How to Memorize Scripture (Quickly and Easily!)

Knowing how to memorize scripture is an important practice, but it’s hard to know where to start and what to do! Whether you’re brand new to the Bible or you’ve been learning God’s Word for years, here are 7 practical tips from Gina M Poirier that will really help!

Open Bible with caption: How to Memorize Scripture quickly and easilyWondering how to memorize Scripture quickly and easily?

It’s a great question.

After all, the Bible is FULL of so much wisdom, understanding, and encouragement we want to have with us wherever we go, but most of us don’t have endless hours to sit in prayer, study, and memorize verses as much as we would like.

Instead, we need to learn how to memorize Scriptures quickly, easily, and effectively.


If you were lucky enough to attend a church or Sunday school that taught you how to memorize the Bible verses you loved as a child, you’re at a bit of an advantage.

You may know plenty of great Bible memory verses already.

Verses like:

  • John 3:16 — “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
  • Genesis 1:1 — “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
  • Jeremiah 29:11 — “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
  • Or Philippians 4:13 — “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”


But the good news is, even if you were never taught how to memorize Scripture as a child, it’s never too late to start (and it’s easier than you think)!

That’s why, in today’s article, I’m sharing 7 ways you can learn your favorite Bible memory verses quickly and easily.


Related Reading: Five Reasons All Christians Should Memorize Scripture


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Want to Read, Study, and Memorize Scripture More In-Depth?

Follow God's Will Book and Workbook

Ready to dive into God’s Word on a deeper level? If so, I’d love for you to check out my (Brittany’s) brand new book, Follow God’s Will: Biblical Guidelines for Everyday Life, along with the Follow God’s Will companion workbook.

Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Follow God’s Will is designed to help you answer questions including:

  • What does God want me to do?
  • How do I apply the Bible’s instructions to my life today?
  • Where is God calling me personally?
  • How can I make a difference right where I am?
  • How should I navigate relationships with those who think, act, or believe differently than I do?
  • And so many more!

Want to start reading for free?

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How to Memorize Scripture Quickly and Easily (7 Ideas to Try)


Whether you want to learn how to memorize Bible verses in long passages of Scripture in the New Testament or Old, short phrases, or even if you want to learn how to memorize the books of the Bible, there are a few simple practices and tricks that my family and I have practiced over the years. They only take a few minutes a day. All you really need to do is commit to trying some of these ideas.


1. Keep a Checklist of Bible Memory Verses


One of the biggest obstacles to learning how to memorize Scripture is choosing the verses you want to memorize in the first place! The Bible is huge, so it’s super helpful to have a checklist of verses that you can work on.

If you’re fairly practiced at Bible study, keep a running list of your favorite verses any time you come across them. You can simply jot the chapter and verses numbers down in a list on your phone or in a notebook (just don’t lose it!). Once you’ve mastered a verse, mark it off on your checklist. Occasionally go back and recite verses that you’ve already memorized so that you don’t forget them.

Not sure where to start? I (Gina) have a printable collection of Bible verses for moms in common situations, like when they’re feeling overwhelmed, lonely, or guilty and just need to refocus on Jesus.

There are also a few posts at Equipping Godly Women with great ideas for memory verses, including:



2. Write Out Your Scripture Memorization Verses


Writing out Bible memory verses by hand — whether you are trying to learn how to memorize the books of the Bible, individual Scripture verses, or you just want to go deeper in your Bible study — helps you to slow down and meditate on God’s Word.

This practice activates a different part of your brain than when you just read.

I have a collection of index cards with all of my favorite verses written on them. I flip through them like flash cards regularly to refresh my memory—and they keep me centered on God’s Word throughout the day. I also pray through them, which in turn helps me continue to commit them to memory.

From time to time I’ll write out verses again on fresh notecards or in a journal (or when I’m on the go, even on my phone!). The more you use Scripture, the more relevant it is, and the more natural it is to remember it.


3. Put Scripture Memory Verses in Visible Places


Deuteronomy 6:6–9 provides timeless advice for how to memorize Scripture:


These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.


If you want to learn how to memorize Scripture, put it where you and your family will see it and talk about it!

I already mentioned my book of notecards, which I keep on my kitchen counter. You can also write out verses on sticky notes and put them up around the house like on the bathroom mirror. Write them out on a chalkboard or whiteboard. Use Scripture art prints. Put a Scripture lock screen on your phone. You might also like these cards from Topical Memory System.

The more you see Bible verses as you go about your day, the more you’ll engage with them and remember them.


4. Memorize Scripture Set to Music


Just like writing engages a different part of your brain, so does music!

There are many great songs available that bring the Bible to life, which are very effective if you want to learn how to memorize Scripture.

