You May Not Be as Godly as You Think! Here Are 14 Traits of a Godly Woman

Get ready to step into a journey of self-discovery! In a world with varied views on godliness, we’re here to explore the real meaning of being a godly woman. Let’s discuss character and virtues and question what we thought we knew while we discover the true importance of spiritual connection.

If you want to strengthen your faith or have a life-changing experience, possessing these 14 traits will help you connect more deeply with your spiritual side. Come along as we explore the qualities that could change how you see what it means to be a woman of God.

1. She Prioritizes Love for God

Woman smiling in prayer
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Above all, a godly woman must wholeheartedly love God, prioritizing her relationship with Him, even over her cherished husband, children, family, and friends. While women have many essential roles and responsibilities, it may often feel overwhelming.

Nevertheless, nurturing our connection with God should remain our top focus. We should follow the example of Mary, who, in Luke 10: 38-42, chose the most important thing by sitting at Jesus’ feet. Even in our busy lives as mothers, wives, and servants, it’s crucial to set aside time to be in His presence.

2. She Loves Family Deeply

family walking toward cross
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When we look at women in the Bible, it’s clear that loving our family is very important. God advises Christian women to make loving their husbands and children their primary mission. By focusing on our homes, we can strengthen our church community, as strong families help build strong churches.

It’s also important to speak positively about our husbands, both in public and on social media, as they need our respect. Although we naturally love our children, today’s distractions like smartphones and screens can sometimes get in the way of our top priorities.

3. She Raises Her Children

mother and son looking at each other
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God values women for raising children, which is evident in passages like Proverbs 31 and Titus 2. Being a woman of God isn’t about grand gestures. Instead, it emphasizes humility. Despite society’s sometimes overlooking the importance of motherhood, it holds deep significance in God’s eyes, reflecting Jesus’ love for children.

As William Ross Wallace wisely stated, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” Even if you don’t have children of your own, you can be a role model and lead kids to Christ, which is a great honor.

4. She Practices Humility and Modesty

woman in scarf reading Bible
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Modesty is an important quality for godly women, and it’s more than just dressing modestly. It’s about having a humble and respectful attitude that guides how we act, talk, and dress to benefit others. It means admitting when we make mistakes, doing things out of love and necessity, and treating others as we’d like to be treated, following the Golden Rule.

As Christians, we’re accountable to one another and should support each other’s faith, as Colossians 3:12-17 teaches. This approach also aligns with 1 Timothy 2:9-10, which highlights that women should focus on modesty and good deeds rather than on external appearances.

5. She Demonstrates Hospitality

Two women hugging.
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God values hospitality, and the Bible praises women like Lydia in Acts 16 for their welcoming nature. Hospitality doesn’t have to be complicated or fancy. Even a simple invitation for coffee and a chat can be as meaningful as a fancy dinner. It’s the connection that matters most.

Remember 1 Peter 4:9, which encourages us to offer hospitality without grumbling. Sometimes, we grumble because we feel our home must be perfect, like what we see on Pinterest, in order to invite guests. But the truth is, no home is flawless, and people remember the people, not the state of the house. So, don’t stress about making your home perfect when welcoming others.

6. She Serves Others

A woman placing a donation bag in her trunk.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In 1 Timothy 5:10 it talks about having a kind heart, helping fellow believers, supporting those in need, and doing good things, which are all important traits for a woman of God. This means being there for your Christian community and offering a hand to people facing tough times.

Instead of trying to change the world all at once, focus on small acts of kindness which can make a big difference. Use your unique skills, like creativity, cooking, or good communication, to help in ways that feel right to you. When you do this, you’re part of God’s bigger plan and a key player in the incredible story of faith on Earth.

7. She Shows Respect and Submission

A man and a woman smiling at each other.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Though not very popular today, the idea of submission is about recognizing authority without lowering your own value, just as Jesus submitted to the Father. Ephesians 5:22-24 explains this by suggesting that wives should respect their husbands, much like the church respects Christ’s authority.

This practice of showing respect and submission while acknowledging your worth in Christ brings us closer to Jesus’ teachings. Whether you’re married or not, as women, you can demonstrate this Christlike spirit by serving those in authority over you, as beautifully described in Philippians 2:5-8.

8. She Teaches Wisdom and Goodness

A woman reading the bible with a child.
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God encourages older women to share their wisdom and guide younger women, regardless of their age. Your life is a living example that teaches others, and you can do this through conversations, prayer groups, and Bible classes.

Taking the initiative to mentor a younger woman and extending a hand to connect can be a blessing for both of you. Look around, find a woman a few years younger, and reach out to her for coffee or an invitation into your home. As you build a relationship in everyday life, you’ll show her what it means to be a godly woman and positively influence her life.

9. She Exercises Self-Discipline

A woman in blue shirt praying.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Self-control is often overlooked, but it’s really important, especially for women. Without it, we can harm our relationships through things like gossip and anger, especially when we’re tired or stressed. Patience can be tough, but having a plan to handle our emotions, like counting to 10 or saying a quick prayer, can make a big difference.

