

1. Print Out Your Worksheet

Simply enter your name and email address below, and I’ll send you a free copy of your “Schedule Your Priorities” worksheet. Alternately, if you’d like to write out your own on a piece of paper, that’s fine too.

2. List Your 3-5 Priorities in the Spaces on the Top

This should be an idealized list. Not what you’re necessarily doing currently, but what you WANT to do in the future.

Also – your priorities can (and probably should!) change over time, so be sure to consider your current season of life. What people or activities do you most want to prioritize in this season?

3. Notice Which Items Didn’t Make Your List

While it’d be great if we had unlimited hours to do all the things we could ever want, this simply isn’t realistic.

This exercise isn’t about finding unlimited time to do everything; it’s about making sure you have time for the things that mean the most to YOU.

So, which items didn’t make your list? Which people or activities do you have to admit, “That’s a #6…” or “That’s a #7…” Good news! These aren’t priorities to you. That’s okay. That means you don’t have to feel guilty if they don’t get done.

We all only have so many hours in a day, and we don’t need to waste time worrying about things that aren’t as important.

4. List Times in the Left-hand Column

Depending on how busy you are and how much you do or don’t like schedules, you can choose to write in every hour of the day, every few hours, or simply general time frames like “morning” and “afternoon.”

All of the blocks do not have to match. Simply break up your day however works best for you.

5. Schedule in Each of Your Top Priorities

Start with anything on your schedule that absolutely can not be changed (or that you’re unwilling to change). For example, if you have to be at work during set hours or you have to pick up your children from school or extracurricular activities at the same time of day.

Then, starting with priority #1, find a spot for each of your most important priorities in order.

(Your #1 priority doesn’t need to have the most time, but it should have as much time as it reasonably needs.)

Be sure to leave some margin for when things come up or go wrong.

6. Put Your Printable Somewhere You’ll See it Often

Of course, there’s a big difference between planning your day and actually living according to your plan. Be sure to print out your schedule and put it somewhere you’ll see it often, so you can make sure you set aside time for each of your most important priorities this week!

What are your top 3-5 priorities in this season? Let me know in the comments below!

Fall in Love with God's Word Book and Workbook

Did you find this exercise helpful?

If so, I’d love for you to check out my new book, “Fall in Love with God’s Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women,” along with the “Fall in Love with God’s Word” companion workbook.

This book (and workbook) are chock FULL of practical tips and encouragement to help you not only find time to read God’s Word every day, but to truly enjoy what you’re reading.

If you’re someone who wants to read your Bible more often (and get more out of it!), this book will help you do ju

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  1. I ordered your book last month, when you had the conference, I haven’t started reading it, but I’m putting this phone down and start right now, thank you and God bless you

  2. I’ve just discovered your blog, and I must say that this is very helpful advice. It feels nice not having to worry about doing everything at once.

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