40 Short Daily Lenten Prayers for Spiritual Renewal in 2024

Looking for Christian prayers for Lent? Here are 40 short daily Lenten prayers for spiritual renewal in 2024!

Woman praying prayers for Lent

Growing up in a Protestant home, our family never really celebrated the Lenten season.

Sure, I had heard about Lent, but I didn’t really know much about it.

Of course, all that changed once I married into a Roman Catholic family and started researching Lent for myself…

Once I started asking questions like, Where is Lent in the Bible? “Why do we celebrate Lent?” and What Can Catholics Eat During Lent? I learned:

Lent isn’t just a habit or tradition. And it definitely isn’t just for Catholics.

Rather, just like the Christmas season is a fantastic time to pause and reflect on God’s love for us, the Lenten season is a fantastic time to pause and remember the incredible sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us when he died on the cross.

It’s a time to reflect on how Jesus took our punishment so we wouldn’t have to and how he made a way for us to be restored to a right relationship with the God who loves us.

Now, our family celebrates the six weeks of Lent each and every year because we truly want to. It’s a great way to reorder our hearts back to Christ and to break away from the distractions of this world to remember what really matters.

Have you been struggling to make God the priority you know you should lately? If so, the Lenten season is a fantastic time to get back on track.

Whether you’re Catholic, Protestant, or simply Christian, here are 40 Short Daily Lenten Prayers for spiritual renewal in 2024.

Related Reading: Deciding What to Give Up for Lent? 100 Best Ideas for Adults

Grab Your “40 Short Daily Prayers for Lent” Printable!

40 Short Daily Prayers for LentPrefer to spend time in prayer before you get online in the mornings? Want to keep your prayer time free from online distractions? (Me too.)

If so, grab your “40 Short Daily Prayers for Lent” PDF printable cheat sheet!

This handy cheat sheet contains all 40 Christian prayers for Lent, plus a handy checklist you can place in your Bible, on the fridge, or on your bedside table to help you stay on track all throughout the Lenten season.

Simply enter your name and email below to let us know where to send it.

Related Reading: 50+ Easy Lent Recipes You’ll Love to Make in 2024

40 Short Daily Lenten Prayers for Spiritual Renewal in 2024

While you’re welcome to pray through several of these Christian prayers for Lent all at once, picking and choosing the ones that look most meaningful to you, I’d recommend praying one daily Lenten prayer each day throughout the 40 days of Lent.

I made sure to include 40 days of Lent prayers so you have enough for the entire season.

Plus, each of these daily prayers for Lent is short enough that you can pray one every day, no matter how busy you are.

Of course, If you DO decide to pray through these 40 short prayers for Lent each day during the Lenten season, you’ll want to be sure to pin this post on Pinterest or share it on Facebook so you can refer back again and again throughout the Lenten season.

Simply click on the image below, then save to whatever board you’d like:

40 Short Daily Prayers for Lent

And now, onto your 40 days of short Lenten prayers for spiritual renewal…

Day 1: Prayer of Adoration (Ash Wednesday Prayer)

“God, You are truly amazing. Not only did You create the entire universe with nothing more than the sound of Your voice, but You truly care about Your creation–each and every one of us! You are holy. You are good. You are true. You are love. And You never ever change. Thank You for everything You are, and thank You for loving me.”

Day 2: Prayer of Thanksgiving for Physical Blessings

“God, thank You for all of the many, many blessings You have given me–blessings way beyond what I could ever hope to deserve. Thank You for _______________________ . You are such a good God. Thank You for always taking such good care of me.

*fill the blank with several of your physical or material blessings, such as your home, your family, your job, the food in your fridge, the clothes in your closet, running water, working toilets — whatever you personally have to be thankful for.

Day 3: Prayer of Thanksgiving for Spiritual Blessings

“God, before I even took my first breath, You already knew me and loved me. Thank You for sending Your son, Jesus, to die for my sins. I cannot even imagine sacrificing one of my children so a criminal could go free, but that’s exactly what You did–for me! Thank You for the gift of eternal life You freely offer those who love You, and thank You for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit to lead me into Your presence until You call me home. You truly have given me so much, even when I was so far from You. Thank You!”

Day 4: Prayer of Repentance

“God, I admit that I have sinned and fallen short of Your best for my life–more times than I could count! Please forgive me for all the times I have sinned against You and against others. I was wrong, and I am truly sorry. Please forgive me for ___________. And if there are any additional sins I’m still struggling with that I’m not aware of yet, please let me know. I truly desire to please You in every area of my life. Please help me to do so. I can’t do this without Your help.”

*fill the blank with as many of your specific, unconfessed sins as you can think of — both current and past.

