Is God Sending You a Sign? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions to Find Out

Have you ever been looking for God to provide a clear answer to your prayers and experience something that could only be described as a sign from Him? But then you start to second guess yourself.

How do I know that was Him? Does God even offer signs to me? What if I’m wrong? 

If you’ve been looking for an answer to your questions, look at these 7 guidelines to help you know if a sign, song, feeling, or experience is actually from God Himself.

Question 1: Does What I’m Hearing Line up with God’s Word?

Man looking at phone over Bible
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

God will never contradict what He has already told us in His Word, the Bible. This includes what Jesus tells us are the two greatest commands of all: to love God and to love others (Matthew 22:37-40). Any thought or action that does not come from love for God, for others, and for ourselves cannot be from God.

Question 2: Is It True and Logical?

girls smiling looking to the side
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

The Bible tells us repeatedly that God is a God of truth (Deuteronomy 32:4; John 14:6). If what we hear is not true, it is not from God.

Similarly, while God can ask us to do things that don’t make sense from a human perspective (for example, asking Noah to build an ark or Joshua to march around Jericho), He is not going to ask us to do something that makes no sense in light of where He has already called us or how He has already gifted us.

Question 3: Does It Contribute to My Own Good and the Good of Others?

married couple sitting at a bowling alley
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

God promises that He “works for the good of those who love Him” (Romans 8:28).

We know that doesn’t necessarily mean that life will be easy — Jesus says that his followers each have a cross to carry (Matthew 16:24). However, we can be confident that following God’s voice will not harm us and will ultimately give life not just to ourselves, but also to others.

Question 4: Does It Make Sense in Light of My Gifts, Resources, and Abilities?

three people walking to class
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

God has created each of us with unique gifts and abilities and an individual story. God’s voice will be true to those unique traits. Your story will look different from someone else’s and that’s the way it should be. This doesn’t mean that God can’t call us to something beyond our own human ability — He can and will — but it should make some sense in light of the ways He has equipped and gifted us.

Question 5: What Are the Likely Consequences of Each Choice?

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Emotions are important, but so is logic. Honestly evaluating where different paths will lead can help us know when we are hearing God’s voice. This isn’t the same as trying to control every aspect of the future — that’s impossible! But sometimes looking a few more steps into the future can make God’s voice more clear. This is where a simple pros and cons list can be very helpful.

Question 6: Does It Lead Me to Growth or Shame?

man sitting on stairs looking down
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

God’s voice can be challenging, but it’s never unloving or condemning. God will call us to grow more like Christ; He will never tell us that we are worthless or not good enough. God never causes us to feel shame or condemnation.

Negative thinking should be dismissed, but correction should be welcomed.

Question 7: Have Godly Mentors Also Seen This Call of God in My Life?

couple talking
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

If you ever get stuck inside your own head, it can be helpful to actually speak out loud about an issue with a trusted mentor or friend. Asking someone else to discuss something with you, walk you through your thoughts, or even just pray for you can help you discern if it’s God’s voice you’re hearing.

No Need for Burning Bushes: Here are 6 Ways God Still Talks to Us Today

A woman in a white shirt praying.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Would you know if God was speaking to you? How can you tell when it is your imagination or even your own thoughts?

What we believe about how God speaks to us, and if He is speaking to us, can determine our entire worldview from the small things in life to the most important.

Our greatest desire is to know Him better and to follow what we think is God’s will. But what if you’re wrong, and what if you miss out on His perfect plans for you due to fear and uncertainty?

Here are 6 ways God still communicates with us today and what His voice sounds like according to Scripture.

No Need for Burning Bushes: Here are 6 Ways God Still Talks to Us Today

How to Hear God’s Voice Clearly

woman smiling with Bible
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Thankfully, you don’t have to guess and hope you’ve heard God’s voice clearly.

Here are six step-by-step tips you can use today to help you hear the Holy Spirit speaking to you loudly and clearly.

How to Hear God’s Voice Clearly

What is God’s Will for Your Life? Here’s How to Find Out

Girl sitting on a chair looking out across a field
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Are you trying to answer the question, “What is God’s will for my life?” If so, check out these 5 ways to help you determine what He wants for your life.

How to Know God’s Will for Your Life

How to Read the Bible (Easy Instructions for Beginners!)

Woman sitting alone and reading book
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The BEST way to hear God’s voice (especially if you’re just getting started) is to spend time reading Scripture.

Want to learn how to read the Bible for yourself, but you’re not sure where to start or how to understand it?

Reading the Bible is a lot easier (and way more enjoyable) than you might think. You just need a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

How to Read the Bible (Easy Instructions for Beginners!)

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers? (6 Biblical Reasons)

woman sad on a park bench outside
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Do you feel angry, hurt, disappointed, or confused because God hasn’t answered your prayers the way you want Him to? There may be a very good reason why He hasn’t.

Be sure to check out this article on 6 Biblical Reasons God Doesn’t Answer Our Prayers.

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