10 Best Christian Podcasts for Women

Looking for the best Christian podcasts for women? Whether you need help with your marriage, your parenting, or you simply want to be challenged and inspired, here are the 10 top Christian podcasts for women of faith that are definitely worth a listen!

10 Best Christian Podcasts for Women Pop Quiz Time!

When it comes to growing in faith, what would you say is the BIGGEST obstacle holding Christian women back today? 

a. Making time for God

b. Overcoming past sin and shame

c. Learning how to read the Bible

d. Figuring out how to trust in the Lord


Answer: While each of these factors definitely plays a role… For many of us, it’s the lack of time (answer a) that’s hurting us the most.

We’re SO busy working, taking care of our families, taking care of our homes, and trying to be the perfect Proverbs 31 woman… that we simply don’t have the time, energy, or motivation left over to do anything else — much less learn how to study the Bible and grow in our faith!

That’s the bad news.

Now — are you ready for the good news? 

I found some awesome resources that I think are REALLY going to help. Not only will they challenge you and inspire you to truly grow in your faith, BUT they don’t add ANY more time to your day!

The answer: Listening to Christian podcasts!


Related Reading: Want to Make Your Faith a Priority?


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Why I Love Listening to Christian Podcasts for Women


Now, I know, Christian podcasts for women aren’t exactly a brand-new phenomenon. Women of faith podcasts have been around for years.

BUT I do feel like they’ve really exploded in popularity lately, especially on social media, and with new Christian podcasts on marriage and parenting popping up all the time, it would be a shame for us not to try them out!

Personally, I just started to listen to some Christian podcasts for women of faith myself — around the time I launched my own Equipping Godly Women podcast — and I’m so glad I did! They’ve easily become one of my favorite things to listen to!


Here’s why:

  • Women of faith podcasts are a great way to fill your mind with Christian thoughts, Scripture, and ideas all week long (not just on Sundays!) Plus they’re a great supplement to things you’re already doing such as bible studies and spending time in prayer.
  • The best Christian podcasts for women are seriously good! They’re challenging, encouraging, thought-provoking, entertaining and so much more.
  • Christian podcasts provide really great perspectives and advice on the real-life issues Christian women deal with every single day (but can’t always talk about) while using God’s word as support.
  • (Most) Podcasts are free! Who wants to throw away money if they don’t have to? Not me! Another reason why I am excited to share these best Christian podcasts for women!


And the thing I love most of all is: Podcasts don’t really take up any time!

While I definitely love reading my favorite blogs by Christian women, they really aren’t made for multitasking. If I’m reading a website, I’m probably not doing much else at the same time.

Podcasts, on the other hand, are absolutely perfect for multitasking.

So you don’t have to figure out when you’ll have time to listen to them… you just listen in while you’re doing dishes, folding laundry, taking the dog for a walk, driving around in the car… or any other boring activity that takes up a lot of your time but not a lot of your attention.

Podcasts are a perfect, simple addition to your everyday life!

**Note: Christian Youtube videos are great for this too! Here are some great Christian YouTubers You’ll Wish You Were Following.


10 Best Christian Podcasts for Women


Okay, so you want to start listening to some of the best Christian podcasts for women, but the real question is: Where do you start???

Hey, I get it. It can be TOTALLY overwhelming to hop onto Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify to find line after line after line of Christian podcasts. How do you choose the best Christian podcasts for women? 

They’re all so different, and honestly, some are a lot better than others. (And even if you find one that is really well done, how do you know the theology isn’t off somewhere? That’s a pretty important thing to consider too!) 

Well, the good news is, you don’t have to figure it out alone. I recently spent HOURS going through the best Christian podcasts for women of faith, asking for recommendations, and checking them out to see what they’re all about.

And now, I have a handy, short list of the 10 Best Christian Podcasts for Women just for you! 

Check them out below!

Equipping Godly Women Podcast - A Bible-Based Podcast for Christian Women


1. The Equipping Godly Women Podcast


Of course, I couldn’t create a list of the best Christian podcasts for women without including the Equipping Godly Women podcast!

In this Christian podcast for women, we dive deep into what it really looks like to live a life that’s ALL IN for Christ. From honest interviews about the topics we all struggle with every day to convicting messages about what it really means to be a devoted follower of Jesus, you’ll find tons of encouragement, inspiration, and practical, hands-on advice here… along with the serious kick in the pants we all need sometimes.

There are lots of podcasts out there designed to entertain you and keep you laughing, but if you’re tired of living a lukewarm life for Christ, and you’re ready to finally experience the real-life change that comes from being ALL IN for Christ, this podcast will challenge, encourage and equip you to do just that.

Check out the Equipping Godly Women Podcast here.


