Was Jesus Really Born in December? 12 Shocking Facts About Jesus

This article will discuss some lesser-known aspects of Jesus’s life, offering surprising insights and challenging what you might already know.

Join us on this enlightening journey to discover facts that could reshape your understanding of Jesus and his enduring legacy through the centuries.

1. Jesus Was Known by Other Names

An image of Jesus standing in the sunlight.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Most people have just one name, but when it comes to Jesus in the Bible, things get really interesting. In the Bible, there are more than 50 different titles and names used to refer to Jesus. This shows just how important and multi-dimensional he is in the Christian faith.

Each name or title given to Jesus tells us something different about who he is and what he means to people in the Christian tradition. Learning these names helps us gain a richer understanding of his role and significance. Some of his other names include Redeemer (Job), The Prince of Peace (Isaiah), Immanuel (Isaiah), Lamb of God (John), and King of Kings (Revelation).

2. Jesus May Not Have Been Born in December

Jesus in a white robe holding out his hand.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Every December 25, Christians gather to celebrate Jesus’s birth, though there’s uncertainty about the actual date. December 25 was chosen to replace a pagan festival called Saturnalia, known for gift-giving and decorations. Determining Jesus’s exact birth date is tricky, but it’s generally estimated to be around September 3 B.C.

Knowing when King Herod died helps us estimate Jesus’s birth and the start of his ministry. The Bible suggests Jesus began his ministry at about age 30. While the Bible doesn’t provide a specific birth date, the most important thing is the message of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection, which is the core of the Christian faith. Despite the interesting debate about his birth date, the central focus remains on the impact of Jesus’s life and teachings.

3. Jesus Was Given a Very Common Name

An image of Jesus walking.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Back when Jesus was alive in the first century, his name, “Jesus,” was quite common, similar to how “John Doe” is a common name today. So, based on his name alone, he didn’t stand out. But if we take a closer look at the meaning behind his name, it becomes very special.

His name is defined as “Yahshua,” like this: “Yah” stands for God, and “shuah” comes from “Yeshua,” which means “to save, save alive, rescue.” This shows that even though his name seemed ordinary, it carried a deep spiritual message. It means that Jesus was here to save and rescue people, and it reflects the important role he played in God’s plan.

4. Jesus Had Siblings

An image of Jesus with his arms outstretched.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

According to the Bible in Matthew 13:55-56 (King James Version), Jesus had at least four brothers and some sisters. The passage mentions his brothers, named James, Joses, Simon, and Judas, but it doesn’t give the names of his sisters.

This tells us that Jesus was part of a family, and it shows his human side. It reminds us that he wasn’t just a spiritual figure but also a regular person who worked as a carpenter and had siblings. This is an important aspect of Christian beliefs because it emphasizes that Jesus was divine, but he also knew what it was like to be human, just like us.

5. Jesus Most Likely Had Short Hair

A man that looks like Jesus.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

There is a high possibility that Jesus had brown eyes, black hair, and olive-brown skin, considering the historical context of his time and region. Records from that era suggest that people also commonly maintained short, well-groomed hair and beards. This was mainly to help prevent lice, which was a common issue during that period.

These details offer us a glimpse into the physical appearance and grooming practices of people in Jesus’s time on Earth. While they may seem mundane, they provide valuable insights into everyday life and challenges faced by individuals in the past. Understanding this can help us appreciate the historical context in which Jesus lived and the cultural norms of his time.

6. Jesus Was Quite Short

Jesus teaching parables to a crowd people circling around Him
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Scholars have conducted research to estimate that Jesus was approximately 5 feet, 5 inches tall, which is about 1.7 meters. They arrived at this estimate by examining the skeletal remains of men who lived in the first century.

These findings suggest that Jesus’ height was quite typical for people of his time. It’s an interesting detail that helps us imagine how he might have looked and gives us insights into the physical characteristics of people who lived during that historical period.

7. Jesus Was Jewish

Jesus walking with his apostles.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Because Jesus was Jewish, he likely had physical features common among Jewish people of that time, such as olive skin, brown eyes, and black hair. His ministry was also directed toward his fellow Jewish community.

He encouraged his followers to avoid spreading his teachings to convert the Samaritans or Gentiles, emphasizing his mission to help the “lost sheep of Israel.” This demonstrates his focus on his own people, the Jewish community, and his message tailored to their beliefs. Understanding his Jewish background and ministry can give us insight into the cultural and religious setting in which he lived and preached.

8. Jesus Was Bilingual

Jesus disciples following him.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In Jesus’ time, he could speak more than one language because people in his region had different languages for different purposes. For everyday life, he would have used Aramaic, like most Jewish people did. Learning Hebrew was necessary for religious studies, especially for understanding the Torah, the sacred Jewish text.

