Are You Guilty of These 15 Behaviors? You Might Be Judged for Them

🌺  Written by Brittany Ann

Do you secretly judge other people for their annoying behaviors? 

We all do it sometimes, whether we’re willing to admit it or not. Sometimes, people can be annoying, self-centered, and rude, and we all have our own personal opinions and preferences on what types of behaviors are or are not acceptable, whether in public or at home.

Recently, on a popular social platform someone asked, “What do you secretly judge people for?

While many of the answers were about what you would expect, others might make you think, “Oops! I’m guilty of that! I didn’t realize other people found it so annoying!”


1. People Who Lack of Self Awareness

man and woman having an argument
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

We all like to enjoy funny or entertaining social media videos, podcasts, and phone calls with friends. However, just because you enjoy listening to or watching something, that doesn’t mean that everyone around you wants to watch it as well.

Several people commented that they secretly (or not so secretly!) just others who watch social media loudly in public places without headphones.

One person wrote, “People’s self awareness like when they watch Tik Tok videos loud in a quiet room without headphones. Or not knowing how to act in certain establishments.”

Another shared, “Ugh, I was on a flight and there was this 20-something year old behind me blasting Tik Tok videos that I could hear through my ‘soundproof’ headphones.”

If you’re going to share your media, at least bring popcorn to share with everyone!


2. People Who Litter

A beach with lots of litter.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

What do you do with your trash when you’re done with it? Do you dispose of it properly, or simply toss it out the window, throw it in the street, or leave it on the ground?

While an occasional windy day can turn even the most conscientious person into a litterbug on accident (that’s understandable!), several people expressed how they just those who purposely or carelessly leave their trash lying around for others.

One person shared, “I’m horrified if a receipt blows out of my car when the windows are down. I immediately look in the rearview mirror hoping no one behind me thinks I did it on purpose. I don’t know how people live with themselves throwing cans and fast food cups out the window.”

Another was less subtle: “There’s nothing secret about my judgement there; it’s open.”

It isn’t a difficult concept. Throw your trash away!


3. Parents Who are Jerks to Their Children or Stepchildren

mom scolding daughter
Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

Everyone has a bad day sometimes, but the key is to keep yourself under control even when you are feeling angry or upset.

Some parents, however, seem to constantly fly off the handle over any and every little thing that could go wrong.

If you behave this way in public, what kind of parent are you behind closed doors?

One person shared, “I have a buddy in our friend group that is this way. Thinks it’s funny/amusing to be very hard on his kids even though they’re 2-3yo. I understand not coddling your kids, but threatening to hit them if they cry is not toughening them up. It’s traumatizing them.”

Another expressed a similar reaction: “I hate seeing parent shout and/or discipline a child in a very public place. not only is it humiliating for the poor child but it just shows to everyone in the vicinity that the parent is [not a great person].”


4. People Who are Oblivious to Their Surroundings

girl chewing gum
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

It is easy to get distracted or lost in thought when you are trying to do something. However, it is important to pay attention to the people around you.

Some people seem to lack situational awareness and have no idea that they are in others’ way.

Alternately, maybe they do know and they just don’t care. Either way, people will judge you for this type of behavior.

One person shared, “Situational awareness is such a big, useful thing to have. Be aware of your surroundings. And it can be that little thing, which is getting to the stop of an escalator and not thinking about the people behind you. Stopping halfway in a supermarket aisle, blocking everyone. I don’t think it is selfishness, or a surfeit of self-importance, it’s plain stupidity.”

Another gave several examples, “Like getting to the end of an escalator and just standing there. Or standing with a group of people in a doorway or aisle. Or stopping to stare at your phone in the middle of the sidewalk. Just move out of the way like 2 steps and everyone’s life is easier.”


5. People Who Post Questionable Things Online

women looking at phone shocked
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

You are allowed to post whatever you want on your own social media profiles (within reason). That doesn’t mean that others won’t judge you for it, however.

As if posting political and religious rants weren’t bad enough, some social media commenters share attention-seeking posts that do nothing but annoying other people.

One person shared, “I judge adults who vaguepost like sullen teenagers: ‘Nothing even matters, no matter how hard I try.’ ‘It’s time for me to stop caring about the people who don’t care about me.'”

Another shared similar feelings, “The Full. Grown. Adults. that use their Facebook status as a diary or their very own Choosing Beggars or ‘My stomach hates me.’ ‘Who wants to bring me food from Specific Place?’ ‘My head feels like it’s going to explode. Trying to decide if I should go to the ER.'”


