Considering Catholicism? 11 Christian Converts Share Why They Made the Switch

🌺  Written by Brittany Ann

About one in four Americans reported having changed religions or denominations over their lifetime, according to a recent study released by PRRI.

For this report, PRRI examined the rate of religious churning, or the number of Americans who report that “they were previously a follower or practitioner of a different religious tradition or denomination than the one they belong to now.”

Their findings? The “Unaffiliated” group (Atheist, Agnostic, or Nothing in Particular) is the fastest growing group by far, while the Catholic Church is experiencing significant losses in membership as people walk away.

Not everyone is leaving the Catholic church, however. A small minority is joining.

Recently, someone on a popular social platform asked, “I (19F) have been drawn to the Catholic Church for a long time. I am currently Protestant. If you converted to the Church, what finally pushed you over the edge?”

The answers vary wildly, but offer great insight into what people do still love about the Catholic church.


1. I Attended Mass

Catholic Church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For many Catholics, attending weekly mass each Sunday is a staple part of their faith.

Many Catholics love all the tradition, liturgy, and the fact that the mass is roughly the same no matter which church you attend. For lifelong Catholics, attending a new parish can instantly feel like home due to the familiarity.

One person shared:

“I attended a Catholic mass and was instantly drawn to its beauty. I felt God welcoming me home. From there I went through RCIA, answered my questions and was brought into the Church the following Easter.”

Unlike many evangelical megachurches, Catholic mass tends to be more quiet, subdued, and reverent, with a greater focus on the Eucharist and the Word than the “show.”


2. I Spoke to a Priest

A catholic priest at mass.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While recent scandals and scary headlines may paint Catholic priests as questionable characters, the majority are outstanding men of faith who truly love God and people. Talking to a priest is a great way to get your questions answered and learn more about the faith.

One person shared how a Catholic priest was instrumental in their conversion process:

“I went to a Tuesday mass having no knowledge of Catholicism besides knowing that we Protestants would make fun of the shameful Catholics every now and then. I went up to receive communion because I saw the few others there do it. The priest asked me if I was Catholic, and I said ‘No, I have no idea what’s going on.’ He sat me down and we spoke after mass. That’s when I realized I was going to become Catholic.”


3. I Heard a Song

Man on sofa hearing music
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Over the last two thousand years, many within the Catholic church have produced beautiful works of art, architecture, and music that have withstood the test of time. For those interested in the arts, this beauty can be very compelling.

In fact, one person started on the path to converting to Catholicism after hearing a song.

“I heard the song Miserere Mei Deus. I researched the song because I found it so beautiful, and learned it has Catholic origins.”


4. I Believed in the Eucharist

Eucharist chalice and Bible on table
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For the majority of devout Catholics, the Eucharist is the center of their faith and practice.

This is because Catholics believe the bread and wine of the Eucharist are the real body and blood of Jesus and that, by partaking in the communion, Catholics have their venial (minor) sins forgiven. It truly is a religious experience for those who believe.

One person commented:

“The Eucharist!!!! If you believe Jesus is present, why would you hold yourself back from consuming God and coming into physical and spiritual communion with Him? I wanted to take communion, whether the Catholic Church was 100 percent right or not.”


5. I Watched A YouTube Video

woman watching youtube on tablet
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While social media often gets a bad reputation for distracting people away from the faith, for some, it can actually strengthen it.

Whether you’re Catholic or Protestant, looking for inspiration or educational content, there are countless Christian YouTube channels full of hope, inspiration, and encouragement.

For one commenter, watching YouTube actually led to their conversion to Catholicism.

“My conversion started by watching a Brazilian philosophy teacher on YouTube, Guilherme Freire, along with his streams where he would talk about interesting topics to me, not necessarily religious. I would agree on him about everything and was learning a lot. The thing is, he is really Catholic, and his most viewed video was about his conversion, which I postponed a lot to watch. I just know that somewhere along the way, intellectually I could not deny the Catholic Church was the one true church.”


6. I Wanted to Marry a Catholic

Bride and Groom standing outside
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For devout Catholics, they must get married in a Catholic ceremony for their marriage to be considered “valid” in the eyes of the church. (Alternatively, if you were not originally married in the Church, you can have your marriage blessed in the church later.)

There is a whole process — with requirements both for Catholic believers and for the non-Catholic they wish to marry, if applicable.

