Busted! 10 Telltale Signs Someone Hasn’t Actually Read the Bible (Like They Claim)

🌺  Written by Brittany Ann

Have you read the entire Bible, cover to cover?

Because the Bible is a massive book, it’s completely understandable if you’ve never read the entire thing, if it’s been a while since you read parts of it, or if you’re still learning how to understand it properly. (We all are!)

The problem occurs when some people claim to have read and understand the Bible… when they clearly have not. 

Not only is this immoral and prideful, but it often leads to people giving misinformation or incorrect advice on what the Bible “clearly” says or doesn’t say about the hot issues of the day.

Recently, someone on a popular social media platform asked, “What gives away people who claim they have read the Bible when they have not?” And understandably, the answers can pouring in.


1. They Use Verses Out of Context

people gathered around Bibles
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

One of the most obvious ways you can tell that someone hasn’t actually taken the time to read and study the Bible for themselves is that they take verses out of context.

While it’s great to remember and quote verses you’ve seen on social media, read in a book, or heard in a pastor’s sermon, it’s essential to read these verses within the context of the entire biblical narrative — not simply cherry pick them out of context.

While no one will ever fully understand all of the Bible’s nuance, there are some verses that are repeatedly taken out of context and misinterpreted to mean something completely other than what the original author intended.

This is an incredibly easy (and common!) beginner mistake that advanced Bible readers can spot from a mile away. 

One person said, “People who use verses out of context or they twist the Bible to fit their life.”

Another person agreed, stating, “Oh yes the agenda pushers. They don’t understand a word in the Bible and misinterpret every statement but hey, got to push the agenda.”


2. They Say Christians Aren’t Allowed to Do Certain Things

Bacon on a wooden board
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Yes, there are multiple strange verses in the Bible (particularly in the Old Testament) that don’t make sense to modern readers. However, it’s important to understand that these verses were never meant to be morally binding on everyone for all time.

When skeptics ask why Christians don’t follow these obscure rules (that were given only to a specific people at a specific time for reasons that don’t apply today), it shows that they don’t really understand they Bible. They’re only looking for any excuse to be difficult and “disprove” believers with their unfounded arguments.

Someone shared, “When people claim that Christians aren’t supposed to eat pork, shellfish, or wear two kinds of fabrics. It’s a classic atheist’s gotcha and so easy to refute if they’d actually bother to read the Bible.”


3. They Say God Isn’t Consistent in the Bible

dusty Bible with "read me" written in the dust on the front cover
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

For beginning Bible readers, it can certainly feel like God is vastly different from the Old Testament (the biblical books that take place before Jesus’s birth) to the New Testament (the biblical books that include Jesus’s birth and the events that follow).

However, the more you read the Bible, the more you see the same themes of love, mercy, and justice repeated throughout the entire Bible from beginning to end, though the expectations do change for certain cultures.

One person answered, “Whenever they say God is different between the testaments.”


4. They Are Angry, Prideful, and Rude

A man holding a fist above an open bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Galatians 5:22-23 tells us: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

When you read your Bible regularly, you naturally begin to demonstrate the fruit of the spirit as the Holy Spirit works in your life.

While we’re all on a journey and no one is perfect, if your life isn’t characterized by growing in these areas, it’s unlikely that you’re spending meaningful time reading, understanding, and applying Scripture to your life.

One person shared, “Those who’ve read the Bible and truly absorbed it’s message cannot be prideful but are instead humble and meek. They are non-combative, empathetic, and loving.”


5. They Say, “You Can’t Judge Me”

couple having an argument in a restaurant
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

No one likes to be judged, and the world would be a much better place if we all practiced a little more empathy, understanding, and respect.

However, adamantly claiming that the Bible says not to judge others only shows that you don’t really know what you’re talking about.

The Bible actually states (more than once) that Christians should judge each other in verses such as John 7:24, which states, “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

Someone responded, “People who say ‘you can’t judge me’ or ‘it’s not my place to judge.’ At the very least, it shows a crazy low level of comprehension.”

Another person agreed with the above comment, stating, “Oftentimes people do more harm by not calling others out.”


6. They Overuse Cliché Phrases

man talking and woman annoyed
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

There’s a reason popular phrases turn into clichés — they’re interesting, useful, and memorable enough that people start to use them widely. However, just because a phrase is popular doesn’t mean it’s true or biblical.