NOTE about Sundays and the 40 Days of Lent Prayers: The 40 days of Lent don’t technically include Sundays, according to the Catholic Church calendar. So, if you pray through each of these daily Lenten prayers every day (including Sundays) throughout the Lenten season, you will finish your 40 days of Lent prayers a few days early (before Easter).

You’re welcome to skip Sundays if you’d like to finish your 2024 Lent prayers closer to Easter. You could also use the extra days as a “backup” just in case you miss a few daily Lenten prayers. (It happens!)

Or you can simply pray your prayers for the Lenten season each day, then go back to repeat your favorite prayers for Lent on the days you have left.

It’s up to you!

Day 5: Prayer for Right Priorities

“God, in today’s busy world, it’s so easy to get distracted and off-course. Please help me to keep my priorities in order, so I always give my most important priorities the time, attention, and devotion they deserve. Please align my heart to Yours, so loving and following You is truly my #1 priority. Help me also love my friends and family well and be a good steward of the gifts and responsibilities You have placed in my life without getting distracted by the things You have not. Please give me a kick in the pants when I need it, God. Help me follow You.”

Day 6: Prayer for a Closer Relationship with God

“God, it’s so easy to get so caught up in doing things for You that I forget to spend enough time simply being with You. Please help me grow in close, intimate relationship with You as I pray each of these 40 Lenten prayers for spiritual renewal this Lenten season. I don’t just want to know a few things about You, God. I want to know You and be known by You. Matthew 7:7 promises, “…seek and you will find…” I’m seeking YOU today, God. Please reveal Yourself to me in mighty ways.”

Day 7: Prayer for Increased Faith

“God, I confess I have a tendency to worry or play it small, preferring to stick with what feels safe and comfortable. I doubt what You can or will do. But God, You created the universe! You conquered death! There’s nothing You can’t do. Please strengthen my faith and help me to trust in You for every one of my needs today.”

Day 8: Prayer for Wisdom and Direction

“God, while I have some ideas about what I would like my future to look like, I know that YOUR plan far surpasses anything I could ever hope or dream for myself. So today, as I make decisions (both small and large), please give me wisdom, discernment, vision, and direction so I make decisions that help lead me and those around me into a fuller relationship with You and keep us on track with Your will for our lives, whatever that may be.”

Day 9: Prayer for Peace

“God, as I go about my busy day today, I ask that You would give me a sense of peace and calm. Help me not get stressed out, worried, or frantic by all the problems I see around me. Instead, please give me a sense of peace and calm that comes from knowing You are in control. You have it all figured out, and my best is enough because I can always trust You to take care of issues and situations I can’t. Please help me keep my eyes on You today, not all the negativity in the world around me.”

Day 10: Prayer for Joy

“God, the Bible tells us in Galatians 5:22-23 that, when we are full of Your Spirit, it naturally produces more joy in our lives. God, I want and need Your joy today. Please fill me SO full of Your Spirit and Your love that I cannot help but be filled with joy. I don’t ask that You take every hardship away… but that You help me see my current situation through a lens of gratitude and joy. You know what You’re doing, and You are in control. Please help me to find joy in that today!”

Day 11: Prayer for Patience

“God, I admit I am not a super patient person. Sometimes, people annoy me, and sometimes, I insist on having things my way right now. God, please help me grow in patience as I pray each of these 40 Lenten prayers for spiritual renewal this Lenten season. Please help me to trust You even when I don’t yet see what You’re up to, and please help me to respond to those around me with an extra dose of love and patience as well.”

Day 12: Prayer for Strength in Tough Times

“God, please give me the strength to make it through this day. I don’t know what You’re up to or what is going to happen, but You do. Please help me trust in You in all things, even when the road isn’t easy or clear.”

Day 13: Prayer for Endurance

“God, I am really struggling to obey Your Word in (this particular area of my life). Please grant me endurance to keep going. I truly want to follow You, even when it’s hard, when I’m tired or when I don’t see the benefits right away. I need Your help to keep going, Lord. Please come through today.”

Day 14: Prayer for Growth

“God, I know I’m a sinner saved by grace. I mess up all the time, and I have so much room for improvement. God, please foster spiritual growth in me. Please give me opportunities to do the right thing and give me the courage to do them. I want to grow spiritually, God. I want to be more like You.”

Day 15: Prayer for Generosity

“God, I know I can be a bit selfish and self-centered when it comes to my time, attention and money. All too often, I think about myself without regard for others. Please open my eyes to the needs of those around me and help me to respond generously when I have the ability to meet a need.”

Day 16: Prayer for Overcoming Temptation

“God, I truly want to follow Your will for my life. I don’t want to fall into sin and temptation, but it seems I often do. Please keep me safe from sin and temptation today. Please provide a way out and give me the courage to take it, even when it’s not easy.”

