Stuck in a Spiritual Rut? Listen to the Top 12 Christian Podcasts for Instant Inspiration

Do you ever feel like your spiritual life needs a little boost, but you’re not sure where to find it? We all go through times when our faith feels a bit stagnant. The good news is that there’s a solution, and it’s as simple as tuning in to some Christian podcasts!

In this article, we will introduce you to 12 fantastic Christian podcasts that can inspire and reenergize your faith journey. So, if you want to shake things up and find some fresh inspiration, keep reading to discover these great podcasts.

1. The Bible Project Podcast

woman listening to Christian podcast on tablet
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Hosts: Tim Mackie and Jon Collins

The Bible Project Podcast involves in-depth discussions between the hosts, who are occasionally joined by guests. It encourages Christians to dive into the theological aspects of every animated video and series that they produce.

The founders, board members, and directors of BibleProject believe in the traditional Christian belief that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They also affirm that Jesus came to save humanity by living, dying for our sins, and being resurrected on our behalf.

2. On Being

An open bible next to an iphone with earbuds.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Host: Krista Tippett

The On Being Podcast is both a podcast and a former public radio show. It explores what it describes as the fundamental questions about human existence: “What does it mean to be human, and how do we aspire to lead our lives?” The program was formerly known as “First Person” from 2001 to 2003.

The host, Krista Tippett, has a Christian faith background shaped primarily by her grandfather, who was a Southern Baptist preacher in Oklahoma.

3. The Liturgists Podcast

A man holding a phone and a bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Hosts: William Matthews and Hillary McBride

The Liturgists Podcast ventures into uncharted territory by examining the concept of non-dualism within Christianity. This unique and widely popular program, which spans various genres, attracts millions of listeners.

Both hosts were raised in the Christian church, but they left their faith behind as they grappled with the challenge of comprehending and harmonizing the God they were taught to believe in during their upbringing and the complex realities of the contemporary world.

4. The Bible for Normal People

An open bible wit ha podcast microphone above it.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Hosts: Peter Enns and Jared Byas

The Bible for Normal People is a weekly podcast that dives into profound discussions about a sacred book, helping listeners explore its spiritual significance and relevance in modern life. The hosts and guests aim to deepen understanding, making it a valuable resource for spiritual growth and insight.

Peter Enns is part of an organization with a mission to make advanced biblical knowledge accessible to everyone. Additionally, Jared is both an author and editor of multiple books and is an active member of the Salford Mennonite Church.

5. Pray as You Go

A woman listening to her phone with earbuds.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Host: Emma Holland

The Pray as You Go Podcast offers a daily opportunity to connect with God on a personal level. The hosts assist you in your daily prayer routine with brief meditation sessions. Additionally, they invite you to explore further through various prayer tools, series, retreats, and resources.

The director of the daily prayer app and podcast Pray As You Go, Emma Holland, has been encouraging people to pray every day for the past 17 years through the use of scripture, reflection, and music. Emma is also the worship leader at the London church, Holy Trinity Brompton. Her passion lies in helping individuals discover their own patterns of prayer and worship.

6. The Naked Bible

A pair of earbuds on top of a closed book.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Host: Dr. Michael Heiser

The Nake Bible Podcast aims to uncover the Bible’s core teachings by removing denominational influences and complex theological systems, focusing on historical and cultural contexts. Stripping away these layers helps us understand the Bible’s essence and intent, enabling a more direct and personal connection with its wisdom.

Mike Heiser, a distinguished scholar in biblical studies and the ancient Near East, now Scholar-in-Residence at Logos Bible Software, holds a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an M.A. in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in Ancient Israel and Egyptology.

7. Faith Adjacent

A woman holding a phone and wearing earbuds.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Hosts: Knox McCoy, Jamie Golden, and Erin Moon

The Faith Adjacent Podcast aims to explore the contemporary aspects of faith by embracing open and candid discussions, genuine uniqueness, and critical analysis.

Knox McCoy was raised in the Southern USA with an evangelical background. Erin Moon is a Bible scholar from Alabama who enjoys writing Bible study guides.

