25 Fun and Frugal Date Night Ideas

25 Fun and Frugal Date Night IdeasWhile having fun as a family is always (okay, usually!) a blast, spending one-on-one time with your spouse is absolutely essential to your health as a couple.

After all, you can’t go from spending every waking minute together when you are dating to barely spending any time together once you are married and expect to still keep your marriage exciting after all these years.

No matter how fun and wonderful your kids are, you still need some time to yourselves to connect.


If you aren’t having regular date nights with your spouse, what is stopping you?

Lack of time? I know it’s difficult to find time for romance when your children are little. Lack of funds? If it’s a lack of funds (Hey, kids are expensive-I get it!), why not try one of these 25 fun and frugal date night ideas?


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Related Reading: 25 Fun Hobbies for Married Couples Who Want to Keep the Spark Alive


1. Go on a Picnic

Enjoy a peaceful meal without the “eat your food,” “noodles don’t go in ears” and “just three more bites.” Talk or enjoy the silence–it’s up to you!


2. Go Bowling

Show off your skills or hold contests to see who can do the silliest moves and still score the points.


3. Go Out for Ice Cream

Dairy Queen sends out monthly buy one get one coupons when you sign up for their mailing list.


4. Play Tennis

If you have your own rackets, tennis is free and fun. If not, you can find them on Craigslist for cheap.


5. Go to a Dollar Movie

If you have a dollar movie theater in your area, grab a flick and snacks for two for less five bucks.


Related Reading: One Simple Trick to Instantly Improve Your Marriage Communication


6. Go on a Bike Ride

Explore the trails around your city, get some exercise and reconnect as a couple all at the same time!


7. Attend a Community Concert

Many cities have free summer concerts in the park. These laid-back events are the perfect place to snuggle on a blanket and listen to some great music.


8. Go Ice Skating

If you don’t mind the cold, the ice rink is the perfect place to hold hands and quietly glide in circles.


9. Visit a Museum

Call your local museum and ask if they have any discount days. Then, spend an afternoon holding hands and walking through the museum, exploring.


10. Have a Water Gun Fight

Unleash your inner child with a classic water gun fight. All of the laughing and playing will bring you closer together.


Related Reading: 6 Bad Habits That Will Seriously Harm Your Marriage


11. Attend a Church Event

Whether you attend a night that is specifically for couples or another event, church events are generally reasonably priced and a whole lot of fun.


12. Play Pool

Pool may not seem very romantic, but it’s pretty relaxing and a lot of fun.


13. Go Fishing

Speaking of relaxing–what’s more relaxing than spending an afternoon out on a boat? He can touch the worms, you can get a sun tan–it’s a win-win!


14. Stargaze

There is just something so romantic about looking up at the stars. Snuggle up under a blanket, pick out any constellations you can find, and have deep conversations about everything and nothing.


15. Visit the Animal Shelter

Playing with kitties and puppies will bring the warm fuzzies out in anyone.


16. Watch an Elementary School Performance

If your kids are in school, go see their shows. Otherwise, schools usually advertise their shows on their signs or online. They are usually free, and the kids are seriously cute.


17. Sing Karaoke

Nothing will bring you closer together than singing a goofy duet together on stage.


18. Go Sledding

Race down the hills, or share a sled and ride together!


19. Walmart $5 Challenge

Ready to put your creativity to the test? Each of you take $5 to Walmart and buy each other the best gift you can. You’ll have a blast seeing what the other comes up with and why.


20. Go to the Playground

Who says playgrounds are just for kids? Unleash your inner child and have a ball on the slides and swings.


21. Go Geocaching

Geocaching is like a grown-up scavenger hunt that uses GPS. Find all the details at Geocaching.com.


22. Visit the Fair

From the Ferris wheel to the fair foods to the petting farm, you are sure to have a great time.


23. Host a Game Night

Make it a couples’ night by inviting your other married friends over for a game night after the kidlets have gone to bed.


24. Arrange a Scavenger Hunt

This idea takes some time, but the results are worth it. Make it as complicated or as simple as you’d like.


25. Volunteer in Your Community

Why not have fun and give back to your community at the same time? Volunteering will draw you together in ways you don’t even know.


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Date nights don’t have to be expensive to be fun. What frugal date night ideas do you love?


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  1. I am in a new relationship and we are miles apart. We wanted to do a "virtual date". We both ordered takeout Chinese and sat together at our tables, prayed, ate, and then played Yahtzee. I won, woo hoo. It was unconventional, but we were able to laugh and feel like we were together. Sometimes we have to think outside the box. Dating your person doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive but if we put in the work, it will only make your bond stronger.

  2. I love these ideas, however, what do you do when you do not have childcare? Example, our families live in different states, and though there are babysitters out there, we can not just trust anyone with our neurodivergent children.

    We havent been on a date in 2 years.

    1. That’s so hard when childcare isn’t available. Some of the ideas you could do at home during naptime or when the kids are in bed. Some ideas can be adapted to do at home such as having a picnic…you could have a picnic on the living room floor. The important thing is to have quality time together with your spouse.

  3. Some great idea. I'd add go for a walk / hike. Some are not frugal / cheap like ice skating / bowling but Check for coupons. Also, Groupons are still available.

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