Think Outside the Pews: 12 Exciting Approaches to Teach Kids About Jesus

In a world full of different ideas, teaching kids about Jesus can be more exciting when we get creative. As parents, grandparents, teachers, or caregivers, it’s important to think beyond the usual ways and find fun approaches that kids will enjoy.

In this article, we’ll look at twelve different and interesting ways to make sure the important lessons of Jesus become a memorable part of their lives. Get ready for a journey that goes beyond the usual and brings a new energy to how we share Jesus’ teachings with our kids.

1. Bible Storytelling

A mom reading the bible to her children.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Using stories from the Bible is a fantastic way to introduce children to the life and teachings of Jesus. It’s important to find stories from the Bible that are just right for your kids’ age. You can make these stories engaging by using colorful books or interactive apps with pictures that capture young imaginations.

Telling these stories doesn’t just bring the Bible to life. It also helps children understand the messages within and how they relate to their daily lives. These stories from the Bible can teach valuable lessons about love, kindness, and making good choices, which can guide children in their journey of growing up with strong values and faith. So, by making the Bible stories interesting and relatable, you’re helping your children build a foundation of faith and good character that will last a lifetime.

2. Art and Craft Projects

A young boy doing arts and crafts.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Fostering your children’s creativity and strengthening their spiritual connection is easily achieved through enjoyable arts and crafts projects centered on the stories of Jesus. Whether painting watercolor scenes from the Bible, crafting Jesus-themed decorations, or creating religious dioramas, these hands-on experiences provide a deeper understanding of the stories, making it easier for children to ask questions and initiate discussions about their faith.

These projects encourage creativity and serve as lasting visual reminders of the significance of Jesus in their lives, strengthening the family’s spiritual bonds and values.

3. Nature Walks and Creation

Father and Son walking down a paved road next to a tree, with arms up both showing their muscles (strength).
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Teaching children about Jesus as the Creator can be a delightful experience through nature exploration. Take your kids on leisurely walks in the great outdoors, encouraging them to discover the beauty of the natural world. Along the way, point out the details of flowers, the variety of birds, and the breathtaking landscapes, explaining that these are evidence of God’s remarkable design.

This connection with nature allows children to appreciate the world around them and prompts meaningful discussions about God’s role as the Creator. It encourages children to see the beauty all around them and think about the significance of God’s work in their lives, strengthening their understanding of both faith and the environment.

4. Family Prayer Time

family walking toward cross
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Regular family prayer time is a beautiful way for your family to grow closer to Jesus. During these moments, encourage your children to express themselves by sharing their thoughts, feelings, and any questions they might have. This practice helps kids learn about prayer and build a personal and special connection with Jesus.

In these family prayer sessions, your children can use their own words to talk to Jesus, just like talking to a close friend, sharing their joys, worries, and things they’re thankful for. This helps them get comfortable with the idea of prayer and deepens their bond with Jesus and their faith, making it a cherished practice for everyone in the family.

5. Songs and Music

School kids singing at church
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Adding religious songs and music to your daily routines is a wonderful way to engage your children in your faith. Whether you’re in the car, at family gatherings, or doing everyday chores, singing hymns, or playing Christian music can create a harmonious and enjoyable connection to religious concepts that are easy for children to understand.

These songs often carry messages of love, kindness, and faith that resonate with children, helping them grasp the core values of your belief and appreciate the beauty of religious music as a regular part of your family’s routine.

6. Christian Movies and Cartoons

cartoon noah's ark
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Christian movies and cartoons made for kids have a special way of making Bible stories and Jesus’ teachings more exciting. They bring the stories to life and teach important lessons in a fun and engaging way. These shows are like exciting adventures that spark discussions and curiosity in kids.

They encourage valuable conversations about faith and help children understand the Bible’s stories and messages better. So, Christian movies and cartoons are both entertaining and a great way to explore the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.

7. Sunday School or Church Groups

Children playing in Sunday school.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Enrolling your children in Sunday school or church youth groups is a fantastic way to provide them with an organized and enjoyable setting for learning about Jesus. These groups offer activities, classes, and discussions tailored to your children’s age, making it easier for them to understand their faith.