Day 17: Prayer for Passion

“God, I remember I used to be SO passionate about You and Your Word, but lately, I’ve felt more lukewarm. Please light a fire in me again. Help me fall in love with You, and give me true passion for You and Your Word above all else.”

Day 18: Prayer for Courage

“God, following You wholeheartedly definitely isn’t always easy. Please give me the courage to follow You anyway. Even when it’s difficult, when my friends and family don’t understand, and I don’t see where You are leading me. Please give me the courage to be ALL IN.”

Day 19: Prayer for Purpose

“God, I truly desire to fulfill YOUR purpose for me in this life, but sometimes I struggle to know or understand what that is. Please fill me with a sense of purpose that comes from You alone. Please show me what You want me to do, and give me the strength and motivation to walk it out.”

Day 20: Prayer for Transformation

“God, I don’t want to just do a few good things for You. I want to be a brand-new creation. Please transform my life, God. Please transform me from the inside out and make me more like You.”

Day 21: Prayer for Your Husband

“God, thank You for my husband and for all the ways He shows up for our family each day. Please draw him to Yourself and give him an insatiable desire to know You better and love You more. Please help him be the man You desire Him to be, and help Him lead our family well.”

Day 22: Prayer for Your Children

“God, thank You for my children. Please draw them to Yourself and hold them close. Help them to grow up to know You, love You and serve You all of their lives. Please keep them right in the center of Your will and keep them safe there. Please also give me the strength, courage and wisdom to raise them well.”

Day 23: Prayer for Your Parents

“God, thank You for my parents. Please draw them close to Yourself today. Give them peace, joy, strength and wisdom in decision-making. Help them to know You, love You and want to serve You more.”

Day 24: Prayer for Friends

“God, please be especially close to (specific friend or friends) today. Help them to know You, love You and serve You. Help them resist any temptations they may face today, and bring them through any struggles they may currently be dealing with, including any hidden struggles I know nothing about. Please help me to be a positive influence and encouragement in their life as I draw near to You and inspire and encourage them to do the same.”

Day 25: Prayer for Acquaintances

“God, today I offer up my daily Lenten prayers for (these specific neighbors, coworkers, church members or acquaintances). Please draw them to Yourself today. Please help me to be an inspiration and encouragement to them, and give me opportunities to talk about my faith and what You are doing in my life in a way that they can receive and benefit from. Thank You for bringing these people into my life.”

Day 26: Prayer for Love for Others

“God, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in my own life, my own worries and my own cares. Please help me love others the way that You love them. Help me notice the needs of those around me and truly care enough to go out of my way to help those in need of help, strength, and encouragement today. Help me care, and help me love like You love.”

Day 27: Prayer for Your Country

“God, sometimes it feels as though our country has strayed so far from Your ideals that we’ll never get it back, but I know You are a God of miracles. Please change the hearts of the people in our country. Give them a longing to return back to You, and let it start with me.”

Day 28: Prayer for the World

“God, I know Your heart must break when You see all the evil, sickness and injustice in the world. Please do mighty works in this world, God. Protect us and draw us all to You as only You can do. And please use me in whatever capacity You can. I want to help, God. Use me. Show me how.”

Day 29: Prayer for an End to Suffering

“God, the Bible tells us in Psalm 34:18 that You are near to the brokenhearted. Please be near to all those who are suffering today, Lord. Bring healing and relief where You want to bring healing and bring strength and courage to those whom You have decided in Your wisdom need to wait a bit longer. Thank You for all You are doing that we aren’t even aware of. Help me to always trust Your way is best.”

Day 30: Prayer for Strength Against Satan

“God, please protect me, my friends and my family against the realities of spiritual warfare today. Keep us safe from unnecessary battles, and give us the strength and courage to boldly fight where You are asking us to fight. Help us to cling to Your Word and  Your truth. Help us persevere until the end. I put my trust in You today, God.”

Day 31: Prayer for Spiritual Leaders

“God, please be with our church and our nation’s spiritual leaders today. Please give them wisdom in decision-making and the strength and courage to follow You wholeheartedly, even when doing so is difficult, unpopular, or may come at a cost. Help them lead our churches and our nations well, drawing all of us straight back to You.”

Day 32: Prayer for Political Leaders

“God, while I may not agree with all of the decisions our nation’s political leaders make, I know that You have allowed them to be placed into those positions, and You know what You are doing. Please draw our nation’s leaders back to You. Show them what it means to have a true relationship with You, and help them to follow You, even when doing so is difficult, unpopular or may come at a cost. Please raise up good, Godly leaders for our country, and help me to be loving and respectful even when I disagree.”