One commenter shared:

“I was Protestant. Realized I wanted to marry my girlfriend who was Catholic. Decided I would learn everything I could about Catholicism so I could “save her” from it. Ended up realizing I had no idea about Catholicism. Ended up realizing it was easier to argue for Catholicism than against and 4 years later or so I became Catholic. Also, married that girlfriend.”


7. I Read the Church Fathers

man reading in bed with glasses
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

There’s a common Catholic misconception that says that the Catholic church “lost its way” at some point so Catholics have now wandered far from the Truth. People disagree on when this wandering away happened, but it is a common criticism.

For people who are concerned that Catholic doctrine no longer lines up with what Jesus and his disciples originally taught, reading the early church fathers (and seeing how “Catholic” they were) can be incredibly helpful in overcoming obstacles to belief.

One person shared:

“The witness of the early church fathers was so Catholic, that I became convinced the Catholic Church was what it claimed to be.”


8. I Went to a Catholic High School

top of school bus with cloudy sky
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While Catholic high schools are typically full of children from already-Catholic families, this isn’t always the case.

Catholic schools are open to anyone, and often provide a solid education for those who aren’t even Catholic.

One former Protestant shared how attending a Catholic high school opened their eyes to the beauty of the true Catholic faith.

“I was attracted to the faith as I saw classmates, staff and volunteers practice it, and I took required theology classes.”


9. I Needed Help for Mental Health Issues

sad woman
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

For those suffering with physical or mental illness or a lack of support, the Catholic Church can offer hope and help.

One person shared that they had been dealing with mental health issues before they found the Church in an emotional experience.

“The Catholic message clicked with me immediately and one particular night I just broke, fell to my knees and prayed to Jesus to accept and forgive me. I have never had an experience like this since but I FELT in the realest sense of the word someone with me in the room. I felt an actual person with me in my empty dark living room and I was overcome with a feeling of pure love and warmth.”


10. I Appreciated the History of the Catholic Church

Statue of Mary
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

“New and improved” isn’t always better. Many people love the Catholic church for its long history as well as the fact that the Church has stood the test of time.

One person shared how they were drawn to the church after “discovering the truth that Christ established the church and promised the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The Catholic Church has maintained that promise for around 2,000 years and will still be here long after I’m gone and Luther’s folly is undone.”


11. I Read Scholastic Writings

a woman sitting on a couch reading a book
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While some are drawn to the more beautiful, emotional aspects of the Church, others really need sound logic before they can believe.

For the more logistical thinkers, reading the Bible, the catechism with official Catholic doctrine, the early Church fathers, and the scholastic writings can be very helpful in overcoming any objections.

One person shared,

I honestly never had a problem with the idea of Catholicism. It was clear to me before I even accepted the faith that if Christianity was true, then the Catholic Church had to be the true body of believers. My faith is pretty philosophical. Scholastic writings cemented my belief more than any emotional experience ever did.”


Overcoming Objections

smiling woman outside church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In addition to those who shared why they converted, many commenters shared additional information to help the hesitate jump over their final hurdles.

For many, aspects of the Catholic faith like praying to Saints or praying the rosary can feel weird, foreign, or almost idolatrous.

One person offered reassurance, saying:

“Devotions such as the Rosary and attention to Mary generally are completely unnecessary to being a Catholic. You just need to agree to the Creed and the Church’s understanding of Mary. You are not required to do more. So don’t sweat it.”


13 Quirky Things Devout Catholics Do No One Else Understands

Catholic angel statue
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

If you’ve spent much time around Catholics you know…

Catholicism isn’t just a religion. It’s also a unique culture with plenty of unique quirks and trends, developed over more than two thousand years the Catholic church has been in existence.

Not a Catholic? Some of these unique quirks may not make sense to you, and that’s okay! Many Catholics have no problem being misunderstood by the majority of society.

But if you’re Catholic yourself or you’ve spent years around others who are (like I have!), you might just get a chuckle at this 13 quirky things devout Catholics do that no one else understands!

13 Quirky Things Devout Catholics Do No One Else Understands


15 Common Catholic Church “Facts” Protestants Constantly Get Wrong

priest baptizing infant
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Think you know the Catholic Church? Think again.

Despite being the largest Christian denomination in the United States (and the world), much of what people believe about Catholics and the Catholic church simply isn’t true.

Are you guilty of believing any of these 15 Catholic Church myths?

15 Common Catholic Church “Facts” Protestants Constantly Get Wrong


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Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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