It’s also essential to ask God for help controlling what we say. Self-control is crucial in avoiding gossip, too. A trustworthy woman who can keep secrets is highly valued, and it’s important not to spread rumors or make fun of others, as this can break trust and hurt your friendships.

10. She Cares for Her Home

A woman holding a laundry basket full of clothes.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Our society may not always emphasize the importance of caring for our homes, but it matters to God. Think of your home’s walls as storytellers. Do they tell tales of a close and loving family or just a place to sleep before everyone goes their own way?

We should aim to make our homes a hub of connection, protecting our family time by prioritizing meals, starting traditions like family devotionals, or having fun game nights. While tasks like cooking and cleaning are often shared in modern families, our commitment to maintaining our homes is steadfast.

“She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” – Proverbs 31:27

11. She Embraces Kindness

A man with his arm around a woman.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Kindness is an important trait for godly women, though it can be challenging. Men tend to resolve disagreements more swiftly, while women sometimes hold onto grudges due to their emotional nature. It’s vital to prioritize kindness over lingering conflicts.

If you’re active in your church but find it hard to forgive and show love to those who’ve wronged you, people will likely remember your unkindness more than your service. So, make an effort not to let unkindness dominate your spirit and harm your influence.

12. She Expresses Gratitude

A woman closing her eyes and praying.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

A godly woman should always have a thankful heart, showing gratitude and trying to see her blessings even in tough times. She lives by the words in the book of Thessalonians, which encourage rejoicing, constant prayer, and giving thanks in all circumstances as God’s will in Christ Jesus. While giving thanks is easy when life is smooth, it becomes challenging during hard times.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

13. She Exercises Patience

mom and kids reading bible together
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Patience is an essential quality for a godly woman, especially when dealing with life’s challenges. Instead of getting frustrated, she actively chooses to stay calm and seek understanding.

When faced with difficulties, she turns to God through prayer, finding guidance, and navigating challenging situations with grace. She becomes an inspiring example by showing patience in her interactions, demonstrating how enduring faith can bring harmony even in tough times.

14. She Pursues Knowledge

woman reading by bookshelf
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

A godly woman loves to keep learning and seeks wisdom by studying the Scriptures and growing intellectually. She believes ongoing education is essential for spiritual growth and equips her with insights to navigate life’s complexities.

By engaging herself in the teachings of the Bible, she gains a deep understanding of her faith and valuable insights that help her make wise decisions during life’s challenges.

How to Put on the Full Armor of God (Women only!)

Confident girl in jean jacket looking to the sky outside
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The “full armor of God” scripture in Ephesians 6 is one of the better-known passages to a lot of Christians. At the same time, the scripture is so familiar that it tends to have a lullaby effect.

What’s more, since a warrior in armor is a pretty masculine image from a different time and place, it doesn’t seem very relatable to a woman in the 21st century. But it turns out there is a lot to learn about the full armor of God, when you study this passage in its context and apply it to women today!

How to Put on the Full Armor of God (Women only!)

5 Powerful Prayers Every Wife Should Pray Over Her Husband

A woman in a gray shirt praying.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Wives, do you pray for your husbands? Regularly? What do you pray for?

While you may find the time to build your husband up, you may have to admit — you haven’t always been the best at praying for your husband or your marriage throughout the years, but that’s ok!

It’s not because you don’t want to or because you don’t think it’s incredibly important — I am sure you do! — but simply because you don’t often remember to!

5 Powerful Prayers Every Wife Should Pray Over Her Husband

How to Put God First in Your Life (Including Powerful Bible Verses)

African American woman smiling with her hands folded
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Sometimes our plates become so full of things that we accidentally put God on the back burner. We don’t mean to, but the distraction of life tears us away from putting God first in our lives as He wants us to do.

If you’re feeling like God is distant because of your hectic schedule, keep reading to learn more about putting God first, even when your plate is full.

How to Put God First in Your Life (Including Powerful Bible Verses)

Never in the Mood? Here’s How to Fix it

married couple snuggled in bed
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

One common reason why marriages can become dull and boring is when the wife finds herself “never in the mood.”

This isn’t necessarily her fault, but it is something the couple needs to address.

Sometimes the easiest place to start is by figuring out what’s causing the problem or what obstacles may be getting in the way of this meaningful, bonding, and enjoyable time together.

Never in the Mood? Here are 4 Reasons Why (And 5 Ways to Fix it!)

25 Ways to Speak Your Spouse’s Love Language

couple laughing
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Have you ever read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman?

In this wildly popular book, Chapman explains that people generally best receive love in one of five ways.

Love your spouse in the “wrong” way (for them) and they’ll be far less likely or able to receive it.

Love them in the “right” way (again, for them!) and they’re far more likely to feel loved and appreciated.

25 Ways to Speak Your Spouse’s Love Language

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  1. I totally agree with this post! As a woman of faith, I believe that humility and brokenness are key to truly living a godly life. It’s easy to get caught up in our own accomplishments and think we’re more righteous than we actually are, but it’s only when we’re humble and vulnerable that we can truly connect with God and live a life that honors Him.

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