25 Fun Hobbies for Married Couples Who Want to Keep the Spark Alive

Romantic cyclingIf you had to choose 3 adjectives to describe your relationship with your husband, which 3 would you choose? 

Would you choose adjectives like fun, close, exciting, fulfilling, silly or passionate?

Or would you choose adjectives like boring, routine, strained, frustrating, or lonely?


While obviously each marriage is going to have its own dynamics, and no one’s marriage is perfect 100% of the time, if you find yourself choosing more negative adjectives than positive ones, it may be time to make a change.


Related: 10 Ways to Make Your Marriage Fun Again


For many couples, it can be REALLY easy to fall into the trap of “same ‘ol, same ‘ol” — especially after the kids come along!

After all, after working, cleaning and taking care of kids all day, we’re all tired!

Falling on the couch and watching TV or playing games on our phones just seems SO much easier than spending quality time together and having serious conversations.

Until, before long, you start to feel more than roommates than lovers

That’s why if you want a strong, close marriage that stands the test of time, you HAVE to build some quality time in where you can.


Related: How to Make Your Marriage Exciting Again (even after a decade or more!)


Thankfully, that’s where today’s post comes in.

For me, I always find one of the HARDEST parts of spending time together is simply figuring out “What do YOU want to do??”

That’s why, today I’m sharing 25 Hobbies for Married Couples that Want to Keep the Spark Alive. 

Hopefully it will spark some good ideas for you too!


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25 Fun Hobbies for Married Couples


1. Bike Riding


Bike rides are great for your health AND your relationship! Not only can you get some fresh air, sunshine, and exercise, but they also provide plenty of time to talk and explore together. This is an especially great option if your spouse’s love language is quality time.


2.  Cook Together


Cooking can be a real chore… but if you cook together and make something delicious, it can actually be a lot of fun too! Skip the weeknight chicken, mushroom and green bean casserole, and whip up something delicious to enjoy together once the kids are in bed.


3. Take a Class


Is there anything you’ve been wanting to learn how to do for a while now? Signing up for a class is a great way to commit to a regular night out, doing something interesting and enjoyable.


4. Hiking


If you have mountains or hiking trails in your area, going out for a hike is a great way to put the devices aside and spend some quality, uninterrupted time together, just exploring and talking. The first time might be a bit awkward if you’re not used to having that much free time together to talk, but I have a feeling you’ll quickly fall in love!


Related: Three Warning Signs that Social Media is Hurting Your Faith


5. Go to the Gym


Depending on what amenities your local gym offers, going to the gym can be a great way to spend time together — WITH drop-in-anytime childcare built in! While lifting weights or running on treadmills near each other can work, you might also look for a gym that offers a pool or racquetball — something you can do together.


6. Go for a Walk


This is one of the easiest, cheapest ways to spend time together. It doesn’t require any notice — just up and go for a walk, if the weather is nice! You can even leave the kids home without a sitter, depending on their ages, if you don’t go too far.


7. Play Mini Golf


When’s the last time you played mini-golf? If it’s been a while, it might be time to go! It’s cheap, low-key, and fun. You don’t have to be any good — just go and goof off together!


8. Go Horseback Riding


My husband took my horseback riding one year for my birthday, and it was SO much fun! This probably isn’t something you could do on a regular basis (unless you know someone or can get a great deal), but it’s SO much fun if you can go!


9. Visit Parks


You probably take your kids to the park regularly, but when is the last time you and your husband went to a park for a while to just hang out and be together? Pack and picnic and enjoy the day!


10. Start a Garden


I’m not much of a gardener myself, but some people find it very relaxing. Plus, you don’t even need childcare. Just set up a standing date — every Saturday, just the two of you, out in the garden. Sounds lovely to me 🙂


11. Go Fishing


Here’s an idea I bet you can get your husband to agree to! You don’t even have to fish yourself. Just enjoy the sunshine, boat ride and quiet, kid-free conversation while your husband casts a line. (Although, if you want to fish too, I bet that would earn you some major wife points too!)


12. Volunteer


This is such a great way to spend time together, but often one of the most overlooked! Finding volunteer opportunities is easier than you think. Simply Google “Volunteer opportunities + your city,” and chances are you’ll find at least and organization or two that regularly sets up events you can help out with. You can also ask at church or your children’s school to see if anyone knows of any opportunities.