The Psalms are ancient hymns, and while the music they were originally set to has been lost, the messages they communicate live on. These 10 Artists with Worship Albums Based on the Psalms are a treasure trove of music with rich, Bible-based lyrics set to contemporary sounds. And if you’re a musician (or know one), you’ll love these chords, lyrics, and sheet music for Worship Songs Based on the Psalms.

There are also tons of songs out there written for families to memorize Bible verses. While they’re not as worshipful as the Psalms and are generally geared toward children, they are still quite helpful when you’re wanting an effective way to learn how to memorize Scripture. Try this playlist of Bible Verse Songs from Seeds Family Worship.


I find that a silly song is also the best way to learn how to memorize the books of the Bible in order. This is a simple Awana song that will stay in your head for years!


5. Recite Bible Memory Verses as a Family


While you’re at it with silly kid songs, you can learn how to memorize Scripture together as a family!

Just like writing and music engage different parts of your brain, so does recitation, so you have more opportunities to retain what you memorize.

What’s more, when you learn how to memorize Scriptures together, it’s more motivating, more fun, and makes the Bible more relevant to your everyday life.

To make this work, commit to saying the same verses together daily. They can be short passages, but I’ve also found it refreshing to memorize long ones, like whole paragraphs or even entire chapters.

There are a few opportunities you can use to work on your memory verses together based on your family’s lifestyle, such as:

  • During a meal
  • As part of a bedtime routine
  • After school
  • In the car (verses set to music are helpful here)
  • To start your day


6. Use Mnemonics for Scripture Memorization


Anyone who has studied crammed for an exam or a spelling bee is probably familiar with mnemonic devices. These are techniques you can use to help your brain recall information by using memory triggers. Music, in fact, is a type of mnemonic device.

One popular device for memorizing Scripture is writing down the first letter of each word in a passage. For example, FGSLTWTHGHIAOS,TWBIHSNPBHEL. (Can you guess what passage that is! It’s John 3:16.)

Keep the letters somewhere visible, like on a notecard or a mobile device’s lock screen, and see if you can recall the whole thing.

Other ways to memorize Scripture with mnemonic devices including using rhymes to memorize the books of the Bible, or phrases or words to remember information like the Ten Commandments, the twelve tribes of Israel, the six days of creation, and so on.


For more mnemonic techniques in memorizing Scripture, try tools like The Bible Memory App or


7.  How to Memorize a Book of the Bible (Yes, Really!)


When you’re first learning how to memorize Scripture, the thought of memorizing a whole book of the Bible might seem daunting. But it’s possible—I’ve done it and so have my kids! If a whole book intimidates you, start with just a chapter.

The key to memorizing Scripture in long chunks is repetition. I memorized the book of Philippians first by writing it out, and then by reading it over again. My kids and I have memorized Psalms and chapters of Proverbs by reading through them daily and practicing reciting them.

I’ve also found it helpful to focus on one section at a time and then move on. For example, if you’re memorizing or shorter book like Ephesians, Galatians, or one of the letters to Timothy, memorize a chapter at a time—and don’t get too hung up if you can’t recite the whole book at once. By committing it to memory even once, you’re internalizing Word of God and hiding it in your heart in a meaningful and powerful way!


Related Reading: 20 Easy Children’s Bible Verses for Kids to Memorize


I hope this post gave you lots of ideas and that you’re excited to learn how to memorize Scripture! It’s a practice that is so fulfilling and rewarding, and it’s not difficult when you try these simple ideas.


Go Deeper with Your Scripture Study – This Book will help!

Follow God's Will Book and Workbook

Ready to dive into God’s Word on a deeper level?

If so, don’t forget to check out my (Brittany’s) brand new book, Follow God’s Will: Biblical Guidelines for Everyday Life, along with the Follow God’s Will companion workbook.

Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Follow God’s Will is designed to help you answer questions including:

  • What does God want me to do?
  • How do I apply the Bible’s instructions to my life today?
  • Where is God calling me personally?
  • How can I make a difference right where I am?
  • How should I navigate relationships with those who think, act, or believe differently than I do?
  • And so many more!

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In Case You Missed It


Equipping Godly Women is passionate about helping you seek God’s will for your life. Check out these related blog posts for even more practical ways to find, hear, and follow God’s will.


How to Know God’s Will for Your Life

How Do I Hear God’s Voice Clearly?

How Do You Know When God Is Speaking to You?

How to Share the Gospel (Without Being Weird or Pushy)


Let us know in the comments: What are some of the obstacles you’ve faced with Scripture memorization? Which of these strategies do you think will be most helpful?

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  1. Thank you very much for your inspiring thoughts! Another great help to memorise Bible verses is the app Remember Me ( It features games, images, audio, Bible flashcards and numerous Bible versions to choose from. It's completely free. No ads, no restrictions.

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