One easy way to tell if someone claims to have read the Bible (when they haven’t) is that they tend to speak in vague or popular clichés, rather than being able to quote the actual Bible passage.

This is common among people who learn about Christianity primarily by listening to pastors, authors, speakers, or social media influencers — not by reading the Bible themselves.

One person shared, “They will often throw around phrases like ‘money is the root of all evil’ or ‘God says don’t judge,’ attributing them to the Bible without actually providing scripture to support their claims (and often, the Bible doesn’t say exactly that).”


7. They Ask Questions that Raise Concern

couple talking
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

It’s wonderful to have questions about the Bible. We’re all growing in knowledge, and there’s always more to learn.

However, when the same people who claim to know the Bible well ask very basic questions, it can be a telltale sign that they aren’t nearly as familiar with the Bible as they claim to be.

One person shared, “I once heard someone ask, ‘I wonder if He’ll send another flood,’ when the rainbow is the covenant that God will never flood the Earth again.”


8. They Don’t Understand the Bible

women discussing a Bible passage over coffee
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

In fairness, no one completely understands the Bible. It’s a huge book with a great deal of nuance and many supposed contradictions that are difficult to understand if you don’t have a firm grasp on the context and history of the passage in question.

However, when someone is very opinionated on certain hot-topic issues without a real understanding of the context behind why these issues may be a problem, this can be a red flag that they don’t actually understand the Bible themselves — they’re simply repeating what they’ve heard from others.

One person commented, “People tend to know doctrine but are often unaware the reasoning behind it. They tend to stick to familiar areas and don’t really synthesize the totality. It is a complex book with many conundrums. I find people are usually looking for certainty and the truth is often uncomfortable.”


9. They Use the Wrong Names for the Books of the Bible

An open bible next to an iphone with earbuds.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

While calling biblical books by the wrong name is a pretty innocent mistake, it can show a lack of knowledge about the Bible.

For example, using Psalms instead of Psalm or Revelations instead of Revelation.

Of course, some book names are different across Bible translations, so be careful not to jump to the conclusion that someone is wrong too quickly. They could simply be reading a different Bible version than you.

One person responded, “Revelations. 100% of the time they are biblically immature.”

Another person said, “Calling a chapter ‘Two Corinthians.'”


10. They Won’t Admit that the Bible is Complex

A pastor in front of a cross holding a bible.
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

If someone claims that the Bible is simple, straight-forward, or easy to understand, it’s likely their understanding of the Bible that’s “simple,” not the Bible itself.

While there are some issues the Bible is pretty clear on, there are many more issues the Bible is intentionally vague about.

This is because the Bible was never meant to be a how-to guide with easy instructions for every situation you personally might ever face in life. Rather, it’s a beautiful library collection of writings by 40+ authors that span hundreds of years to tell one comprehensive story from multiple viewpoints and perspectives.

There’s always more to discover and understand.

Someone commented, “Biggest giveaway is lacking the humility to acknowledge that one does not simply ‘understand’ the Bible.”


How to Read the Bible (Easy Instructions for Beginners!)

Woman sitting alone and reading book
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Want to learn how to read the Bible for yourself, but you’re not sure where to start or how to understand it?

Reading the Bible is a lot easier (and way more enjoyable) than you might think. You just need a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

How to Read the Bible (Easy Instructions for Beginners!)


10 Basic Bible Trivia Facts Most People Don’t Know

man holding Bible smiling
Photo Credit: Lightstock.

Think you know the world’s most popular, best selling book of all time?

Most people are at least somewhat familiar with this staple of the Christian faith. Yet, studies have shown that Bible literacy is at an all-time low as fewer people are regularly reading their Bibles than ever before.

While knowing facts about the Bible and actually living according to its main message are two very different things, it can still be helpful to know a few basic (and interesting!) facts about this very important book.

Here are 10 basic Bible trivia facts most people don’t know.

10 Basic Bible Trivia Facts Most People Don’t Know

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Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author and founder of Equipping Godly Women and Monetize My Ministry. She’s also a Christian speaker, podcaster, and conference host. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more.

Brittany Ann Equipping Godly Women

About the author

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” and the founder of EquippingGodlyWomen.com, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms find practical ways to go "all in" in faith and family. Her work has been featured on CBN, The Christian Post, Crosswalk, and more.

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