DIY Resurrection Eggs Lesson (with Bible Verses and Free Printable!)

Teach your children the real meaning of Easter with this fun Resurrection Eggs DIY! This amazing Resurrection Eggs Lesson comes complete with Bible verses and free printable!

Resurrection eggs Bible Lesson for kids craft materials

Have you ever seen the DIY Resurrection Eggs Lesson floating around Pinterest? 

My oldest son brought them home from elementary school a few years ago, and I thought they were so neat!

Not only did he love playing with them himself, but he also loved sharing the Resurrection Eggs Lesson with his little brother as well.

(It was the cutest thing!)

Well, unfortunately, I didn’t end up saving the set we had.

(Small house = not much space for every school project that comes home.)

But with Easter fast approaching this year, I remembered how much fun we had last time we did the Resurrection Eggs Lesson. So, I wanted to make our own Resurrection Eggs DIY again, and I thought you might like to as well!

It’s a great Christian Easter activity for Sunday School or Home, and it’s easy to make, free, and a lot of fun! It’s also a creative, Christian Easter egg story!

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Big brother teaching little brother the Easter story using Resurrection Eggs he got at school. Awww 🙂

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How to Make the DIY Resurrection Eggs (with Printable!)

Thankfully, this Resurrection Eggs DIY is super easy! In fact, it uses all free materials you probably already have lying around your house (or at least can find very easily).

Scroll down to find all the materials, instructions, Resurrection Bible verses, and free Resurrection eggs printable story! It’s all right here.

Items needed for Resurrection Eggs

DIY Resurrection Eggs Materials

  • 12 Plastic Easter Eggs
  • Black Sharpie
  • Printable Egg Slips (see below)
  • 1 Clean Egg Carton
  • 1 Small Leaf
  • 3 Dimes
  • A Small Piece of Bread or Cracker
  • A Small Picture of Praying Hands
  • A Small Whip Made of Thread, Yarn, or Grass
  • A Crown Made of Grass or a Flower Stem
  • 3 Small Nails
  • 1 Die
  • 1 Toothpick or Small Plastic Sword
  • 1 Piece of Fabric
  • A Small Rock

Bonus: Resurrection Eggs Printable Bible Verse Reference Slips

DIY Resurrection Eggs

As you’re gathering all the materials for your Resurrection Eggs Lesson, you’ll also definitely want to print out this free Resurrection Eggs Lesson printable to include in your eggs as well.

This way, you don’t have to pull up the instructions every day to figure out which Resurrection Bible verses you’re supposed to be reading together for each Bible story. You’ll have them right on hand, ready to go.

(This also further emphasizes that the stories are from the Bible — so the Bible story is the star of the show, not the small toys.)

Want this Resurrection Eggs Lesson printable for your own use?

Simply enter your name and email in the box below, and I’ll send this free Resurrection Eggs Lesson printable PLUS all the step-by-step instructions straight to your inbox, so you have them all when you’re ready to get started with this fun and easy Easter egg lesson!

**Note: Obviously some objects (like nails and toothpicks) above aren’t appropriate for small children to play with unsupervised! Feel free to substitute any items or only let your little ones play with adult supervision. You know your children best!

Set of Resurrection eggs in an egg carton

Resurrection Eggs Instructions

Once you have all of the materials for your Easter Resurrection Eggs craft, you’re ready to start putting everything together!

Here’s what you need to do: 

  1. Number 12 empty Easter eggs 1-12 with black sharpie.
  2. Fill each Easter egg with one small item according to the list below. (Egg #12 will be empty!)
  3. Print out this Resurrection Eggs Printable Story, cut the 12 strips apart, and place each strip in the egg of the same number, along with the small item.
  4. Close all eggs and arrange neatly in the Resurrection Eggs Story carton.

That’s it! Your Resurrection Eggs craft is now assembled!

You can have your children open one egg at a time over the 12 days leading up to Easter Sunday, open all the eggs in order, or simply let them play with it on their own (assuming they’re old enough to handle this).

Personally, I prefer to open all the Resurrection eggs at once and tell the whole Easter story (so I don’t have to remember to do it for 12 days in a row!). Then, my kids just play with it until they get tired of it.

But whatever you choose is great!

FAMILYLIFE Family Life Resurrection Eggs — 12 Piece Easter Eggs Set with Booklet and Religious Figurines Inside — Tells The Story of Easter — Easter Eggs with Toys Inside — Eggs for Easter Egg Hunts

Don’t Have Time to Learn How to Make DIY Resurrection Eggs?

Alternately, I did want to mention: if you love the idea of making DIY Resurrection eggs, but you seriously don’t have the time, you CAN just buy them.

I found this set of Resurrection Eggs on Amazon with great reviews, and I do love that the materials are quite a bit sturdier than what you’d find just lying around at home.

BUT reading through the reviews, a few people mentioned that the Resurrection eggs story booklet it comes with isn’t 100% theologically sound.

For instance, it says something to the effect of: “Jesus was the strongest man on Earth.” Yet, there’s no Scripture to support that. And it does teach that the Last Supper was just a symbol, instead of Christ’s body and blood, which could be good or bad depending on which way your family believes!

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with ordering it, and either not using the Resurrection eggs story booklet OR just using it as a loose guide for teaching your kids yourself… But it’s totally up to you!

You can check it out here and see what you think.

Personally, I’m happy to just make my own. 🙂

The Resurrection Eggs Lesson: What Each Egg Symbolizes

  • Day 1: A Small Leaf to Represent Jesus’ Triumphal Entry (John 12:12-15)
  • Day 2: Three Dimes to Represent Judas Agreeing to Betray Jesus (Matthew 26:14-16)
  • Day 3: A Small Piece of Bread to Represent the Last Supper (Matthew 26:26-28)
  • Day 4: Praying Hands to Represent Jesus’ Prayer in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-38)
  • Day 5: A Small Whip to Represent Jesus Being Beaten (Mark 15:15)
  • Day 6: A Small Crown to Represent Jesus Being Crowned King of the Jews (Matthew 27:29)
  • Day 7: Three Nails to Represent Jesus Being Nailed to the Cross (John 19:18)
  • Day 8: A Die to Represent the Soldiers Casting Lots for Jesus’ Clothes (John 19:23-24)
  • Day 9: A Toothpick or Small Sword to Represent the Soldier Plunging His Spear Into Jesus’ Side (John 19:33-34)
  • Day 10: A Small Cloth to Represent Joseph Wrapping Jesus for Burial (Matthew 27:57-59)
  • Day 11: A Rock to Represent Jesus Being Sealed in the Tomb (Matthew 27:59-60)
  • Day 12: An Empty Egg to Represent: Jesus Has Risen! (Matthew 28:6)

Will you be making Resurrection Eggs with your children for Easter this year? What other Christian Easter Crafts do you love to make with your kids? Do you have a favorite Easter craft that uses Easter Bible verses for kids or Resurrection Bible verses?

Ready to Teach the Resurrection Eggs Lesson with Your Kids?

DIY Resurrection Eggs

Don’t forget to grab your free Resurrection Egg Bible verses printable to include in your eggs as well.

This way, you don’t have to pull up the instructions every day to figure out which verses you’re supposed to be reading together for each Bible story. You’ll have them right on hand, ready to go.

Simply enter your name and email in the box below, and I’ll send this free Resurrection Eggs printable PLUS all the step-by-step instructions straight to your inbox, so you have them all when you’re ready to get started.

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