Christmas Star of Bethlehem Ornament (DIY Clothespin Craft)
If so, you’ll love this DIY star of Bethlehem ornament craft with clothespins created by Bren of specifically for the Equipping Godly Women community.
Bren shares:
“It may only be early December, but the holiday season is well underway! Neighborhoods are filling up with lights, blow-up reindeer, abominable snowmen holding ornaments, and even Frozen snowmen.
Yet, while these decorations are festive and cute, none immediately call to mind Jesus or the story of his birth.
Thankfully, that’s where these Christmas Star of Bethlehem Ornaments come in!
Not only are these Star of Bethlehem ornaments beautiful, but they also cost only about $0.30 each, making these clothespin Christmas ornaments very affordable!
Read on to learn how to make a star of Bethlehem Christmas craft with clothespins for your Christmas tree this year.
What is the Star of Bethlehem?
The Star of Bethlehem (also known as the Christmas star) is the star that shone brightly in the sky the night of Jesus’s birth.
We read about the Star of Bethlehem in the Bible in Matthew chapter 2.
“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him’…
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”
–Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11
You often see this star above a nativity or Christmas tree today.
According to, biblical scholars aren’t sure if the Star of Bethlehem was a real star, a different type of celestial body, or a supernatural phenomenon, as there is some evidence to support each of these theories. ( has a TON of research into the different theories and possibilities, if you’d like to learn more.)
Yet, whether the Star of Bethlehem was a real star, a different celestial body, or an unexplainable one-time miracle, teaching your children how to make a Christmas star of Bethlehem ornament is a wonderful way to revisit the magic of Jesus’s birth still today.
And I just know your kids would love these cute DIY clothespin Christmas ornaments!
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How to Make a Star of Bethlehem Ornament (DIY Clothespin Craft)
These DIY clothespin Christmas ornaments are a fun, affordable activity for kid and Sunday School classes who want to focus on the real meaning of Christmas this year. Make a few Bethlehem Star crafts to adorn your Christmas tree or a ton to give away as gifts. They’re affordable and easy enough you can easily make plenty!
Here’s how to make these cute Bethlehem star crafts.
Star of Bethlehem Ornament Supplies
- 4 standard clothes pins and 4 mini clothespins per ornament. (The mini ornaments are about 1 ¾ inch long.)
- Either a hot glue gun or craft glue. (Craft glue takes longer to dry, but is safer with small children.)
- Cardstock, construction paper, or printer paper.
- Pens or ultra-fine point sharpies OR Scripture tags (below)
- Twine, string, or ribbon for hanging.
- Optional: Gold acrylic paint, spray paint, and/or glitter.
**Note: This supply list is per ornament. Be sure to multiply by the number of clothespin Christmas ornaments you’re planning to make!
Star of Bethlehem Ornament Instructions
1. Remove all the springs from your clothespins and discard.
These clothespin Christmas ornaments don’t use the springs.
2. Glue clothespin pieces back-to-back to make the rays for your star of Bethlehem ornaments. (Large with large, small with small.)
Continue until all clothes pins are made into rays.
3. Glue 4 large rays together at 90-degree angles to make the base of the star, as shown above.
Continue until all large clothespins are made into bases for your clothespin Christmas ornaments.
4. Glue 4 mini rays together at 90-degree angles to make the top layer of the star.
Continue until all mini clothespins are made into top layers for your clothespin Christmas ornaments.
5. Glue the top of each star to the base making sure the rays are off-set.
Your Bethlehem star crafts should look just like the picture above at this point.
6. Use paint and/or glitter to decorate your Star of Bethlehem ornaments.
Get creative! I used gold spray paint on mine, but these clothespin Christmas ornaments would be cute in any color.
Tip: If you want to add glitter, apply an even coat of clear-dry school glue and then sprinkle with glitter.
7. While your Star of Bethlehem ornaments are drying, print and cut out your Scripture banners.
Simply enter your name and email in the box, and I’ll send you a ready-made printable with a variety of Christmas Scriptures.
Print as many copies as you need! I recommend using cardstock or construction paper to make your clothespin Christmas ornaments a bit more durable, but normal printer paper is okay too!
Note: Due to space constraints, these are not the full scriptures, but shortened versions that call to mind the entire reading.
8. Once your banners are cut out, bend the ends slightly.
Simply pull them over a pen or marker (the motion you use while curling ribbon). I like the ends to curl outward.
9. Glue the scriptures to the front of your Star of Bethlehem ornaments using a dab of hot glue or school glue and let dry.
These clothespin Christmas ornaments don’t require a lot of glue to stick.
10. Add a loop of ribbon, string or twine to the back of each of your Star of Bethlehem ornaments.
I used twine attached with hot glue to ensure this Christmas craft with clothespins would last a long time.
11. Finally, hang your Star of Bethlehem ornaments on your Christmas tree to enjoy.
If stored and hung properly, these clothespin Christmas ornaments should last a long time!
Optional: Share this post with friends, family, or your kids’ school teachers and Sunday School teachers so they can learn how to make a Christmas star of Bethlehem ornament with clothespins too. I bet they’d love these Bethlehem star crafts as well!
Looking for more Christian Christmas Crafts and Ideas for Kids?
This Christmas craft with clothespins is just one of the MANY options you and your children might enjoy making this year.
Here are a few other Christian Christmas crafts and ideas you might enjoy:
10 Adorable Christian Christmas Crafts Your Kids Will Love
Felt Nativity: Christian Christmas Craft for Kids
10 (Non-Cheesy) Christian Christmas Gifts for Kids
29 Christian Christmas Gift Ideas Your Whole Family Will Love
Christian Elf on the Shelf Alternatives
Bren is a creative SAHM mom, Navy wife, blogger and part time college instructor. She loves connecting with her family through crafts and cooking.
If you enjoyed this post and would like to see more like it head over to where she shares more easy crafts, delicious recipes, DIY projects and natural home care tips.
Thanks for creating this and sharing! I made 50 for Christmas gifts for kids at my church. Really lovely and meaningful ornament. 🙂
Awwww, that’s so sweet of you! Did it take forever? lol!
Hi! My youth group is making these for a fundraiser they are doing for their mission trip. I noticed the scripture ribbons are copyright. Will we need special permission to use these if we are collecting money for them?
Hi, Annie. Thanks for asking. Usually I would not allow designs to be resold, but since it is for a mission trip fundraiser, you may. Please do not resell them beyond this however. Thanks!
Thank you so much Brittany! We appreciate it!
Thank you for the Christmas star ornament cut outs printable. I cannot get it to print. Any suggestions? Thak you.
I am so sorry you are having issues with printing out the Christmas Star Ornament Scripture Banners. I’m not sure what the issue would be. Will you send an email to [email protected] please? I can help you get it printed out.