Do You Know What Mormons Believe? Here’s 12 Unexpected Beliefs That Will Leave You Speechless

Get ready for a journey into the not-so-known beliefs of Mormons! In this article, we uncover twelve surprising aspects of Mormonism that might amaze you. Whether you’re already familiar with their faith or it’s something new to you, be prepared to be surprised by these unique beliefs that go beyond expectations.

We’ll explore the depths of Mormon theology, shining a light on aspects that are not always in the spotlight. It’s a chance to question what you thought you knew about what Mormons believe!

1. A Living Prophet

A pastor in front of a cross holding a bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe their church is a restoration of the one that Jesus established when He was alive. This restoration includes having living prophets and apostles. Having modern prophets also means there is ongoing communication from God and additional scriptures.

The liveliness of the Mormon faith comes from their belief in a living prophet. The church’s president, besides handling administrative duties, shares current revelations. This helps guide the worldwide community through today’s challenges with insights believed to be from God.

2. The Resurrection of Jesus in America

An image of Jesus with his arms outstretched.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

A lot of what Mormons believe is connected to North and South America. They think the events in the Book of Mormon happened in the western hemisphere, that Jesus appeared in the Americas after coming back to life, and that Joseph Smith brought back the true faith in Upstate New York.

They also believe the Garden of Eden was in North America and that the New Jerusalem will be in Missouri. Some people think this, along with a belief in American exceptionalism, is why Leo Tolstoy called Mormonism the “quintessential ‘American religion.”

3. Eternal Progression

A man standing in front of dreamy clouds that look like heaven.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In Mormon teachings, the idea of eternal progression is important. It paints a big picture of life after death, suggesting that people keep growing spiritually. According to this belief, death isn’t the end.

Instead, the soul continues on an endless journey, always learning and becoming more spiritually connected to God. They even believe that humans have the potential to transform into gods and goddesses in the afterlife. They can become leaders of their own celestial kingdoms, have spiritual offspring, and continually gain more power and glory for eternity.

4. Baptism for The Dead

A man getting baptized in a body of water.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In the LDS Church, someone who is alive gets baptized in water on behalf of someone who has passed away and is of the same gender. This unique baptism for the dead happens only in temples. The idea behind it is that they believe baptism is necessary for entering the Kingdom of God.

To show their belief in everyone having a chance at salvation, Mormons practice baptism on behalf of deceased ancestors who didn’t get the opportunity in their own lifetimes. This type of baptism highlights the idea that all people are connected, and the church is dedicated to making sure every soul has a chance at salvation.

5. Cosmology and Exaltation

The earth in space.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In Mormon beliefs about the universe, Earth isn’t the only inhabited planet. There are many planets, and each of them has a purpose. That purpose is to help people achieve “immortality and eternal life,” or what they call “exaltation.” According to their teachings, these planets were created by Jehovah, who is believed to be Jesus before he was born on Earth.

Also, in Mormonism, exaltation is the belief that certain individuals will attain the highest level of salvation in the celestial kingdom after death. In this state, they will live forever in God’s presence, maintain family bonds, become gods, shape worlds, and oversee spiritual offspring.

6. Celestial Marriage

couple laughing
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Celestial marriage, also known as the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage, Temple Marriage, or Eternal Marriage, is the belief that marriages can continue eternally in heaven. This distinctive doctrine is a key tenet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and various Mormon fundamentalist groups.

Mormons see marriage as something really special. Instead of the usual “till death do us part” idea, they believe in marriages lasting forever. These long-lasting connections, made in the temple, mean that families stick together even after this life, showing that family can be together forever.

7. Three Levels of Heaven

An image resembeling heaven.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In Latter-day Saint teachings, the scriptures talk about three different stages of life after death. These stages are the celestial kingdom, the terrestrial kingdom, and the telestial kingdom.

Mormons have a clear and detailed idea of heaven with three separate levels. These levels show how devoted someone was to being good on Earth, giving a more detailed view of life after death than just thinking about heaven and hell.

8. The Word of Wisdom

A woman standing on a scale.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Mormons believe that God has given the Word of Wisdom as a rule for the well-being of both the body and the spirit of His children. The Prophet Joseph Smith got this guidance on February 27, 1833, and it’s written in Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants. In this message, the Lord teaches healthy lifestyle practices.

In Mormon teachings, there’s a close link between physical health and spiritual well-being. The Word of Wisdom acts as a guide for a healthy life, recommending against alcohol, tobacco, and certain caffeinated drinks. Following these recommendations helps believers maintain a pure, temple-like condition in their bodies.

9. Personal Revelation

A woman in a red shirt praying.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In Mormon beliefs, God doesn’t just communicate through old scriptures. They believe people can receive personal messages that are meant just for them. This idea encourages believers to connect directly with God, helping them build a close and ever-changing relationship with the divine.

Even though Latter Day Saints think personal revelations are crucial in their salvation plan, church leaders stress that genuine personal insights should never go against the official teachings given by the church leadership.

10. Temple Undergarments

A woman in a dress.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For members of the Mormon church, the simple temple garment concealed beneath everyday attire and the symbolic attire worn during temple ceremonies symbolize the intimate and personal aspect of their connection with God.

These garments go beyond being a mere symbol of loyalty and serve as a form of spiritual protection, emphasizing the close bond between the individual and God.

11. The Urim and Thummim

The Book of Mormon on a table.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

People from different faiths have always found historical artifacts fascinating. For Mormons, one such special artifact is the Urim and Thummim. Joseph Smith is believed to have used these objects to translate the Book of Mormon.

They act as a bridge connecting ancient prophecies with the modern revelations that shape Mormon beliefs. Exploring the story behind the Urim and Thummim gives us a unique look into how historical artifacts, religious translations, and Mormon beliefs all come together.

12. The Lost Tribes of Israel

The flag of Israel.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In Mormon beliefs about the end times, there’s a strong idea that the lost tribes of Israel, who were scattered long ago, will eventually come together again.

This gathering is considered a significant event with deep implications, marking the lead-up to the second coming of Christ. It’s a belief that holds historical importance and plays a crucial role in shaping how Mormons see future events in their faith.

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A woman praying and smiling.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

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Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

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