8. Revive Our Hearts

An iphone with earbuds next to an open bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Host: Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The Revive Our Hearts Podcast shares captivating stories that highlight how God’s Word connects with our everyday lives, showing us how scripture remains relevant and can bring positive change to our daily experiences.

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth was raised in a family with a strong devotion to Christ and a deep commitment to spreading the message of world evangelization. From a young age, she dedicated her life to Christ and embraced His calling for her to serve Him full-time.

9. Daily Grace

A man listening to a phone while wearing earbuds.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Host: Kristin Schmucker

The Daily Grace Podcast aims to extend an invitation to women to participate in their dialogue regarding the magnificent God, encouraging them to pursue a deeper understanding of God that inspires them to live their lives for His glory.

Kristin Schmucker is a wife and a mother of four, currently studying in seminary. She’s also an author of Bible study materials and holds the role of co-founder and CEO at The Daily Grace Co. She’s deeply enthusiastic about helping women learn and connect with God’s Word, nurturing their understanding and love for Him.

10. Equipping Godly Women

An iphone with earbuds on top of an open bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Host: Brittany Ann

The Equipping Godly Women Podcast focuses on exploring the true essence of being a devoted follower of Christ, offering practical strategies for Christian women to live out their faith effectively in our fast-paced world. The overarching message is that Jesus calls for wholehearted commitment and living an abundant, fulfilling life, which serves as the core theme of this podcast.

Brittany Ann is happily married with three kids, holds an elementary education degree from a top-rated Bible university, and has diverse religious influences, including being a preacher’s granddaughter and a church pianist’s daughter. She grew up Baptist, and her husband is Catholic. She’s also a successful author and enjoys many hobbies, including running marathons and singing.

11. The Bible Recap

A man with glasses holding a phone and wearing earbuds.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble

The Bible Recap podcast offers a quick summary and highlights from the Bible readings in their 1-year chronological plan (available for free on the Bible app) in just 8 minutes a day. The best part is you can start this anytime because there’s never a wrong time to dive into the Bible!

Tara-Leigh Cobble hosts The Bible Recap podcast and is the creator of the D-Group, a global network of small groups focused on discipleship and accountability.

12. Pray the Word

Woman with headphone hearing song
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Host: David Platt

The Pray the Word podcast consists of short daily reflections on God’s Word that inspire prayer and teach how to pray effectively. Each brief 3- to 5-minute episode starts with a Scripture verse, followed by a thoughtful message designed to motivate, challenge, and support your personal relationship with God.

David Platt is a pastor in the Washington, D.C. area and founded Radical. He holds a Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and has authored several books, including “Don’t Hold Back,” “Radical,” “Follow Me,” “Counter Culture,” “Something Needs to Change,” and more. He resides in the Washington, D.C., metro area with his family.

Want Even More Podcasts for Christian Women?

Sad Woman with headphones
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Christian podcasts are a wonderful way to strengthen your faith, learn more about God, and get the hope and encouragement you need. Listen on the way to work, while running errands, or cleaning the house, and you’re sure to be uplifted and encouraged.

Best Podcasts for Christian Women

Best Bible Apps for Christian Women — All Free!

Phone with Bible app and ear pods
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Ever wish you could read the Bible more regularly or study the Bible more in-depth? Well… There’s an app for that!

Whether you’re looking for an interesting Bible reading plan, an audio version to read the Bible to you, or in-depth Bible studies led by trained pastors, these popular Bible study apps allow you to take Scripture with you wherever you go. Plus, they’re free!

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Photo Credit: Lightstock.

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Popular Faith-Based Documentaries Every Christian Needs to Watch

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Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

The core message of the gospel is simple: Jesus died for our sins so that we may have new and eternal life in him. Unfortunately, living our faith on a day-to-day basis isn’t always so simple.

At any given moment, countless Christians all over the globe are wrestling through life’s tragedies, and pondering deep spiritual questions.

These faith-based documentaries are so uplifting, they may just help to renew your faith during hard times!

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family watching TV
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

With thousands of movies available in almost every genre, many families choose Netflix as their #1 streaming service. And while there is a “faith-based” grouping for movies on Netflix, it can take hours to find the right ones for your family!

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