6. People Who Don’t Clear Their Tables at Food Courts

Restaurant with tables filled with people
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Do you clean up after yourself after you eat at a fast food restaurant or in a food court? If you don’t, other people may be judging you for your sloppy behavior.

One person shared their feelings on people who don’t clean up after themselves. “It shows a total lack of respect for everyone else. Similarly, I used to work in retail, and it blew my mind how many people use the fitting room and just leave the clothes they don’t want in a pile on the floor. No respect for the people who work there that have to clean up after you.”

Another shared, “I work in a fast food restaurant. There are trashcan by every entrance in most fast food restaurants there is no reason except laziness not to toss out your own trash. These people say, ‘It’s their job to clean it.’ No, you just lack common decency.”


7. People Who Talk Behind Other People’s Backs

married couple distracted on phones
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Well it is normal to feel frustrated or annoyed with other people, it is typically better to have a rational conversation with the person, rather than simply talking about them behind their back.

If you gossip or make rude comments about some people when they are not around, everyone within earshot is likely thinking that you are probably talking about them as well.

Don’t be surprised when no one wants to open up to you. They have seen the type of person you can be.

One person shared their experience, “I had a friend in college that had trouble keeping friends. This person got the vibe that people didn’t really like her but couldn’t figure out why, but a core part of the problem was that she was a huge gossip. She would talk about anyone behind their back to anyone, and you could be sure she was doing it to you too when you weren’t around. Eventually most people— including myself, after a while— decided they didn’t really want to be around that and left.”

Another shared the same, “I have a friend who talks about her other friends to me. Which means she talks to them about me. Not a comfortable feeling.”


8. Parents Who Let Their Kids Misbehave and Pretend Not to Notice

Girl and Boy hitting each other
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Parenting is hard! It is understandable to feel worn out or exhausted at the end of a long day, and we all have days where we let our kids get away with more than we know we probably should.

However, if you are consistently not even trying to parent your kids in public, chances are that others are judging you for it.

One person shared: “Yeah, even just making a sincere attempt to reign them in is enough to convince me that you’re not an awful person who should have never spawned. If you can’t at least make an effort then kindly get off my planet.”

Another worded their feelings more strongly: “Control your children. Especially in adult restaurants and adult movies and theater. If they are screaming, please take them outside.”


9. People Who Don’t Return Their Shopping Carts to the Corral

Shopping carts in a corral
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Yes, there are people who get paid to return shopping carts to the store. That doesn’t mean you should just leave your car wherever you happen to be, however.

Carts left in parking lots can easily roll, damaging other people’s cars in the process.

Plus, they can take up much needed parking spaces that others would like to have.

Be considerate and put your shopping cart away.

One person shared, “The worst offenders are the ones who leave the cart 1-2 spaces away from the corral. Like that’s plain laziness now.”

Another felt it’s a moral issue: “It’s a perfect representation of a person’s integrity – there’s no punishment for leaving it out and no reward for putting it away.”


10. People Who Talk a Lot

A woman talking on the phone outside.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

It is great to talk with friends and family and share your thoughts and feelings. However, if you are someone who talks constantly, you may be annoying other people.

According to some social media users, the worst offenders are those who never listen to others or who talk about a lot of nonsense no one cares about.

We can all be guilty of this at times, but you will want to keep this to a minimum if you don’t want others to judge you for it.

One person shared, “I so judge people who talk too much and it’s nonsense lol. It makes me feel like they lack mindfulness and don’t have thoughts that are very meaningful.”

Another shared, “I have a co-worker like this. We’ll be in a meeting and he’ll start talking about an idea for 10 minutes, but in the most nothing way possible. I was talking with another co-worker about it and he was like yeah, I’ve never seen someone talk so much but say so little.”


11. People Who Don’t Understand the Difference Between Your and You’re

A woman writing in a notebook.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Were you one of those students who asked, “when are we going to have to know this in real life?”

Turns out, grammar isn’t just for grade school.

If you always mix up a few words or apostrophes, that’s okay. Just make sure you double check what your writing before you send it.

Otherwise, if you are consistently using spelling errors, others will likely assume that you are not very smart or professional.

One person shared, “Grammar in general is one I struggle with. Which I understand is maybe kind of elitist or whatever, I suppose it shouldn’t matter as long as we can grasp what a person is trying to convey, but I really hate it. If I receive an email from someone and it reads like a horribly translated scam attempt, I’m automatically judgmental. You are supposed to be a professional in your field, but this is how you communicate and represent yourself and your organization? It immediately makes me question their level of education, job ability, attention to detail, professionalism, so on and so forth.”

