What Do You Think About Before Bed? 11 People Share Their Private Thoughts

🌺  Written by Brittany Ann

Do you typically take a long time to fall asleep at night? Or are you one of the lucky ones who is able to fall asleep pretty much right away?

And while you’re waiting to fall asleep, what do you think about?

Recently, on a popular social platform, someone asked, “What do you think about at night before bed?”

If you’ve ever been curious to know what others think about in the privacy of their own bedrooms while waiting to drift off to sleep, you’re in luck! Here’s what 11 people were willing to share about their private nighttime thoughts.


1. I Think About Regrets

sad woman
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

For some, nighttime is a chance to relive and rehearse all the many regrets they’ve accumulated over the years.

This sounds like an awful way to end an evening, but unfortunately, some people simply can’t help but remember all the ways they’ve messed up throughout their lives.

One person shared, “I have so many regrets. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep.”


2. I Think About Good Things

A woman standing outside smiling.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Thankfully, some people are able to take the opposite approach, intentionally thinking back over their days to remember all the good things that happened that day.

Whether big things or small things, this type of daily gratitude practice can significantly impact your life in a positive way.

Someone shared,

“Before going to bed, I ask myself ‘What good things happened today?’ I have a reminder set for one hour before bedtime, labeled ‘What good things happened today?’ This has changed my attitude towards life as an experiment ‘Can the world be joyful?'”



3. I Think About Nothing

an elderly man sitting on a couch thinking
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For others, their nighttime thoughts aren’t necessarily good or bad…

Rather, they prefer to keep their thoughts as boring or non-existent as possible in order to help them fall asleep as soon as possible.

This is a skill many people wish they could master!

A person commented,

“I just don’t think. In fact, I avoid thinking about anything before I go to bed to prevent my brain from starting to work again and disturbing my sleep. The thing that works flawlessly for me is to put on a documentary or a long video about a subject that I find interesting, normally things related to space, and let it bore me to sleep.”


4. I Think About Stories

Girl reading a book in her bed
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Alternately, some people like to take the opposite approach — using the time before bed to dream up elaborate stories and fantasies designed to entertain and distract them until they are able to drift off to sleep.

This trick can be effective for making sure your dreams are pleasant and enjoyable once you enter dreamland.

One person said,

“I make up elaborate stories that last months and daydream them until I fall asleep and they mold from daydream to dream-dream.”


5. I Think About Math Problems

Math equations on a chalkboard with books on a desk
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While likely not a common answer, some people choose to spend their last waking minutes thinking about math questions!

Despite how calming this may be to those with a mathematical mind, it sounds like a nightmare for students who had just about enough difficult math problems to deal with during the day.

One person responded,

“I find I can get to sleep most easily by pondering some sort of weird mathematical problem or programming algorithm.”


6. I Think About Goals

Hand writing in a notebook that says goals
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For the self-improvement fans among us, thinking about goals, milestones, and future improvement plans is a wonderful way to fall asleep each night.

While too much emphasis on improvement can be debilitating when taken too far, there is something wonderful and relaxing about setting each new day’s goals with clarity and intention. And right before bed does provide the quiet and space necessary to think clearly.

Someone said,

“Goals, things I need to improve on, my family, my kids, my health. Ways to make the business better.”


7. I Think About the Day’s Problems

Someone going over their financial paper work.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Similarly, others shared how they spend the last few minutes before bed thinking through all of the problems of the day.

While this can be a very effective way to proactively plan for the future — you still get the benefit of the quiet space to think — it can easily spiral into negativity if you aren’t careful to keep the emphasis on problem solving.

One person commented,

“Overthinking and ruminating about everything, but I also often get amazing epiphany about what my brain and body want me to do about problems that I could not solve during the days.”


8. I Think About My Mom

A mom sitting with her daughter.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

It may have been years since your mom tucked you into bed with hugs, kisses, and prayers, but this doesn’t mean she has to be gone forever.

Multiple commenters shared how they spend their last waking moments thinking about their moms and recalling the many pleasant memories they had with her as a child.

Someone said,

“My mom, I miss a life with her.”

Another person agreed, saying,

“At times I do this. Think of so many pleasant childhood memories of my mother. So many people do not have those memories.”


9. I Think About a Skill I’m Trying to Improve

woman doing yoga in studio
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For those wanting to improve a specific skill or technique, thinking about practicing before bed can be a wonderful way to help cement these thoughts, mindsets, or skills into their subconscious.

And even if this type of visualization technique isn’t entirely helpful, it certainly can’t hurt!

One person responded,

“I try to visualize something I’m trying to improve like a golf stroke, leaning into a motorcycle turn or form on an exercise. It’s low key enough for me to fall asleep, and I believe it benefits the skill too.”


10. I Think About Sheep

A flock of sheep.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Struggling to fall asleep? Why not try the old standby and count sheep?

There’s a reason this technique is so well-known and often practiced. It works!

One person said,

“Thinking about those sheep hopping over the fence… just where are they going anyways?!”


Is it a Sign? 10 Signs From God That You May Be Missing

yield sign on blue background
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Throughout history, people from various faiths and belief systems have sought signs from a higher power, often interpreting events and occurrences in their lives as messages from God or the divine.

These signs can provide comfort, guidance, and reassurance in times of uncertainty. However, they can sometimes be subtle and easily overlooked.

Let’s explore some signs from God that you may be missing, offering insight into how to recognize them in your daily life.

Is it a Sign? 10 Signs From God That You May Be Missing


It Actually Worked! 12 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health — Fast.

couple at the gym
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Tired of feeling worn out, sad, anxious, or exhausted day after day? It happens to the best of us at times!

Thankfully, improving your physical and mental health is often easier than you might think.

While you will likely want to start your new health journey with a trip to your doctor to rule out any medical complications, there are several very easy small things you can do – starting today! – to dramatically increase your physical and mental health.

It Actually Worked! 12 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health — Fast.

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Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of EquippingGodlyWomen.com, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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