Search Results for: what can you eat during lent

A man reading a bible looking surprised.

12 Unique Features of the Bible That Challenge Atheism

In this article, we will be diving into some Christian lessons that might catch you off guard if you’re a non-believer. Whether you’re a solid atheist or just curious, get ready to be interested and maybe even a little shocked. We’re exploring beyond the usual beliefs, sharing insights that might make you see Christianity in…

A man holding a wooden cross.

Are You a Real Christian? 12 Ways to Know for Sure

Have you ever wondered if you’re a genuine Christian in a world with many different beliefs? Whether you’ve been following your faith for a while or just starting out, this article is here to help. Use it as a roadmap to guide you through the important qualities that show you’re living an authentic Christian life….

Couple eating popcorn watching a movie

Say Goodbye to Theatres. 2/3 of Americans Would Rather Watch Movies at Home

While it’s still common for movie theaters to be packed on the opening weekend for a much-anticipated new release, a recent study conducted by HarrisX for IndieWire found that only 34% of adults in the U.S. prefer to watch movies in theaters. This means that as many as two-thirds of U.S. adults would prefer to…

Catholic Church

Why Do Catholics….? Honest Answers to Your Burning Questions

Protestant church is NOTHING like Catholic Mass, and the biggest difference isn’t in the doctrine–it’s in the culture! You see, Catholics have been around a LONG time, so they’ve had a lot of years to think about things… to develop habits and practices and to come up with certain ways of doing things. And unlike…

married couple sitting at a bowling alley

15 Ways to Speak Your Spouse’s Love Language

Do you know your love language?  Do you know your spouse’s love language?   In “The Five Love Languages,” Dr. Chapman explains that people generally best receive love in one of five ways: Words of Encouragement, Acts of Service, Quality Time, Physical Touch, and Gift Giving. It is possible to favor more than one way, but…

man saying no

12 Reasons Why Americans Have Stopped Going to Church on Sunday Morning

It’s no surprise that many faithful churchgoers are not as faithful anymore – with online options and personal preferences available, many people just don’t see the point of Sunday morning church services. Whether they’ve chosen to walk away from the faith altogether or they’ve simply opted out of church services for the time being, here…

Family movie night watching tv

12 Inspiring Christian Movies to Add to Your Next Movie Night

Every once in a while, a Christian-themed movie does really well in theaters. It’s not a common event considering the difference in morals and themes between Christianity and Hollywood. But when you think about it, sometimes a good story just needs to be made into a movie, regardless of its origin. From Bible stories to…

A man sitting down and praying.

12 Fresh Approaches to Add to Your Prayer Life Today

In the journey of the Christian faith, prayer serves as a direct line of communication with God—an intimate conversation to express hopes, fears, and gratitude, and seek guidance.  Incorporating fresh approaches to prayer doesn’t mean abandoning tradition; rather, it’s an invitation to breathe new life into your spiritual practices. Just as the world around us…

group of friends of different ethnicities

Need More Friends? 12 Powerful Ways for Christian Women to Beat Loneliness

Friendship is like a colorful thread woven into the fabric of our lives, adding depth and joy. For Christian women wanting to strengthen connections and shake off feelings of loneliness, the quest for true companionship can be rewarding and life-changing. This article explores twelve practical strategies that go beyond the usual advice. Whether you’re entering…

Upset woman outside

10 Warning Signs That You May Be Distancing Yourself from the Church

Throughout life’s ups and downs, many people experience a gradual drift away from their spiritual community. It’s important to notice these warning signs early, as it can be crucial for reconnecting with your faith. Below are ten signs that could suggest you’re distancing yourself from the church: 1. Diminished Attendance If you’re not showing up…

Bible with worship music on phone

These 13 Familiar Bible Verses Don’t Mean What You Think

Ever read a Bible verse and thought you knew exactly what it meant, only to find out you might have missed the mark? Well, you’re not alone. We’re about to unravel some common misconceptions and shed light on the true meaning behind these well-known passages. Get ready for a down-to-earth exploration that might just challenge…

40 Short Daily Lenten Prayers for Spiritual Renewal

40 Short Daily Lenten Prayers for Spiritual Renewal in 2024

Looking for Christian prayers for Lent? Here are 40 short daily Lenten prayers for spiritual renewal in 2024! Growing up in a Protestant home, our family never really celebrated the Lenten season. Sure, I had heard about Lent, but I didn’t really know much about it. Of course, all that changed once I married into…

 What to Give Up for Lent 2021: Get the 50 [Best] Lent Ideas!

Catholic Lent Fasting Rules Made Easy (Complete Guide!)

“What can you eat during Lent?” If you’re like many Catholics, it’s a question you ask yourself year after year. After all, the Roman Catholic Lent fasting rules aren’t easy to remember. “Can you eat chicken during Lent?” “Can you eat meat on Ash Wednesday?” “What CAN Catholics eat during Lent???”   Personally, I grew…

woman reading Bible with praying hands

How Do You Know When God Is Speaking To You? Here are 6 Ways to Find Out

Unlike the Bible times, it isn’t always clear whether or not God is speaking to us. After all, we don’t have the luxury of a burning bush or talking donkey to be sure! But that doesn’t mean that we can’t know for sure if God is talking to us or if it’s just our imagination….

Hands holding a glass jar with money in it.

Do You Find Tithing Controversial? Here Are 14 Reasons Why Christians Should Give

Tithing, which is about giving a part of your income to a church or religious group, has always had people talking. Some think it’s a great way to show your faith and help others, but others have doubts. In this article, we will give you some good reasons why some Christians believe it’s an important…

girls taking a picture friendship

You May Not Be as Godly as You Think! Here Are 14 Traits of a Godly Woman

Get ready to step into a journey of self-discovery! In a world with varied views on godliness, we’re here to explore the real meaning of being a godly woman. Let’s discuss character and virtues and question what we thought we knew while we discover the true importance of spiritual connection. If you want to strengthen…