Day 33: Prayer for Business Leaders

“God, please be with our nation’s business leaders today–both those who oversee large businesses and those who oversee small ones. Please help them make wise decisions that will positively impact the people who work in their companies as well as our nation’s economy as a whole. Please bring them back to You and help them keep their focus on following You and Your will, not just what is profitable or popular.”

Day 34: Prayer for Cultural Leaders

“God, there are so many people our culture looks up to, and even idolizes, and not all of these cultural leaders always send the right messages. Today, I ask that You would draw our nation’s cultural leaders back to You. Bring about a revival, God. Give a greater voice to those who speak Your words and Your truth, and quiet those who would speak against You. Change our nation’s culture as only You can.”

Day 35: Prayer for More Kingdom Workers

“God, Matthew 9:37-38 instructs us to ask You for more kingdom workers. This is my prayer today. Please raise up more people who will passionately and wholeheartedly follow You, who will challenge and encourage others to do the same. Make us bold in sharing our faith with others, and help us to share what we know plainly and convincingly.”

Day 36: Prayer for the Sick

“God, today I pray for those who are sick–both those suffering from long-term, chronic illnesses as well as those who simply aren’t feeling well today. We know You are the great Healer. Please heal those You choose to heal, and give strength and peace to those who continue to wait for their healing. And help us to trust You in the meantime.”

Day 37: Prayer for Those We Disagree With

“God, it’s so easy to get annoyed, upset or critical with those I disagree with. Today, I ask that You would soften these tensions. Help me to listen, and help them to listen as well. Help us to have mature discussions, and let Your truth be known. Please make these conversations pleasant, edifying and fruitful, even when we don’t agree.”

Day 38: Prayer for Forgiveness for Others

“God, I am really struggling to forgive (specific person). Please give me the strength and courage to forgive this person, keeping in mind that You first forgave me. I know it may not be easy, but I want to do what is right. Please strengthen and enable me to do so today.”

Day 39: Prayer for Our Enemies

“God, sometimes it can feel like (this specific group of people) is an enemy, out to destroy the things I love and value. Please help me to see all people the way You see them, God. Please help these people come to know You and love You, and help my interactions to be loving as well. I want to live up to Your good example, God–even when it’s hard.”

Day 40: Prayer for Easter Sunday

“God, thank You so much for sending Your son Jesus to die on the cross to take the punishment for my sins and to enable me to have new life in You. Please help me never forget what a sacrifice he made for me. Please help me to live a life worthy of the calling You have given me. I truly want to love and serve You, God.”

Well, there you have it! That was 40 short daily Lenten prayers for spiritual renewal in 2024. I hope they bless you and truly help you grow closer to God in prayer this Lenten season.

Will you commit to saying one of these 40 Short Daily Lenten Prayers for Spiritual Renewal each morning throughout the Lenten season? If so, let us know in the comments below! 

Don’t forget!  Get all 40 Christian Prayers for Lent in One Printable!

40 Short Daily Prayers for Lent

Will you challenge yourself to pray these short daily prayers for Lent this Lenten season?

If so, make it easy on yourself by printing out this “40 Short Daily Prayers for Lent” cheat sheet!

This printable includes a one-page checklist PLUS every single one of the 40 prayers listed in this post.

Place this guide where you can easily find it and challenge yourself to pray each of the 40 days of Lent.

Loved these 40 Short Daily Lenten Prayers for Spiritual Renewal in 2024?

Be sure to check out these great Lent resources as well:

 What to Give Up for Lent 2021: Get the 50 [Best] Lent Ideas!

 Where is Lent in the Bible?

 What to Give Up for Lent 2021: Get the 50 [Best] Lent Ideas!

 50+ Easy Lent Recipes You'll Love to Make in 2021

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  1. Thank you for sharing these. Do you have any replacement prayers if you have no husband (I am a widow) or birth children?

    1. Unfortunately, we don’t have any replacement prayers but thank you for that suggestion. One idea is to replace the prayer for your husband and children with the prayer for other family members or friends.

  2. The structure provided by these daily prayers have helped me to focus on the Lenten Season and to appreciate the love and sacrifice Jesus made on my behalf.

  3. I shared on Facebook after being 🔥🕊️ led to Your site this morning, my last week of Lent Observation as a ✝️📖🗡️🛡️🩸 Global Prayer Warrior🛐. Thank You for Sharing and being a Blessing to many. Luke 6:38 & Ephesians 3:20 Blessings 👑

  4. Thank you for sharing these beautiful prayers! They provide such a meaningful way to connect with my faith during Lent. I’m excited to incorporate them into my daily routine for spiritual renewal.

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