Besides Aramaic and Hebrew, Jesus might have known Greek, which was necessary for talking to people like Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. The Romans often used Greek to communicate with Hellenistic Jews. So, Jesus’ ability to speak these languages shows how he could connect with various groups and fulfill his teachings.

9. Jesus Died at Age 33

A man depicting Jesus on the cross.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Jesus passed away when he was 33 years old. It’s believed he died on a significant date: Friday, April 3, A.D. 33, around 3 p.m. This timing was just a few hours before the start of Passover and the beginning of the Sabbath. It’s important to note that this date is according to the Julian calendar, which was used back then. Historical events are often dated using the calendar of the time.

This date is important because it marks the end of Jesus’s life and falls on a key Jewish holiday. By considering the calendar in use during that period, we can better understand the historical context of this event and its significance in the life of Jesus.

10. Jesus Left His Burial Linens

A man depicting Jesus on the cross in a field.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

When Peter went into the empty tomb of Jesus, he found something unusual—the linen and cloth that had been used to wrap Jesus’s body. This story is in the Bible in John 20:6-8:

“Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen. Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed.”

What’s important here is that these linens and how the cloth was placed show that Jesus wasn’t stolen. If someone had taken his body, they would have had to remove these linens, and that would have taken time. This detail adds weight to the belief that Jesus rose from the dead and is a crucial part of the story in the Bible.

11. Jesus Died in a Very Common Manner

Jesus on the cross.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Crucifixion is a type of punishment where the person is tied or nailed to a wooden beam and left hanging. The victim typically stays there for a couple of days, eventually dying from exhaustion and lack of air.

This form of punishment, which Jesus himself was subject to, was commonly used in the Roman-occupied Holy Land. For instance, in 4 B.C., the Roman general Varus crucified 2,000 Jews. Mass crucifixions were also carried out during the first century A.D.

As an example, around 4 B.C., the Roman general Varus ordered the crucifixion of 2,000 Jews. Similar mass crucifixions also occurred in the first century A.D.

12. Jesus Began His Ministry at Thirty

Jesus teaching his disciples.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In Numbers 4:3, it is stated that a man must be at least thirty years old in order to qualify as a priest. “Count all the men from thirty to fifty years of age who come to serve in the work at the tent of meeting.”

Jesus began his ministry around the age of thirty, as mentioned in Luke 3:23: “Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli.”

Jesus: Historical Figure or Modern Fairy Tale?

A man depicting Jesus.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Was Jesus real?

It’s a question that most of us take for granted, and yet, honestly, I’m not sure there is a more important question we could ever ask. After all, if Jesus of Nazareth wasn’t a real person, everything we believe is nothing more than a fairy tale, a myth, a waste of time. Yes, Christianity may make you a better person, but if it isn’t true, then what’s the point?

Jesus: Historical Figure or Modern Fairy Tale?

Was Jesus Really God?

A man depicting Jesus.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

It’s one thing to prove that Jesus of Nazareth really did exist and that he really did die and rise from the dead. It’s quite another to then make the leap to claim that Jesus really is the one and only son of God. And yet, it’s a very bold claim that Christians make every day.

Was Jesus really the son of God? How do we know for sure? Is it even possible to know for sure?

Was Jesus Really God?

Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead?

A cave looking out into an opening where there's a cross.
Photo Credit: Lightstock

Did Jesus really rise from the dead? The story is pretty crazy if you stop to think about it. A man is beaten, crucified and buried. Three days later, he “supposedly” rises from the dead. Sounds an awful lot like a fairy tale to me. Sounds like someone’s imagination ran away from them.

Surely, there must be a better explanation…

Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead?

The 10 Most Confusing Things Jesus Ever Said or Did

Jesus running to woman
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Think Jesus is always polite, meek, and mild-mannered? Think again.

While we know that Jesus is perfect love in human form, he did say many things that are hard for us (as humans with limited understanding) to wrap our heads around.

I hope, that when we get to Heaven, we’ll be able to ask him, “What did you mean by that??” but in the meantime, here are 10 questionable things Jesus said or did that still cause us to scratch our heads in confusion two thousand years later.

The 10 Most Confusing Things Jesus Ever Said or Did

Shocking Sightings: 10 Unbelievable Appearances of Jesus and Mary

A man resembling Jesus holidng a loaf of bread torn in half.
Photo Credit: Lightstock

Depictions of Jesus, Mary and other religious figures often appear to devout followers in mysterious ways. Throughout history, people have reported extraordinary sightings of religious figures like Jesus and the Virgin Mary in very unexpected places. Here are ten remarkable instances of such sightings that have captivated the world.

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