13. Play Board Games


Another great idea that’s super cheap and doesn’t require planning in advance or finding childcare. If all you have at home are kids games like Chutes and Ladders or Connect 4, invest in a grown-up game as well!

Here are a few, you can play with just two people:

Sequence Board GameHey, That's My Fish! GameBananagrams Game


14. Go Bowling


My husband and I used to do this WEEKLY when my oldest was a baby… Never got any good at it though! lol. We went on $1 bowling night, so it was super cheap. Definitely worth looking to see if there’s a “cheap” night in your area.


15. Read a Book (Join a Book Club)


Are you both readers? Then you might enjoy reading through a book or even joining a book club together. I’d recommend asking at your local library to see if they have any existing book clubs. If not, you can always make your own!


16. Bible Study/Church Group


Are you involved with your church’s Bible study/married’s group? If not, this is another super easy thing you can join to have a night out of the house together. Not only will you grow your relationship, but you’ll grow your faith too.

(I loved it when my husband and I went through RCIA together. Not only did we have a standing date night every week, but it made for interesting conversations afterwards.)


17. Go to a Concert


If you both enjoy the same type of music, a concert is always a fun time! You can either buy tickets for a large concert with a group you love, or simply check out what sorts of live music or festivals are happening nearby. Even if the music isn’t stellar, it’s still a great way to get out of the house and spend some time together.


18. Go Camping


This is a great idea to surprise your husband with, and it comes with the added benefit of getting out of the house overnight! Personally, I love waking up to the sounds of nature outside. Just make sure you bring an air mattress! (It makes a HUGE difference in the experience)


19. Play Tennis


This is one hobby I’d personally love to take up with my husband this summer. Tennis courts are often fenced in or near parks, so you can enjoy fun, active time together outdoors, while your kids play nearby. No childcare, but you still get that time to yourself. (And it’s super cheap)


20. Go Swimming


No one is worried about what you look like in a swimsuit, but you. Go! Have fun! This is a great place to be playful and flirt, and your marriage will be that much stronger because of it.


21. Go Canoeing or Kayaking


We’ve done this… though it’s been a while. If you live anywhere near a larger river, chances are there are places that allow you to do canoe rentals for just a few hours, then they’ll pick you up at the end. This is a great way to enjoy a beautiful day and some 1-on-1 time together.


22. Take Dance Lessons


This is something I’ve wanted to do for years, but we haven’t done it yet! Have you?


23. Go to Paint Nights


Seems like these types of places are popping up ALL over the place lately. Basically, you can choose a wooden sign or canvas, and they’ll teach you how to paint the design. You paint your beautiful creations right next to each other, and then you have a beautiful momento to take home with you afterwards. And don’t worry — they make it VERY easy, so no painting skills are required.


24. Try Out an Escape Room


Because escape rooms are a little more pricey, this probably isn’t a hobby you could do every single week/month, but it’s definitely worth trying out if you haven’t been to one yet! We went a couple of years ago, and it really did foster teamwork and fun. We made a memory, for sure!


25. Join Community Sports Leagues


Are you the competitive type? If so, you may want to join a co-ed sports team in your area if you can find one. It will definitely bring out a different side of you than what you’re used to seeing just sitting on the couch at home, taking care of little ones!



Related: 25 Fun and Frugal Date Night Ideas


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What other fun hobbies do you and your husband love to do together? Share them in the comments below! (We can all always use more great ideas!)


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  1. Thanks for the suggestions! My husband and I have gotten into a ho hum routine while raising the kids. So I am looking for some ideas to spend more time together. Some things we have tried are camping (although mostly with the kids!), walking, and going out to eat.

  2. Issue #1:
    We are a blended family and sometimes, we have issues that bleed over into our relationship. That causes us to argue and creates a negative and stressful environment in our home. I don't want to hear criticism about my kids / our kids and how they treat each other. We're not responsible for them anymore and I believe we should allow them to figure out their own issues with each other. Or should I do more to help them come together lovingly? How do you change grown children?

    Issue #2:
    We're a boring couple and I'm feeling stuck in a rut! We spend all of our time together at home as we're both retired; we go to church together, are in some of the same ministries at church, cook together and we spend our time entertaining a few friends from church.

    1. I would love to hear some ideas from our community on how to help with blended families. One idea I have is to pray to see what God would want you to do with helping your grown children grow closer to each other.

      It sounds like you and your spouse keep busy. Do any of the 25 hobbies listed in the article sound interesting to you?

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