12 Christian Charities Igniting Change: Consider Donating on GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday, sometimes written as #GivingTuesday for hashtag activism, happens on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving in the United States. It’s celebrated as a “global generosity movement” that encourages people and organizations to come together and positively impact their communities and the world.

Whether you’re a person, a community group, a charity, a small business, a company, or a brand, there are numerous ways to show generosity! One way is to donate to one or more of the impactful Christian charities mentioned below. Don’t forget to check with your local GivingTuesday group for additional chances to give back in your area.

1. World Vision

A group of children.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

World Vision helps vulnerable children and communities by providing child protection, healthcare, and education, including emergency relief in times of disaster. They also strive to eliminate poverty in all its forms.

You can donate to World Vision on their official website. You can also choose to sponsor a child, which supports their education and healthcare. Additionally, you can participate in fundraising efforts or offer immediate assistance during emergencies to get involved.

2. CURE International

A child sitting on a hospital bed.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

CURE International is a worldwide Christian nonprofit organization running a network of charitable children’s hospitals in developing nations. These hospitals offer surgical care to children from 23 different countries. With ongoing support, they aim to guarantee that all children have access to the life-transforming healthcare they require.

You can donate to CURE International on their official website. You also have the option to sponsor a child’s surgery, help send medical supplies where they’re needed, and help fund operating rooms.

3. Compassion International

Impoverished children.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Compassion International addresses the holistic needs of impoverished children through child sponsorship, offering nutritious meals, healthcare, education support, and mentorship. They also support initiatives like mom-child programs, disaster relief, and family income projects.

You have the option to donate to Compassion International on their official website. Additionally, you can sponsor a child directly, offering vital support to a child in need.

4. Samaritan’s Purse

Hands holding a glass jar with money in it.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Samaritan’s Purse assists vulnerable communities by offering international emergency relief, including food, clean water, medical aid, essential supplies, and shelter in times of crisis. They also engage in medical missions, disaster response, programs for children’s physical and emotional well-being, and provide support to military couples and families through a marital healing program.

You have the option to make donations to Samaritan’s Purse through their official website. You can also get involved by joining fundraising campaigns or volunteering for specific projects and initiatives like the World Medical Mission or US Disaster Relief.

5. The Salvation Army

Someone placing canned food into a paper bag.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The Salvation Army assists the vulnerable by addressing spiritual and physical needs through programs like disaster relief, rent and utility assistance, food pantries, homeless shelters, services for the elderly, rehabilitation, and spiritual counseling. They also support LGBTQ+ communities, human trafficking victims, and survivors of domestic abuse.

You can donate to The Salvation Army on their official website, where you can contribute money or donate items, including vehicles. Moreover, you can volunteer your time to help at a shelter, coordinate food drives, or participate in bell-ringing at a Red Kettle.

6. World Relief

Impoverished children.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

World Relief is dedicated to fighting global poverty, violence, and injustice. They do this through programs addressing extreme poverty in areas like health, nutrition, water, sanitation, child development, education, and agriculture. They also assist communities facing violence, oppression, and discrimination and support refugees, immigrants, and those displaced by conflicts or disasters.

You can contribute money to World Relief on their official website. Additionally, you can volunteer your time or offer your support by donating a day, participating in a race, or organizing an event.

7. HOPE International

A man taking money out of a wallet.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

HOPE International provides financial aid to communities in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America that are in need through savings group programs and microfinance institutions. They also offer financial literacy and spiritual growth training based on biblical principles to empower people.

You can donate to HOPE International through their official website, either as a one-time contribution or on a monthly basis. Additionally, you can support them by offering non-cash gifts like stocks or vehicles.

8. Cross International

People helping those in need.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Cross International works to uplift impoverished individuals and communities through various means, including food aid, water projects, medical care, education support, and housing improvements. They also provide assistance to vulnerable children, support entrepreneurs, and aid disaster victims.

You have the option to make a direct donation to Cross International on their official website. Additionally, they offer a matching gift program that allows your employer to double your contribution.

9. Children’s Hunger Fund

Impoverished children.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Children’s Hunger Fund delivers food and shares the gospel with needy families worldwide through their Food Pak project. They also have a Coin Pak initiative for children to help others in need. Their Poverty Encounter program also lets visitors learn about child poverty and contribute by preparing food and resources for struggling children.

You can contribute to Children’s Hunger Fund on their official website, or you can support them by providing the food they use to feed children and families in need. They also offer a matching gift program, which means your employer may double your donation.

10. Convoy of Hope

Impoverished children in school uniforms.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Convoy of Hope fights hunger and poverty by providing school children with essential nutrition, clean water, and a healthy environment. They also help farmers break the cycle of poverty, collaborate with rural communities to combat hunger and poverty, empower women through education and income opportunities, and provide rapid humanitarian relief during disasters.

You can donate directly to Convoy of Hope on their official website. You can also offer assistance with packing and organizing supplies, driving relief vehicles, or assembling hygiene kits that are crucial for families during disasters.

11. Kids Around The World

School kids singing at church
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

At the core of their mission is the desire to witness the transformation of children’s lives through God’s love and a relationship with Him. Through their program, Generation Hope, they are actively creating environments where this transformation occurs.

In collaboration with local churches or communities, they are establishing “Hope Zones” spaces in impoverished and under-reached communities worldwide. Within these Hope Zones, children encounter the love and Good News of Jesus through activities centered around Food, Play, & Story.

There are several ways to help this organization, including hosting a meal packing event, joining a local outreach trip, volunteering in the warehouse, starting a Facebook fundraiser, and more.

12. His Feet International

A group of people praying together.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

His Feet International is on a mission to reach the unreached, offer Kingdom training for new disciples and leaders, and care for people in need in reproducible and sustainable ways.

They also evangelize unreached tribes, make disciples, and empower leaders, promoting faith in God and His Word. Their initiatives include planting indigenous churches and providing comprehensive Biblical training in evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and ministry to the poor.

They demonstrate God’s love by meeting the practical and spiritual needs of the marginalized, following the example of Jesus. You can donate to their cause directly on their website.

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GIrls with their arms around each other with Bibles in their hands
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

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money and offering envelope
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

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Angry man and woman sitting on opposite sides of a couch
Photo Source: Lightstock.

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Does money cause a lot of fights in your relationship?

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A podcast microphone with a bible in the background.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Dave Ramsey is a well-known figure in the world of personal finance and has gained a significant following for his advice on budgeting, getting out of debt, and building wealth. He’s perhaps best known for his “Financial Peace University,” a personal finance class frequently held by churches around the nation to help their congregants learn the basics of living within a budget.

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Woman doing a Bible study
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

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