10 Quick and Easy Prayers Perfect for Lent 2023

Wish you could spend more time in prayer (if only you weren’t so busy, distracted, or forgetful)?

While Lent is most commonly associated with Friday fish fries (because of these Catholic Lent fasting rules) or choosing what to give up for Lent, it’s also a great opportunity to add in those small, faith-based habits you’ve been meaning to get around to for a while now.

One quick and easy (but incredibly effective!) way to draw near to Christ this Lent is to get in the habit of praying daily Lenten prayers.

Here are 10 daily Lenten prayers to get you started.


1. Prayer of Adoration

God, you are truly amazing. Not only did You create the entire universe with nothing more than the sound of Your voice, but you truly care about your creation–each and every one of us! You are holy. You are good. You are true. You are love. And you never ever change. Thank You for everything you are, and thank you for loving me.


2. Prayer of Thanksgiving for Spiritual Blessings

God, before I even took my first breath, you already knew me and loved me. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to die for my sins. I cannot even imagine sacrificing one of my children so a criminal could go free, but that’s exactly what you did–for me! Thank you for the gift of eternal life you freely offer those who love you, and thank you for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit to lead me into Your presence until You call me home. You truly have given me so much, even when I was so far from you. Thank you!


3. Prayer for Right Priorities

God, in today’s busy world, it’s so easy to get distracted and off-course. Please help me to keep my priorities in order, so I always give my most important priorities the time, attention and devotion they deserve. Please align my heart to Yours, so loving and following You is truly my #1 priority. Help me also love my friends and family well, and to be a good steward of the gifts and responsibilities You have placed in my life, without getting distracted by the things You have not. Please give me a kick in the pants when I need it God. Help me follow You.


4. Prayer for a Closer Relationship with God

God, it’s so easy to get so caught up in doing things for you that I forget to spend enough time simply being with You. Please help me grow in close, intimate relationship with You as I pray each of these daily Lenten prayers for spiritual renewal this Lenten season. I don’t just want to know a few things about You, God. I want to know You and be known by You. Matthew 7:7 promises “…seek and you will find…” I’m seeking YOU today, God. Please reveal Yourself to me in mighty ways.


5. Prayer for Increased Faith

God, I confess I have a tendency to worry or play it small, preferring to stick with what feels safe and comfortable. I doubt what You can or will do. But God, You created the Universe! You conquered death! There’s nothing You can’t do. Please strengthen my faith and help me to trust in You for every one of my needs today.


6. Prayer for Wisdom and Direction

God, while I have some ideas about what I would like my future to look like, I know that YOUR plan far surpasses anything I could ever hope or dream for myself. So today, as I make decisions (both small and large), please give me wisdom, discernment, vision and direction so I make decisions that help lead me and those around me into a fuller relationship with You and keep us on track with Your will for our lives, whatever that may be.


7. Prayer for Peace

God, as I go about my busy day today, I ask that you would give me a sense of peace and calm. Help me not to get stressed out, worried or frantic by all the problems I see around me. Instead, please give me a sense of peace and calm that comes from knowing You are in control, You have it all figured out, and my best is enough because I can always trust You to take care of issues and situations I can’t. Please help me keep my eyes on You today, not all the negativity in the world around me.


8. Prayer for Joy

God, the Bible tells us in Galatians 5:22-23 that, when we are full of Your Spirit, it naturally produces more joy in our lives. God, I want and need Your joy today. Please fill me SO full of Your Spirit and Your love that I cannot help but be filled with joy. I don’t ask that you take every hardship away… but that you help me see my current situation through a lens of gratitude and joy. You know what you’re doing, and You are in control. Please help me to find joy in that today!


9. Prayer for Patience

God, I admit I am not a super patient person. Sometimes people annoy me, and sometimes I insist on having things my way right now. God, please help me grow in patience as I pray each of these Lenten prayers for spiritual renewal this Lenten season. Please help me to trust You even when I don’t yet see what You’re up to, and please help me to respond to those around me with an extra dose of love and patience as well.


10. Prayer for Strength in Tough Times

God, please give me the strength to make it through this day. I don’t know what You’re up to or what is going to happen, but you do. Please help me trust in You in all things, even when the road isn’t easy or clear.


Want even more prayers? Be sure to visit 40 Short Daily Lenten Prayers for Spiritual Renewal for 30 additional prayers perfect for Lent.


This article originally appeared on Equipping Godly Women.

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