Another felt the same: “The big one for me of late is ‘it’s’ vs. ‘its.’ Same with possessive apostrophes like ‘sister’s’ vs. ‘sisters’ … it seems there’s very little cultural pressure any more to be an adult who knows how to spell and punctuate. My theory is the slow demise of the apostrophe is driven by smartphone auto-correction in particular, where it’s equally likely to suggest the correct or incorrect word and the user (if they’re already inclined toward ignorance or apathy) can’t be [bothered] to think it matters.”


12. People Who Chew Loudly

Woman about to eat a smore
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Has anyone ever told you that you chew loudly? It seems like the worst offenders have no idea that they have this bad habit.

Whether you are eating something crunchy like chips or you’re feeling a bit congested, you will want to be mindful of chewing loudly or smacking your lips anytime you are eating around others.

Apparently, it drives some people mad.

One person shared, “Nothing inspires immediate rage in me the way chewing sounds do, especially loud ones.”

Another went so far as to take preventative measures, “I can’t stand that. It’s one of the reasons I carry headphones just in case.”


13. People Who Like to Complain Without Taking Action

man talking and woman annoyed
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

We all go through tough times at times, and we all need to vent. The problem happens when you only want to constantly complain, and you don’t want to do anything about it.

People like this can be very exhausting to be around, which is why some social media users admit that they secretly judge and even and relationships with people like this.

Some venting is okay. Just don’t make it your personality.

One person shared, “My sister is like this, she’s gotten better but after she spent years choosing to stay in a crappy situation I’m still numb to any of her problems. I want to still care as I do love her, but I got nothing left to offer anymore.”

Another went so far as to end a relationship with someone over this type of behavior. “I had to cut someone like this off. It was exhausting. I’d offer solutions, but they weren’t having it. Always some excuse about why this or that couldn’t/wouldn’t work. I finally told them straight up that I didn’t want to continue being friends with them because they had a perpetual victim mentality & they obviously weren’t interested in bettering their life.”


14. People Who Wear Face Masks Under the Nose

Boy and girl with dad wearing face masks
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Now that mask laws have loosened, there is a lot of freedom surrounding whether or not you will mask up. Often, it is left to your own personal discretion.

Whether or not you choose to wear one, many people agree that the worst offenders are those who only wear a mask part way.

Either wear it or don’t, depending on what is appropriate, but don’t bother if you are going to wear it incorrectly.

One person shared, “If you’re going to wear it, presumably you want the protection it offers, either for yourself or those around you. If that’s the case, you should wear it properly.”

Another agreed: “For some reason it bothers me more than people who don’t wear masks.”


15. People Who Don’t Wash Their Hands After Using the Restroom

Two hands being washed in a white sink
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

By this point, it is pretty common knowledge that you should wash your hands after using the restroom. Everyone learns this in elementary school.

However, some people seem to have forgotten this lesson. Many social media users shared how they secretly judge anyone who forgets to wash up or who doesn’t wash properly.

It isn’t just sloppy. It can put others health at risk.

One person shared, “I do judge how long and good people actually wash their own hands. So many times I will start to wash my hands and someone else will start to was theirs only to be done before I’m done. It grosses me out.”

Another person also shared how they take preventative measures to help keep themselves healthy. “I see it all the time! At the gym, at work, and restaurants. That’s why I carry hand sanitizer.”


Yes, Christians Should Judge. Here’s Why.

Woman Wrinkling Her Nose
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Tired of judgemental Christians? Me too.

But, unfortunately, simply scolding someone online isn’t enough to make all the judgmental haters quit with their biting comments.

Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, the Bible actually says Christians should judge.

Here’s what the Bible says on the matter, why Christians should judge others (at times), and why you probably should too.

Yes, Christians Should Judge. Here’s Why.


15 Famous Celebrities Who Embrace Christianity Despite Public Scrutiny

Carrie Underwood
Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

The morals and values of celebrities in Hollywood often stand in stark contrast to the Christian faith. Where the Bible says not to be arrogant or put your hope in wealth (1 Tim 6:17), many in Hollywood flaunt their expensive mansions, cars, and wardrobes.

Or when the Bible says “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourself (Philippians 2:3),” it’s obvious to see how the cut-throat world of Hollywood makes this verse difficult to live out.

Thankfully, there are several celebrities who are successful actors AND followers of Christ. In fact, these men and women use their fame as a way to honor God and give back to others – exactly what the Christian faith is all about.

15 Famous Celebrities Who Embrace Christianity Despite Public Scrutiny


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Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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