2. The Alli Worthington Show


The thing I instantly loved about Alli Worthington’s Show was how encouraging and uplifting it was. Whenever I listened I felt like I was listening to a friend who wanted to encourage me and share advice that was good for my soul. Those things are what got me hooked on tuning in.

Not only does Alli seem like a cherished friend, but she also is known for hosting guests on her podcast whom she personally respects and wants to learn from. Recent guests include Beth Moore, Lysa Terkeurst, Jennie Allen, and Max Lucado. Her excitement about learning from them will carry over to listeners as they also become eager to hear Alli interview them conversation-style.

The show covers topics such as faith, life, and business, and Alli loves answering listener questions, which is another reason this podcast is so highly engaging. 

Alli is sweet, smart, and a little feisty which makes for a fun listening experience as listeners follow along with this highly-rated and well-loved Christian podcast for women.

Check out The Alli Worthington Show here.


the happy hour with Jamie Ivey



3. The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey


As I was researching the best Christian podcasts for women of faith, this fun podcast is one that just kept popping up again and again, and it’s not hard to see why! With over 200 episodes, The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey has TONS of great content to encourage and inspire you.

The show’s topics are varied (as Jamie says, “the big things in life, the little things in life, and everything in between”), but always relevant, inspiring, and super interesting. Topics include marriage, faith, children, parenting, sorrow, grief, joy, justice, books, what they are loving, plus so much more, making this a good podcast for any category of issues you’re facing or questions you may have.

From Jamie’s noteworthy guests and engaging topics to her charitable, honest, intelligent, and fun personality, this is one of the best Christian podcasts for women, and you’ll want to catch her new episodes every week! You will LOVE having her on your new list of top Christian podcasts for women!

Check out The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey here.


That Sounds Fun with Annie Downs



4. That Sounds Fun with Annie Downs


I MUST include Annie Downs in my choice of best Christian podcasts for women.

I actually got to hear Annie Downs speak at a Christian conference I attended a few years ago, and let me tell you, she does not disappoint — whether on the stage or behind a microphone. With her contagious laughter and ability to make friends wherever she goes, Annie Downs’ podcast, That Sounds Fun, totally lives up to its name.

An interview-style podcast with TONS of Christian “celebrities” ranging from comedians to non-profit CEOs to NFL FOOTBALL PLAYERS (Tim Tebow anyone?), That Sounds Fun will infuse your day with Christian truths that are delivered with heart and wit.

Her show feels like sitting down to coffee with a good friend, and her ability to weave deep conversations is an art. Plus, as a committed Christian CEO, author, and single woman with no kids, her podcast is a great choice for ambitious Christian women who may want something less exclusively family-oriented than the typical Christian podcasts on parenting or marriage out there.

Check out the That Sounds Fun Podcast here.


fierce marriage


5. Fierce Marriage Podcast with Ryan and Selena Frederick


Ready to create an awesome, rock-solid Christian marriage? If so, the Fierce Marriage Podcast with Ryan and Selena Frederick is for you.

In it, husband-and-wife couple Ryan and Selena Frederick have the open, honest, deep, and even playful conversations all of us wish we could have with our spouses on things like sex, finances, communication, purpose, priorities, and many other important topics for the Christian couple.

Conversations will encourage, equip and inspire you to start having some of the same conversations in your own marriage as well.

Whether you’re looking for Godly marriage role models, you simply want to listen to the best Christian podcasts on marriage, or you have a specific question you’d like advice on (they take reader questions!), this is one podcast that deserves a spot on your weekly playlist.

Listen by yourself or with your spouse! Either way, this is a great addition to your list of top Christian podcasts for women!

Check out the Fierce Marriage Podcast here



don't mom alone podcast



6. Don’t Mom Alone (Formerly the God-Centered Mom) Podcast by Heather MacFayden


As a wife and mother to four boys, Heather MacFadyen definitely has the advice and experience we need, and it comes through loud and clear in her Don’t Mom Alone Podcast. One of the best Christian podcasts for parents out there, Don’t Mom Alone is chock full of wisdom, advice, and encouragement!

With a wide variety of guests from a number of backgrounds and life experiences, each episode is full of God-centered truths, spiritual encouragement, and enough honesty to encourage us when we feel like we’ve – yet again – missed the mark in our parenting, our marriages, and our lives affecting our mental health.

Heather also makes a special point to include guests who can share ways to help you navigate deep topics like disability, race, and culture with your kids. Another one of the best Christian podcasts for women, Don’t Mom Alone will encourage you to settle down with God, digging deeper into what He has for you.

