6 Reasons You Need Godly Friends

If you aren't surrounding yourself with Godly friends, you're missing out. Here are 6 reasons you NEED godly friends in your life.

How many friends do you have? five? twenty? one hundred? How many of them are close friends that you can trust with anything? How many of them consistently encourage you and build you up? While it’s easy to gain a huge number of “friends” on social media, we all need more than just a few passing acquaintances who fill our newsfeed with funny cat pictures or pictures of adorable babies. Here are six reasons why you need close Godly friendships too.


Related Reading:  Need More Christian Friends? Here are 6 Ways to Find Them


1. They Encourage You


Whether you are having a good day or a bad day, your Godly friends are always there to encourage you. They won’t allow you to wallow in self-pity indefinitely. Instead, they help you remember that God has everything under control and that it WILL be okay, even if it doesn’t seem like it now. They are full of encouraging thoughts, they genuinely care, and they have a wealth of Scripture verses that somehow really do make you feel better.


2. They Ask the Difficult Questions


When you are really struggling and a friend asks you how you are doing, it can be tempting to just say “fine.” Godly friends don’t let you get away this, however. They ask the difficult questions to find out how you REALLY are, how they can help you and how they can pray for you. Whether you are struggling with depression or struggling to stay faithful to your spouse, your closest Godly friends want to know what’s really going on so they can be there for you.


3. They Offer Godly Counsel


Advice is very easy to come by these days. Every time you turn around, you find 100 different opinions, many of which directly oppose the others. Godly friends give you advice you can trust, however. Their advice is based on Scripture and given with your unique circumstances and personality in mind. They won’t just tell you what you want to hear. They’ll help you figure out what God would actually want you to do in your situation.


4. They Keep You Accountable


Being a Godly woman isn’t easy, and we all mess up sometimes. Thankfully, Godly friends keep us accountable. They ask the tough questions to see what you are struggling with, and then they follow up consistently to see how you are doing. They don’t do this to judge or belittle you, but because they truly care about you and helping you be an amazing Godly woman too.


5. They Pray for You


Which of us couldn’t use some additional prayer from time to time? Whether you are sick, you are unsure about a decision, or you just received big news, Godly friends are the perfect people to pray for you and they are always happy to do it. They won’t just say “I’ll pray for you,” and then forget. They will pray WITH you, and then they’ll go home and pray some more.


6. They Have the Resources You Need


None of us has all of the answers. Thankfully, when we band together, we are much stronger together than we are individually. Not only do Godly friends offer the advice, accountability and prayers that you need, but they can connect you with other resources you need as well. Need a ride to church this Sunday? Have a question about the Bible and you don’t know where to find the answer? Need some encouragement for the journey? Godly friends either have just what you need or they can connect you with other people who can help you find it.


Please understand, the point of this article isn’t to say you should dump all of your friends that aren’t Christian and replace them all with Godly friends. There are lots of reasons why you should have non-Christian friends too, but that’s an article for another day. The point of this article is just to say: if you don’t have a few close Christian friendships, you are missing out! Godly friends can offer you so many benefits you simply cannot find anywhere else.

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  1. My goal is to find faithful christians and to tell everyone my testimony how i found christ and id like to share it with the whole world as it has been an amazing experience also a dificuld one but i have never been alone and i can finally say that as jesus was there all along and i have sined against him over and over but jesus is holly faithful forgiving his love endures for ever and nothing that is too much for us to handle as we walk with him will never be big inough for jesus christ not to handel he will take all our troubles and worries away he is forgiving and he will guid us and save us in everyway and the lord did that to me as long as we repent and ask for forgiveness and for his mercy we will be saved he has changed my life oh and do i prais him i do our king who sits on the most high our father the son of god that he bought jesus back alive from the dead that god gave up his only son so we could have life he god jesus we thank you today for all you went thru and what you did for us we thank you for letting us walk with you we thank you for your murcyfullness we thank you for our wistom and corage we thank you that we are able to hear and see we thank you for your unconditional love father you are holly you are our savior you are our light you are our armour you are just every thing and i just wanted to share this today and just to thank you for all that you have done lord jesus and what you are going to do do we thank you jesus our holly one for sending the holly spirt to teach us your way and to heal us lord jesus so i will prais your name in every storm there is none like you there is none above you and i wanted to say im sorry for all our sins father jesus and that we repent of our dins of all sins in our lifes and sins that we knew we did sins hat whe yet have not sined and what sins wwhe have not said or forgotten about and we ask of you father jesus to comfort all are struggeling for loss or depression or anxiaty those who have nothing food shelter water we ask of you to confort them in thair time of need we ask you to heal the sick and do your miricles up on them we pray for those who fo bad to us or slander your name we ask of you to forgive them and to have mercy on them because you are kind faithull mercyfull and you are holly lord jesus and we are all loved by you and your love is everlasting we pray for the protection of our family friends and our children 🤲🙏 we also pray for the wickid evil and for our enemys lord in jesus name we pray . Ammen

    1. Does your community have a seniors center or a YMCA with an active adults club? Or maybe check with your church to see if they have a women’s group. Hoping you can find some good friends soon!

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