Through interactive lessons and engaging activities, kids get to connect with Jesus’ teachings on a personal level and make friends who share their beliefs. It’s both an educational and fun experience that helps build a strong foundation for their faith.

8. Role Play and Dramatization

A boy playing outside with a sword and a cape.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Creating role-playing sessions where children act out stories from the Bible is a fun and engaging way to teach them about Jesus. This hands-on approach allows kids to step into the shoes of characters from the Bible stories, helping them understand Jesus’ teachings by experiencing them personally.

It makes the stories more vivid and encourages discussions and a deeper understanding of these valuable lessons, fostering empathy and a connection to the characters and their situations. It’s a creative and memorable way to help children internalize these teachings and make them a part of their lives.

9. Volunteer Work

A boy picking up trash outside.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Teaching children about compassion and love, inspired by Jesus, is best done through volunteering. Activities like visiting the elderly, helping at charity events or assisting those in need offer practical lessons in living out Jesus’ teachings.

These hands-on experiences help kids understand the importance of kindness and caring for others while instilling a sense of responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact in the world, in line with Jesus’ legacy of love and compassion.

10. Faith Journals

A young child writing in a journal.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Encouraging your children to keep faith journals is a fantastic way to help them connect with their beliefs. These journals are like their personal diaries, where they can jot down thoughts, feelings, and what they’ve learned about Jesus and their faith.

It’s a place for them to document their spiritual journey and insights. These journals serve as a record of their growth in faith, allowing them to look back and see how they’ve changed and learned over time. It’s a valuable tool for self-reflection and remembering important moments on their spiritual path.

11. Christian Games

Kids playing board games.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Introduce special Christian board games designed for kids that mix fun with learning, offering a playful way for children to explore and understand important parts of their faith. Look for games based on famous Bible stories and the teachings of Jesus to make learning feel like an exciting adventure.

These games not only grab attention but also teach valuable lessons about moral values, encouraging kids to think critically and make good choices. By bringing Christian board games into your family activities, you create a fun learning space that reinforces faith-based ideas, making it easier for children to understand and apply their beliefs.

12. Family Devotion Time

A family reading the bible together.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Make special times for family moments where everyone comes together to talk about the Bible and Jesus. During these times, not only read passages from the Bible but also discuss what Jesus taught. Encourage each family member to share their thoughts and feelings, making it a relaxed and open space.

These moments are a chance for everyone to talk about their beliefs and ask questions. By creating a comfortable atmosphere during these family times, you help your children understand Jesus better. It’s a time for everyone to be part of the conversation and learn together on this shared spiritual journey.

20 Easy Children’s Bible Verses for Kids to Memorize

A boy and a girl reading books.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

It’s important to not only teach our kids how to memorize Scripture but also, to show them how to put these children’s Bible verses to use.

That’s one of the reasons there’s so much value in memorizing Bible verses for kids.

When they’ve already stored children’s Bible verses in their memories, it makes your job easier as a parent when you’re teaching them how to live. They already know the why (i.e. God’s people treat others with kindness) so you can just show them the how (i.e. not screaming at your brother).

20 Easy Children’s Bible Verses for Kids to Memorize

Want to Raise World Changers? Do These Five Things

family walking toward cross
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Seems like every time you turn on the news, all you see is a world desperately in need of the hope of Jesus. As Christians, we have a call to love and serve others. To point the world to Jesus and to make the world a better place.

Want to Raise World Changers? Do These Five Things

10 Reasons Why Homeschooling is an Excellent Choice for Christians

A boy doing school work.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Homeschooling has become a popular choice for many Christian families in recent years. As they seek to provide a faith-based and well-rounded education for their children, homeschooling has emerged as an excellent option. Let’s explore some reasons why it’s a good idea for Christians to homeschool their children.

10 Reasons Why Homeschooling is an Excellent Choice for Christians

How Busy Moms Can Make Time for Daily Devotions

woman reading at table with coffee mug
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Do you ever wish you could spend more time in the Word, but you’re just so busy taking care of your home and family that you don’t know how you possibly can? Yeah, I’ve been there, and I am happy to share some advice with you!

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