Check out the Don’t Mom Alone Podcast here.


million praying moms podcast


7. Million Praying Moms with Brooke McGlothlin


If there’s one thing that Million Praying Moms podcast owner Brooke McGlothlin knows, it’s that parenting comes with challenges. Thankfully Brooke is here to encourage us to tackle those challenges through prayer. What if we spent our time turning to God and making prayer our first response to worry about our children?

How would our parenting change if we prayed over the things worrying our children or the course of their futures? If you’re not sure where to begin with turning to God first for prayer, Brooke can help with that too. She not only teaches you WHAT to pray about but she guides you through HOW to pray.

Covering all topics and concerns related to parenting, Brooke addresses the real-world parenting concerns that parents are facing today.

Check out the Million Praying Moms Podcast here.


Sojo Show podcast


8. The Sojo Show with Arabah Joy and Jen Evangelista

If you’re looking for a fun, spontaneous podcast where two friends chat about how God’s word impacts lives, you’ve found it! Arabah Joy and Jen do a fabulous job of sharing the truths of the Bible, even when they’re hard, while still giving you reasons to laugh.

In this podcast, Arabah Joy and Jen take time to unpack difficult Scripture without watering down God’s word. Some recent topics covered include trusting God, loving others, growing closer to God, and much more! With one or two new podcast topics each week, listeners will gain a lot of knowledge and wisdom about a range of topics that hit close to home.

Ready to jump into God’s word while feeling like you’re hanging out with your girlfriends? Tune in as Arabah Joy and Jen provide a Bible recap of important verses and their potential impact on your life.  Don’t miss this podcast!

Check out The Sojo Show here.



risen motherhood podcast


9. Risen Motherhood with Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler


In researching the best Christian podcasts for women of faith, this podcast popped up time and time again. The Risen Motherhood podcast is a popular choice for Christian moms looking for “gospel-hope” and a fresh perspective in what can feel like the trenches of motherhood.

From issues such as potty training, nap times, disciplining your children, and even recovering from childhood abuse, both hosts Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler show how the gospel really does affect every area of our lives, and how it can help you as a young mother as well.

They remind listeners that when life gets hard (as it often does!) and the mom guilt slips in, you can always turn to the gospel for hope and help. This is one of the many reasons I chose Risen Motherhood in my top Christian podcasts for women.

Their tone may be casual and low-key, but don’t be mistaken. These short (15-20 minute) Christian podcasts are jam-packed with much-needed reminders and plenty of Spiritual truth. If you’re looking for Christian podcasts for moms who parent littles — this is it.

Check out Risen Motherhood here.


stepping into a joy filled life podcast


10. Stepping into a Joy-Filled Life with Katie Hedrick

Are you ready to bring joy back into your life? Even when it feels like you’re dealing with too much or have made too many mistakes, there’s good news! You don’t have to have your entire life figured out in order to move forward. What that means is right here in this moment, you can find joy.

Katie Hedrick is on a mission to help women grow in their faith, improve their relationships, and live a life filled with joy. Targeting the areas of growing spiritually as a mother, wife, and friend, Katie is ready to take you with her on this journey to happiness.

Filled with encouragement, grace, and practical advice, this is one of the most uplifting Christian podcasts for women out there.

Check out Stepping into a Joy-Filled Life here.


Do you listen to any of the best Christian podcasts for women on a regular basis? If so, do you have a list of the best Christian podcasts for women of faith? Share them in the comments below!

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  1. Thanks for the great list of podcasts!! Is there any for women over 50, divorced , 4 adult kids? I’m dipping my toes into the podcast pool!!

  2. I’m trying to find a podcast that got deleted from my phone. I think her first name is “Jen”? She’s from Texas and I was starting to listen to her Judges study. I can’t find it anywhere? Any thots?

  3. I am looking for a great Christian podcast for women who have married later in life (almost 40) and do not have any children. Almost all of these include parenting which is not something to which I can really. Any recommendations?

  4. I would totally recommend another great podcast for Christian women – Stripped Whole, by Simcha Natan.

    I have found them real and gritty – challenging me to push further into God in the hardest of seasons, while rooted in stories from Scripture, weaving together inspiring songs as well… worth a listen!

  5. I'd like to tell you how much we really appreciate your church podcast and I think it's one of the best out there! My wife really loves listening to it. I also listen to it aside from one of my staple podcasts from Keion Henderson! I have to say it's a real treat for Christians!

  6. My wife will love these podcasts! This list of the best church podcasts is really great! I think a lot of them are really great and I have to mention Keion Henderson's podcast as another addition that should make this list!

  7. Another great Christian podcast is His Word My Walk by Kaela McKaig. They are nice 20 minutes episodes and her enthusiasm is just contagious. She is very down to earth and it is easy listening.

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