I’m a Believer! 11 Former Atheists Share Why They Chose God

🌺  Written by Brittany Ann

With a couple billion Christians in the world, there are countless reasons why someone might choose to be a Christian. 

Some were raised in a Christian home. Others converted later in life due to an emotional experience, while others converted after carefully weighing the compelling, logical evidence that Christianity is true.

Recently, on a popular social platform, someone asked,

“Former atheists, what made you become a believer?

The fact that atheists (and ex-other religions) become Christians makes me more convinced that God is real and Christianity is true, on top of all the things I’ve experienced.

I still tell myself ‘maybe it’s just psychosis’ that I’m experiencing… But it sounds illogical that millions if not BILLIONS of other people all hallucinate or dream of the same thing if it’s not actually real…”

Here’s what they said.


1. I Read the Bible

woman sitting reading the Bible in church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Reading the Bible isn’t only for current Christians. Anyone can read it to learn more about God and His plan for our lives.

In fact, many believers share that reading the Bible out of curiosity or to get their questions answered led them to believe that it’s all true.

One person shared,

“I read the Bible and I loved that Jesus guy. Even if I am wrong about God, believing in Jesus and following Jesus has made me happier, healthier, and a better human overall. I’ve had nothing but benefits from religion. It’s made me nicer, more humble, calmer, and more complete.”


2. I Heard God Calling to Me

An image of Jesus with his arms outstretched.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Other believers share how they felt a sense or “knowing” that Christianity was right and true, and that it was where they belong.

This feeling might sound illogical and can be difficult to explain, but many Christians have had similar experiences they simply cannot explain away in any other way.

One person said,

“I know it’s weird to say, but one day He called to me. I can’t explain what drove me back to religion when I had been strictly atheist for over half of my life. My only explanation is God called to me and made me whole.”


3. I Found Comfort in God

woman offering comfort with box of tissues on couch
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While going through trying or traumatic times can lead some people to walk away from God, it can bring others closer.

It’s so comforting knowing that, no matter what happens, God still has a plan and He’s still in control.

Someone responded,

“I turned to God for comfort and community. Haven’t gone to church yet so the community hasn’t come yet. But the comfort is present and it’s very much helping. “


4. I Saw the Beauty of God’s Creation

Woman sitting in a canoe on a lake
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

It’s difficult to look around the world, see all the vast beauty, and believe that it all randomly came into existence through chance.

Experiencing the unending beauty of God’s creation — from the grand mountains to the tiniest veins of a leaf — is enough to make many people turn to God and believe in Him.

One person said,

“I was on a canoe trip in the Adirondacks and I rowed out into a huge lake and saw the beautiful world like it was my first time. Something clicked so I started looking, found paganism which was fun but ultimately empty then I discovered apologetics no matter how hard o tried I couldn’t find a question that the Christian worldview didn’t have an answer for. I didn’t always like them but truth can be hard.”


5. I Felt a Sense of Peace

Woman at peace
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Similarly, others turn to Jesus because they find he offers a sense of peace and joy they simply cannot find elsewhere.

Some skeptics may call it a placebo effect, but true believers know there’s something more going on.

One person responded,

“The fact that I’m alive is a miracle and a creation of God. All that coupled with a sense of peace and stillness in my heart (or mind) that life is good, and God is good, despite me sometimes not seeing it.”


6. I Researched Christianity

A woman writing in a notebook.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While many people find their feelings and emotions reason enough to turn to Christianity, others need more logical proof to believe.

For this reason, many people join the Christian church because they’ve done their research and found that Christianity simply makes sense — at least compared to all the alternatives.

One person shared,

“What made me become Christian was seeing a bunch of Christian TikToks. It made me realize I had no clue what Christianity actually was, so I did research.”


7. I Needed Guidance

sad man outside church
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Some people turn to the Christian faith to help them navigate a difficult situation or the consequences they’re facing due to a series of poor choices (theirs or others’). Once they start to experience the many benefits of Christianity, there’s no going back.

Someone said,

“The path I was on wasn’t viable and led me to a brick wall. Hard stop. Turned to faith for guidance. Started going to church to learn to receive His guidance.”


8. I Saw Proof of God’s Existence

man praying outside
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For some, the miracles and signs they’ve experienced make turning away from God at this point seem impossible or illogical. How can you walk away from something you have firsthand experience is true?

One person commented,

God has shown 100% undeniable proof that he is real and in full control of the universe through the supernatural events and countless synchronicities in the universe around me. I saw so much of it that I was fully convinced I was living in a simulation.

Some of my supernatural experiences involved other people who became believers because of it, so I know it’s not some hallucinations or subjective experiences. But even then I still did not believe it was God of the Bible. God also showed me some very specific prophecies when I was younger that came true precisely.

It wasn’t until I started studying the Bible, praying and giving my heart to God that I started to believe that God is good and not just some simulation that has us trapped in this reality.”


9. I Had a Friend That Talked to Me About Christianity

female friends in a coffee shop
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos.

Have you ever wondered why so many Christians seem to eager to share their faith with others? It’s because we’ve experienced firsthand the many benefits a life of faith can offer, and we want the rest of the world to experience them as well!

And for many people, it’s these conversations with friends and family that do draw them into the church (or back to the church).

One person said,

2024 is the year one of my dear friends got me into Christianity. We have a culinary class together, and we would talk about religion on a regular basis, and Christianity just made more and more sense to me. Today I’m still not perfect, but I don’t have any skepticism that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit exist.”

Another person shared,

“For me, it started when a friend told me I should believe in God because if He exists, cool, and if he doesn’t, too bad. Faith is free, and that made sense for me.”


10. I Felt God’s Presence

An image of Jesus standing in the sunlight.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While some Christians can list the specific reasons, feelings, or events that led them to join the Christian faith, for others, it isn’t that simple. Some Christians simply have a feeling of God’s presence that’s impossible to deny. And for them, that’s enough.

One person responded,

“Literally God’s presence in my life.”


Things Christians Wish Non-Christians Knew About Their Faith

A pastor in front of a cross holding a bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Christianity, a globally practiced faith, holds profound significance for its followers. It can also be misunderstood by those who do not practice Christianity, which can harbor some frustrations for practicing Christians.

Recently, on a popular social media page, we found some things Christians wish non-Christians knew about their faith.

Things Christians Wish Non-Christians Knew About Their Faith


So Irritating! These 12 Statements Made By Non-Christians Are Really Offensive

young girl with angry expression
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In our diverse world, respectful dialogue among different belief systems is essential for harmony.

Let’s dive into some statements made by non-Christians that can sometimes offend Christians, even if not on purpose. It highlights the importance of fostering empathy and understanding to promote a more inclusive society.

So Irritating! These 12 Statements Made By Non-Christians Are Really Offensive

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Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of EquippingGodlyWomen.com, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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